
教師資料查詢 | 類別:期刊論文

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
1 113-1 國企系 林志鴻 教授 Insurer green financing for a supply chain under cap-and-trade regulation: a capped call contingent claim analysis
2 112-2 財金系 蕭奕凡 助理教授 The price continuity, return and volatility spillover effects of regular and after-hours trading
3 111-2 財金系 蕭奕凡 助理教授 Overviewing Global Surface Temperature Changes Regarding CO2 Emission, Population Density, and Energy Consumption in the Industry: Policy Suggestions
4 113-1 應用科學博士班 施增廉 教授 Single-Crystal X-ray Analysis of the Diketo form of Asymmetric Curcuminoids and Coupled with NMR Insights into Its β-Keto-enol Tautomerization at Ambient Temperature
5 113-1 國企系 林志鴻 教授 Aligning common prosperity with sustainable development goals 3 and 7 through sustainable insurance
6 113-1 日文系 中村香苗 副教授 ステレオタイプの協働構築と参与者のアイデンティティ
7 113-1 統計系 蔡宗儒 教授 An effective non-restarting control chart based on the joint judgment
8 113-1 統計系 蔡宗儒 教授 Zero-inflated binary classification model with elastic net regularization
9 112-2 統計系 蔡宗儒 教授 Predicting pump inspection cycles for oil wells based on stacking ensemble models
10 110-1 財金系 蕭奕凡 助理教授 Decomposing the factors influencing household debt: the case of China
11 113-1 統計系 林志娟 教授 Domestic and foreign cap-and-trade regulations, carbon tariffs, and product tariffs during international trade conflicts: A multiproduct cost-efficiency analysis
12 112-2 運管系 陳俊穎 副教授 The stand allocation model for aircraft MRO service provider
13 113-1 英文系 張介英 助理教授 Measuring Interpreting Learners' Cognitive Skills: Scale Validation Using Structural Equation Modeling
14 102-2 風保系 趙學斌 講師 保險法第116條優惠期之探討
15 112-1 風保系 趙學斌 講師 評金融控股公司法第65條之2與銀行法第133條之2修正草案─從兆豐1.8億美元裁罰案出發
16 112-2 風保系 趙學斌 講師 一訴合併請求損害賠償及保險法第94條第2項責任保險給付?─從臺灣高等法院108年度保險上易字第16號民事判決出發
17 113-1 風保系 趙學斌 講師 評限制對保險契約權利為強制執行之立法草案─以2024年6月預告之保險法第174條之2草案為中心
18 113-1 資管系 王豐家 副教授 The motivational impact of sport education model on daily physical activity levels among university students: A mediation analysis
19 113-1 應用科學博士班 施增廉 教授 Novel 1,8-Naphthalimide Derivatives Inhibit Growth and Induce Apoptosis in Human Glioblastoma
20 112-2 資管系 陳有科 助理教授 Design of A Real-Time Solar Power Monitoring and Controlling System Using Internet of Things
21 113-1 化學系 王三郎 教授 Recent advances on polydeoxyribonucleotide extraction and its novel application in cosmeceuticals
22 109-1 中文系 黃文倩 副教授 帝國下沉 / 下層 徵候 ──毛姆《面紗》的中國書寫
23 113-1 化學系 王三郎 教授 Enzymatic production of chitooligosaccharide using a GH family 46 chitosanase from Paenibacillus elgii and its antioxidant activity
24 113-1 統計系 張春桃 教授 Optimal Replenishment Strategy for a High-Tech Product Demand with Non-Instantaneous Deterioration under an Advance-Cash-Credit Payment Scheme by a Discounted Cash-Flow Analysis
25 113-1 化材系 黃招財 教授 Impact of Runner Size, Gate Size, Polymer Viscosity, and Molding Process on Filling Imbalance in Geometrically Balanced Multi-Cavity Injection Molding
26 113-1 學動組 楊總成 教授 Rankings and Benchmarks of Volleyball Performance Indicators in High-Intensity Volleyball Game
27 113-1 應用科學博士班 施增廉 教授 Metabolic engineering of the borneol and camphor degradation pathways in Pseudomonas to produce optically pure bicyclic monoterpenes
28 113-1 水環系 李奇旺 教授 Sustainable fluoride removal with scrap aluminum: Co-producing cryolite and hydrogen
29 112-1 戰略所 林穎佑 助理教授 從灰區衝突到全面戰爭:縱觀共軍對台可能衝突光譜
30 103-1 智慧照護所 鄭元成 助理教授 Integrating Unified Communications and Internet of M-Health Things with Micro Wireless Physiological Sensors