
教師資料查詢 | 類別:期刊論文

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
31 112-1 中文系 羅雅純 副教授 戴震哲學「庸德」普世價值之探析
32 112-2 機械系 王鈺詞 助理教授 Injectable ChitHCl-MgSO4-DDA hydrogel as a bone void filler to improve cell migration and osteogenesis for bone regeneration
33 112-2 機械系 王鈺詞 助理教授 Optimizing implant lattice design for large distal femur defects: Stimulating interface bone growth to enhance osseointegration
34 111-2 機械系 康尚文 教授 SLM Additive Manufacturing of Oscillating Heat Pipe
35 112-2 日文系 葉 夌 副教授 生成AIが文学研究の補助になる可能性の一考察 ―村上春樹『一人称単数』を例にして―
36 112-2 統計系 蔡宗儒 教授 Bias-corrected Methods for the Unit exponential distribution and applications
37 112-2 機械系 楊龍杰 教授 Initial study on the onsite measurement of flow sensors-on-turbine-blades (SOTB)
38 112-2 機械系 楊龍杰 教授 A new silicon-mold process for polydimethylsiloxane microchannels
39 112-2 統計系 蔡宗儒 教授 Reliability assessment and remaining useful prediction based on the inverse Gaussian step-stress accelerated degradation data
40 112-2 統計系 蔡宗儒 教授 The reliability inference for multicomponent stress-strength model under the Burr X distribution
41 112-1 統計系 蔡宗儒 教授 Binary classification with imbalanced data
42 112-1 統計系 蔡宗儒 教授 Inference for a general family of exponentiated distributions under ranked set sampling with partially observed complementary competing risks data
43 111-2 物理系 陳樫旭 副教授 Search for subsolar-mass black hole binaries in the second part of Advanced LIGO’s and Advanced Virgo’s third observing run
44 111-1 物理系 陳樫旭 副教授 Input optics systems of the KAGRA detector during O3GK
45 111-2 物理系 陳樫旭 副教授 Noise subtraction from KAGRA O3GK data using Independent Component Analysis
46 112-1 物理系 陳樫旭 副教授 Overview of KAGRA : Data transfer and management
47 112-1 物理系 陳樫旭 副教授 Dark stars and gravitational waves: Topical review
48 112-1 物理系 彭維鋒 教授 Manipulating Spin Exchange Interactions and Spin-Selected Electron Transfers of 2D Metal Phosphorus Trisulfide Crystals for Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction
49 109-2 管科系 倪衍森 教授 COVID-19 event strength, psychological safety, and avoidance coping behaviors for employees in the tourism industry
50 111-2 會計系 顏信輝 教授 收入關鍵查核事項之首年價值攸關性
51 112-1 資工系 郭經華 教授 A Recharging Mechanism for Improving Data Quality and Maintaining Sustainable Lifetime in WRSNs
52 111-2 資工系 郭經華 教授 CSCP: Energy Charging Mechanism for Surveillance Quality, Network Connectivity and Perpetual Lifetime in WRSNs
53 111-2 物理系 劉國欽 教授 Population of merging compact binaries inferred using gravitational waves through GWTC-3
54 111-2 物理系 劉國欽 教授 Overlap reduction functions for a polarized stochastic gravitational-wave background in the Einstein Telescope-Cosmic Explorer and the LISA-Taiji networks
55 113-1 土木系 李家瑋 副教授 Analytical study for numerical instability of steady-state heat conduction problems in exchanger tubes using degenerate kernels in the null-field boundary integral equation method
56 113-1 土木系 李家瑋 副教授 Meshless boundary integral quadrature method for calculating the conduction shape factor of exchanger tubes containing slits
57 111-2 物理系 劉國欽 教授 Input optics systems of the KAGRA detector during O3GK
58 111-2 物理系 劉國欽 教授 Open Data from the Third Observing Run of LIGO, Virgo, KAGRA, and GEO
59 111-2 物理系 劉國欽 教授 Deep learning for intermittent gravitational wave signals
60 111-2 物理系 劉國欽 教授 pygwb: A Python-based library for gravitational-wave background searches