
教師資料查詢 | 類別:研究獎勵

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
1561 108-1 物理系 董崇禮 教授 Evolution of visible photocatalytic properties of Cu-doped CeO2 nanoparticles: Role of Cu2+-mediated oxygen vacancies and the mixed-valence states of Ce ions
1562 108-1 航太系 陳增源 教授 Numerical study on air extraction performance of rooftop ventilators
1563 108-1 教設系 陳麗華 教授 社會學習領域課程標準的想像及啟示—評介《美國社會領域課程標準》及《C3美國社會領域州課程標準架構》
1564 108-1 化學系 謝忠宏 副教授 Structural and Electronic Responses to the Three Redox Levels of Fe(NO)​N2S2-​Fe(NO)​(2)
1565 108-1 電機系 丘建青 教授 Optimal Location of the Access Points for MIMO-UWB Systems
1566 108-1 管科系 莊忠柱 約聘專案教授 Application of Grey Theory in the Construction of Impact Criteria and Prediction Model of Players’ Salary Structure
1567 108-1 化學系 陳曜鴻 教授 Embryonic exposure to 4-methylimidazole leads to zebrafish myofibril misalignment
1568 108-1 物理系 何俊麟 教授 Generalized Dirac Oscillators with position-dependent mass
1569 108-1 資管系 游佳萍 教授 Applying a Security Management Mechanism to a System Development Lifecycle
1570 108-1 資工系 林慧珍 教授 A study on the convolutional neural algorithm of image style transfer
1571 108-1 化材系 張 煖 教授 Multi-objective optimization of mixed membrane reactors for autothermal reforming of methane
1572 108-1 統計系 吳淑妃 教授 Computational testing algorithmic procedure of assessment for lifetime performance index of Pareto products under progressive type I interval censoring
1573 108-1 教科系 賴婷鈴 副教授 An investigation of the relationship of beliefs, values and technological pedagogical content knowledge among teachers
1574 108-1 數學系 蔡志群 教授 Effect of Proton Pump Inhibitors on Mortality in Patients with Cirrhosis and Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis
1575 108-1 企管系 張玉坤 教授 Risk factors and prediction model for persistent breast-cancer-related lymphedema: a 5-year cohort study
1576 108-1 電機系 李揚漢 教授 Validation of the Mobile App–Recorded Circadian Rhythm by a Digital Footprint
1577 108-1 日文系 落合由治 教授 マルチモーダル領域における日本語研究の未来展望―AI自然言語処理への接続の観点から
1578 108-1 化材系 何啟東 教授 The influences of recycle effect on double-pass V-corrugated solar air heaters
1579 108-1 化學系 謝仁傑 教授 Controlled Synthesis of Enantioselective 1‑Aminoindenes via Cobalt-Catalyzed [3 + 2] Annulation Reaction
1580 108-1 物理系 董崇禮 教授 Electronic Structure Evolution in Tricomponent Metal Phosphides with Reduced Activation Energy for Efficient Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution
1581 108-1 化學系 陳曜鴻 教授 Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus papain-like protease 2 can be noncompetitively inhibited by 6-thioguanine
1582 108-1 教科系 王怡萱 教授 Interactive response system (IRS) for college students: individual versus cooperative learning
1583 108-1 建築系 林珍瑩 教授 Strengthening the Resilience of Urban Retailers towards Flood Risks - A Case Study in the Riverbank Region of Kaohsiung City
1584 108-1 化學系 鄧金培 副教授 Markedly Enhanced Surface Hydroxyl Groups of TiO2 Nanoparticles with Superior Water-Dispersibility for Photocatalysis
1585 108-1 化學系 王三郎 教授 Effects of Zn/B nanofertilizer on biophysical characteristics and growth of coffee seedlings in a greenhouse
1586 108-1 英文系 蔡振興 教授 Speculating Extinction: Eco-accidents, Solastalgia, and Object Lessons in Wu Ming-yi's The Man with the Compound Eyes
1587 108-1 化材系 黃招財 教授 Investigation on the internal mechanism of the deviation between numerical simulation and experiments in injection molding product development.
1588 108-1 英文系 林怡弟 教授 Taiwanese EFL Learners’ Willingness to Communicate in English in the Classroom: Impacts of Personality, Affect, Motivation, and Communication Confidence
1589 108-1 政經系 周應龍 副教授 原住民選民的族群投票行為:2012年山地原住民立委選舉之個案研究