
教師資料查詢 | 類別:期刊論文

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
511 105-1 管科系 陳怡妃 教授 TFT-LCD industry performance analysis and evaluation using GRA and DEA models
512 107-1 管科系 陳怡妃 教授 Selection of Best Smartphone Using Revised ELECTRE-III Method
513 112-1 化材系 王儀雯 副教授 Microstructural observation of Bi67In reacting with Cu for microelectronic interconnects
514 111-2 會計系 史雅男 助理教授 新式查核報告修訂對公司投資與現金流量敏感度之影響
515 112-1 企管系 楊志德 教授 A New Look on the Profitability of Fixed and Indexed Mortgage Products
516 112-1 國企系 林志鴻 教授 Enhancing borrowing-firm equity through renewable energy adoption, consumer green awareness, and insurer sustainable finance
517 112-1 企管系 陳曉鈴 助理教授 Simultaneous Effect of the Workplace Exchange Relationship on Employees' Helping Behavior
518 111-2 資管系 鄭培宇 助理教授 The impact of immersive virtual reality on art education: A study of flow state, cognitive load, brain state, and motivation
519 112-1 資工系 胡氏妝 助理教授 Non-destructive classification of melon sweetness levels using segmented rind properties based on semantic segmentation models
520 111-2 資工系 胡氏妝 助理教授 Sentiment Analysis by Lexical Analysis Combined with Machine Learning, International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing & Its Applications
521 111-2 財金系 李沃牆 教授 從im.B事件看臺灣 P2P借貸平台發展與監理
522 101-2 會計系 柯宗漢 助理教授 Forecasting Volatility with Many Predictors
523 101-1 會計系 柯宗漢 助理教授 Elucidating How Environment Affects Patterns of Network Change: A Case Study of the Evolution of an Industrial Network in the Flat Panel Display Sector.
524 105-2 會計系 柯宗漢 助理教授 Structure of a patent transaction network
525 110-2 會計系 柯宗漢 助理教授 Strategic Intentions of Patent Transactions: A Network Analysis of the TFT-LCD industry
526 106-1 機械系 王鈺詞 助理教授 The Effect of Different Size of Slicing Spheres of Polyaxial Screw Head on Static Compression Mechanical Test
527 111-2 公行系 林岱緯 助理教授 找出打贏兩岸人才戰的魔球策略
528 111-2 資工系 林承賢 助理教授 Video based basketball shooting prediction and pose suggestion system
529 111-2 會計系 張雅淇 副教授 薪酬委員會品質是否影響核心代理問題與薪酬績效敏感性間的關聯?
530 112-1 國企系 張勝雄 副教授 The Impact of Digital Disruption: Influences of Digital Media and Social Networks on Forming Digital Natives’ Attitude
531 111-2 學動組 黃谷臣 教授 疫後推動游泳教學的挑戰與策略
532 107-1 國企系 謝志柔 副教授 The Fisher Equation: A Nonlinear Panel Data Approach
533 108-1 國企系 謝志柔 副教授 Corporate Governance, Customer Awareness, and Firm Value: Evidence from TWSE CG 100 Index
534 109-2 統計系 吳淑妃 教授 A modified one stage multiple comparison procedure of exponential location parameters with the control under heteroscedasticity
535 109-2 統計系 吳淑妃 教授 Power comparison of the testing on the lifetime performance index for Rayleigh lifetime products under progressive type I interval censoring
536 111-1 統計系 吳淑妃 教授 Sample Size Determination for Two-Stage Multiple Comparisons for Exponential Location Parameters with the Average
537 111-2 會計系 郭樂平 教授 Investigating the double-edged sword effect of environmental, social and governance practices on corporate risk-taking in the high-tech industry
538 111-2 企管系 楊志德 教授 A Ternary-Frequency Cryptocurrency Price Prediction Scheme by Ensemble of Clustering and Reconstructing Intrinsic Mode Functions based on CEEMDAN
539 106-2 英文系 林嘉鴻 助理教授 Wind Turbine Monitoring Warning Device
540 110-2 電機系 紀俞任 副教授 An automatic polarization switching antenna structure for batteryless IoT devices