
教師資料查詢 | 類別:期刊論文

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
121 112-1 電機系 廖書漢 助理教授 Fabrications of the Flexible Non-Enzymatic Glucose Sensors Using Au-CuO-rGO and Au-CuO-rGO-MWCNTs Nanocomposites as Carriers
122 112-1 電機系 廖書漢 助理教授 Microwave Imaging of Anisotropic Objects by Artificial Intelligence Technology
123 112-2 國企系 姜 杰 助理教授 A statistical method for protocol modifications with heterogeneous population variances
124 111-2 物理系 彭維鋒 教授 Mn3+ eg Configuration and Electron Transfer in Na-Incorporating α‑MnO2 to Improve Electrochemical Supercapacitor: An In Situ and Ex Situ X‑ray Absorption Spectroscopic Investigation
125 112-1 電機系 丘建青 教授 An Enhanced Deep Learning Scheme for Electromagnetic Imaging of Uniaxial Objects
126 111-2 國企系 劉菊梅 教授 Understanding vocational passion and learning goal orientation: workplace training and learning implications
127 112-1 化學系 王三郎 教授 Assessment of the chemical profile and potential medical effect of flavonoids-rich extract of Eclipta prostrata L. collected in the Central Highland of Vietnam
128 112-2 戰略所 歐陽睿 助理教授 「兩會」後的中共經貿政策
129 112-2 戰略所 歐陽睿 助理教授 先禮後兵?美國財政部部長葉倫 訪「中」的政治經濟分析
130 112-1 數學系 林千代 教授 Topp-Leone distribution with an application to binomial sampling
131 111-2 統計系 林志娟 教授 Insurer financing for borrowing producers in a supply chain under alternative carbon allowance trades
132 112-1 統計系 謝璦如 副教授 TMEM132D and VIPR2 Polymorphisms as Genetic Risk Loci for Retinal Detachment: A Genome-Wide Association Study and Polygenic Risk Score Analysis
133 112-2 統計系 張春桃 教授 The Impacts of Payment Schemes and Carbon Emission Policies on Replenishment and Pricing Decisions for Perishable Products in a Supply Chain
134 111-2 統計系 張春桃 教授 An Inventory Model with Advertisement- and Customer-Relationship-Management-Sensitive Demand for a Product’s Life Cycle
135 112-2 統計系 曾耀霆 助理教授 The Impacts of Payment Schemes and Carbon Emission Policies on Replenishment and Pricing Decisions for Perishable Products in a Supply Chain
136 111-2 資圖系 張嘉玲 助理教授 A cross-platform recommendation system from Facebook to Instagram
137 112-1 尖端材料科學學程 葉炳宏 教授 Defect-Rich SnO2 Nanofiber as an Oxygen-Defect-Driven Photoenergy Shield against UV Light Cell Damage
138 112-1 財金系 陳羽莉 助理教授 投資人意見分歧與現金減資-以台灣為例
139 111-2 機械系 王鈺詞 助理教授 Feasibility evaluation of a new lattice for porous surface design in additive manufacturing medical implants under interfacial tensile bonded testing
140 111-2 數學系 謝忠村 教授 A partial inverse problem for non-self-adjoint Sturm–Liouville operators with a constant delay
141 112-2 電機系 楊維斌 教授 A High-Efficiency and Wide-Load Current Range LDO with Dynamic Loop Gain Control Technique
142 112-2 電機系 楊維斌 教授 A High-Efficiency and Wide-Load Current Range LDO with Dynamic Loop Gain Control Technique
143 111-2 企管系 張玉坤 教授 Physical Health Attitude Scale among mental health nurses in Taiwan: Validation and a cross-sectional study
144 111-2 企管系 張玉坤 教授 Early Detection of Primary Open Angle, Angle Closure, and Normal Tension Glaucoma in an Asian Population Using Optical Coherence Tomography
145 112-1 管科系 陳水蓮 教授 The correlation between broadband prices and the digital divide: A survey of Taiwan’s north coast
147 112-1 管科系 陳水蓮 教授 Explaining intention to use cloud computing service to expecting sustainable development: antecedents and the moderating effects of age
148 110-2 國企系 蔡依瑩 助理教授 TikTok for developing learning motivation and oral proficiency in MICE learners
149 111-2 風保系 蕭景元 副教授 Risk-sharing function in internal capital markets: Evidence from intragroup reinsurance activities
150 111-2 管科系 廖述賢 教授 Data mining analytics investigate WeChat users’ behaviours: Online social media and social commerce development