
教師資料查詢 | 類別:期刊論文

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
511 112-1 管科系 倪衍森 教授 The influence of tourism destination safety reminder information frame on tourists' safety compliance behavior
512 112-2 機械系 何柏通 教授 Existence results for the Einstein-scalar field Lichnerowicz equations on CR manifold in the null case
513 111-1 機械系 何柏通 教授 Slowly converging Yamabe-type flow on manifolds with boundary
514 112-2 機械系 何柏通 教授 Optimal control for the conformal CR sub-Laplacian obstacle problem
515 112-2 機械系 何柏通 教授 Convergence rate of the weighted Yamabe flow
516 112-1 機械系 何柏通 教授 The differential geometry of curves in B1×R
517 112-1 機械系 何柏通 教授 First eigenvalues of free boundary hypersurfaces in the unit ball along the inverse mean curvature flow
518 112-1 機械系 何柏通 教授 Evolution of the first eigenvalue along the inverse mean curvature flow in space forms
519 112-2 風保系 汪琪玲 教授 Information asymmetry in reinsurance through various ceded contracts
520 112-2 風保系 曾妙慧 副教授 臺灣長照產業之歷史發展與課題-準市場觀點
521 112-1 公行系 詹立煒 助理教授 以政策衝突觀點解析2020年我國開放含萊劑美國肉品案
522 113-1 資管系 王豐家 副教授 The impact of perceived corporate social responsibility on employees' turnover intention in professional team sports: A conditional mediation model
523 112-1 數學系 鄭 堯 助理教授 On the Rankin-Selberg L-factors for SO(5)xGL(2)
537 112-2 政經系 林偉修 副教授 美中貿易戰後的國際結構: 政治兩極化會造成貿易關係兩極化嗎?
524 112-2 教設系 潘慧玲 教授 Teacher clusters of emotions and self-efficacy in curriculum reform: Effects on collaboration and learner-centered teaching
525 112-2 化學系 王三郎 教授 Enhancing nematicidal effect of prodigiosin via micro-encapsulation using chitosan as a novel carrier substance
526 112-2 應用科學博士班 施增廉 教授 Synthesis of Flavonols and Assessment of Their Biological Activity as Anticancer Agents
527 112-2 風保系 陳姿穎 助理教授 Estimating Probability Weighting Functions through Option Pricing Bounds
528 112-2 企管系 楊志德 教授 Analyzing Longitudinal Health Screening Data with Feature Ensemble and Machine Learning Techniques: Investigating Diagnostic Risk Factors of Metabolic Syndrome for Chronic Kidney Disease Stages 3a to 3b
529 111-1 風保系 田峻吉 教授 Health Insurance Status and Anxiety or Depressive Symptoms during the COVID-19 Pandemic among US Adults
530 112-2 管科系 倪衍森 教授 Vloggers and consumer choices in the hotel and hospitality sector: The double-edged sword of discounts
531 112-2 數學系 温啟仲 教授 The angiogenesis-modulating effects of coumarin-derivatives
532 112-2 會計系 郭樂平 教授 Incorporating resource optimization for sustainable airline service innovation business decision model: toward circular economy policy achievement
533 112-2 化材系 王儀雯 副教授 Microstructural evaluation of interfacial intermetallic compounds between Sn58Bi and ENEPIG
534 112-2 國企系 林志鴻 教授 Social enterprise, renewable energy, and cap-and-trade under sustainable insurance
535 112-2 教設系 潘慧玲 教授 中央層級課綱推動之跨系統協作:協作與調適之開展
536 112-2 政經系 黃富娟 副教授 Peru's Geostrategic Evolution: Navigating Geoeconomic Potential and Geopolitical Realities in Asia-Pacific Integration.
538 112-2 電機系 莊博任 教授 Enhancing network intrusion detection by lifelong active online learning
539 112-2 企管系 楊志德 教授 Research on the optimal maintenance and inventory model based on carbon tax policy
540 112-2 資工系 陳世興 副教授 Modified inertial subgradient extragradient algorithms for generalized equilibria systems with constraints of variational inequalities and fixed points