
教師資料查詢 | 類別:期刊論文

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
1711 110-2 會計系 顏信輝 教授 關鍵查核事項警示功能之探討:以實質盈餘管理為例
1712 110-2 企管系 洪英正 副教授 Impact of Organizational Culture on Individual Work Performance with National Culture of Cross-Strait Enterprises as a Moderator
1713 110-1 企管系 洪英正 副教授 A Study of the Key Sustainable Factors of Taiwan’s Community Care Centers
1714 110-2 資管系 游佳萍 教授 Risks Associated With the Development Process of In-House Information System Projects
1715 110-2 產經系 池秉聰 教授 The Effect of Dishonest Sellers on E-commerce: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach
1716 109-2 產經系 池秉聰 教授 Efficiency of the Experimental Prediction Market: Public Information, Belief Evolution, and Personality Traits
1717 110-2 風保系 何佳玲 教授 探討影響商業健康險理賠給付之因素
1718 110-2 企管系 張雍昇 副教授 Residents' waste mobile recycling planned behavior model: the role of environmental concern and risk perception
1719 110-2 公行系 蕭怡靖 教授 Political Trust and Attitudes toward Civil Disobedience: Evidence from Taiwan
1720 110-1 建築系 黃奕智 助理教授 日本東京高等工業學校對劉敦楨中國建築史學研究之影響初探
1721 110-2 化學系 王三郎 教授 Conversion of fishery waste to proteases by Streptomyces speibonae and their application in antioxidant preparation
1722 110-2 水環系 簡義杰 助理教授 Isolation of Bacteria Capable of Degrading Various AHLs for Biofouling Control in Membrane Bioreactors
1723 110-2 企管系 張玉坤 教授 Generalized structural equation modeling: Symptom heterogeneity in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder leading to poor treatment efficacy
1724 101-1 歷史系 吳彥儒 助理教授 從亡命到歸降:海盜朱濆朱渥集團的起落
1725 102-1 歷史系 吳彥儒 助理教授 清乾嘉時期(1736-1820)海盜用同安船試探
1726 103-1 歷史系 吳彥儒 助理教授 制器無敵:畢懋康《軍器圖說》與明季軍事技術的改良
1727 104-1 歷史系 吳彥儒 助理教授 日逐雲霄:高魯與《空中航行術》
1728 110-2 企管系 張玉坤 教授 A web-based self-care program to promote healthy lifestyles and control blood pressure in patients with primary hypertension: A randomized controlled trial
1729 110-2 企管系 張玉坤 教授 Structural Equation Modeling (SEM): Gaming Disorder Leading Untreated Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder to Disruptive Mood Dysregulation
1730 110-2 德文系 吳萬寶 教授 歐洲的空間與時間之旅 - 歐洲文化之路
1731 110-2 企管系 吳坤山 教授 Convex-concave effect of financial flexibility on hospitality performance: Quantile regression approach
1732 110-2 企管系 吳坤山 教授 Concave effect of financial flexibility on semiconductor industry performance: Quantile regression approach
1733 110-2 電機系 許駿飛 教授 Broad-learning recurrent Hermite neural control for unknown nonlinear systems
1734 110-1 電機系 許駿飛 教授 Multiobjective H-2/H-infinity Control Design for Nonlinear Stochastic Chaotic Systems via a Front-Squeezing LMIs-Constrained MOEA
1735 110-2 資管系 王豐家 副教授 Effects of teachers’ participation in continuing professional development on students’ perceived physical literacy, motivation and enjoyment of physical activity.
1736 110-1 水環系 蔡孝忠 副教授 Application of Weighted Analog Intensity Prediction (WAIP) guidance on Philippine tropical cyclone events
1737 110-1 水環系 蔡孝忠 副教授 Assessing the potential predictability of tropical cyclone activity in the Philippines on weekly timescales
1738 110-2 國企系 林志鴻 教授 Borrowing-Firm Emission Trading, Bank Rate-Setting Behavior, and Carbon-Linked Lending under Capital Regulation
1739 110-2 土木系 張德文 教授 Settlements and Subgrade Reactions of Surface Raft Foundations Subjected to Vertically Uniform Load
1740 106-1 歷史系 吳彥儒 助理教授 老驥伏櫪—院藏嘉義匪拒圖與張丙事件中的王得祿