
教師資料查詢 | 類別:研究獎勵

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
3091 105-1 機械系 葉豐輝 教授 Assisting the visually impaired to deal with telephone interview jobs using information and commutation technology
3092 105-1 化學系 李長欣 副教授 Deletion of the Carboxyl-Terminal Residue Disrupts the Amino-Terminal Folding, Self-Association and Thermal Stability of an Amphipathic Antimicrobial Peptide
3093 105-1 機械系 劉承揚 教授 Digital multi-step phase-shifting profilometry for three-dimensional ballscrew surface imaging
3094 105-1 電機系 衛信文 副教授 CloudBook: Implementing an E-book reader on a cloud platform by an optimized vector graphic library
3095 105-1 資工系 陳建彰 教授 An Expandable Essential Secret Image Sharing Structure
3096 105-1 數學系 曾琇瑱 教授 Influence of Electroosmotic Flow on the Ionic Current Rectification in a pH-Regulated, Conical Nanopore
3097 105-1 機械系 劉承揚 教授 Direct imaging of optimal photonic nanojets from core-shell microcylinders
3098 105-1 企管系 汪美伶 教授 服務氣候、顧客導向行為與顧客情感承諾關聯性之探討
3099 105-1 財金系 陳鴻崑 副教授 Does Monitoring by the Media Improve the Performance of Government Banks?
3100 105-1 航太系 田 豐 教授 Analysis of 3D PPN Guidance Laws for Nonmaneuvering Target
3101 105-1 物理系 彭維鋒 教授 Local Electronic Structure of ZnO Nanorods Grown by Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering
3102 105-1 數學系 曾琇瑱 教授 Diffusiophoresis of a Charged Toroidal Polyelectrolyte
3103 105-1 資工系 張志勇 教授 A Comparative Study on Human Activity Recognition Using Inertial Sensors in a Smartphone
3104 105-1 英文系 黃逸民 教授 Rediscovering local environmentalism in Taiwan
3105 105-1 數學系 郭忠勝 教授 The minimal speed of traveling wave solutions for a diffusive three species competition system
3106 105-1 化學系 謝忠宏 助理教授 Regioselectivity in Ligand Substitution Reactions on Diiron Complexes Governed by Nucleophilic and Electrophilic Ligand Properties
3107 105-1 財金系 李沃牆 教授 狀態轉換下原油期貨對 非能源商品的交叉避險績效=The Cross Hedging Effectiveness of Oil Futures for Non-energy Commodities under Regime Switching
3108 105-1 國企系 林美榕 副教授 指數或量表?以TEDS的政治知識測量為例
3109 105-1 董事會 張家宜 董事長 A National Quality Award Winner’s Practice in Heis
3110 105-2 西語系 戴毓芬 副教授 104學年度研究專書獎
3111 105-1 電機系 楊淳良 副教授 Convergence of Energy Management Data With Optical Access Networks by Sharing the Fault-Monitoring Channel
3112 105-2 風保系 湯惠雯 教授 Earnings Management, Investor Type and Firm Performance of Private Placements
3113 105-1 產經系 胡登淵 副教授 Variation in Engel's law across quantiles in Taiwan: toward an alternative concept of near poverty line
3114 105-1 產經系 胡登淵 副教授 糖尿病對台灣中老年人就業的衝擊─體重控制的緩和效果
3115 104-1 管科系 廖述賢 教授 Mining business knowledge for developing integrated key performance indicators on an optical mould firm
3116 104-1 航太系 田 豐 教授 A Lyapunov Based Multi-level Controller for Semi-active Suspension System with an MRF Damper
3117 104-1 電機系 莊博任 教授 BHAR: A Bidirectional Hierarchy-based Anycast Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
3118 104-1 管科系 曹銳勤 教授 Fuzzy portfolio model with fuzzy-input return rates and fuzzy-output proportions
3119 104-1 資工系 陳以錚 助理教授 MicroRNA Expression Profiling Altered by Variant Dosage of Radiation Exposure
3120 104-1 企管系 張敬珣 副教授 Explore the new relationship between patents and market value: A panel smooth transition regression (PSTR) approach