
教師資料查詢 | 類別:期刊論文

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
31 112-1 機械系 李彥霆 助理教授 Recycled sand for sustainable 3D-printed sand mold processes
32 111-2 機械系 李彥霆 助理教授 Simplified Model Predicts Binder Behavior in Sand Mold Printing
33 110-2 機械系 李彥霆 助理教授 Greyscale printing and characterization of the binder migration pattern during 3D sand mold printing
34 113-1 化學系 王三郎 教授 Elucidation of Potent Mammalian Enzymes Inhibitors Targeting Anti-Diabetes Drug from Castanea mollissima Blume, 1851– An Edible Herbal Collected in Vietnam via Experimental and Computation Approaching
35 113-1 機械系 林清彬 教授 Characterizing sliding wear behavior of A1100/AlFe (p) composites produced via repeated fold-forging and annealing
36 113-1 公行系 詹立煒 助理教授 建構資料治理的公私協力夥伴:以宜蘭縣1999縣民專線為例
37 113-1 企管系 楊志德 教授 A Study on the Production-Inventory Problem with Omni-Channel and Advance Sales Based on the Brand Owner's Perspective
38 113-1 英文系 雷 凱 助理教授 Longing for a Home and the Role of Women in Louis L'Amour's Narratives
39 113-1 企管系 陳威任 助理教授 A Study on the Production-Inventory Problem with Omni-Channel and Advance Sales Based on the Brand Owner's Perspective
40 113-1 財金系 陳麗娟 教授 歐盟環境刑法現況與發展趨勢
47 105-1 運管系 林至康 助理教授 以和諧演算法為基礎之混合全域搜尋法求解最小凹型成本轉運問題
41 113-1 政經系 黃富娟 副教授 Advancing Taiwan's Semiconductor Industry: Capitalizing on its Comparative Advantage at the Global, Regional and Firm Levels
42 113-1 國企系 林志鴻 教授 Assessing insurer guarantee cover and risk retention toward SDG 3: a structure-break downand-out call valuation.
43 112-2 學動組 覃素莉 副教授 探討肌力訓練與核心訓練對籃球投籃穩定性之影響
51 94-2 運管系 林至康 助理教授 固定時刻表下之一般性車輛排程模式研究
44 113-1 風保系 宣 葳 助理教授 Evaluating the Efficiency of Capital Enhancement and Investment Constraints in Life Insurance Supervision
45 113-1 水環系 李奇旺 教授 Enhancing membrane fouling control in wastewater treatment processes through artificial intelligence modeling: research progress and future perspectives
46 113-1 經濟系 林士全 助理教授 Rooms versus F&B: How changes in operations contribute to hotel productivity
48 102-1 運管系 林至康 助理教授 Logistical Support Scheduling under Stochastic Travel Times Given an Emergency Repair Work Schedule
49 99-2 運管系 林至康 助理教授 Optimal Scheduling of Logistical Support for an Emergency Roadway Repair Work Schedule
50 96-2 運管系 林至康 助理教授 A New Model and heuristic algorithms for the Multiple-Depot Vehicle Scheduling Problem
52 108-1 運管系 林至康 助理教授 我国台湾地区《数字出版产业发展策略与行动计划》误区分析
53 112-2 物理系 潘璽安 助理教授 The ALMaQUEST Survey XIV: do radial molecular gas flows affect the star-forming ability of barred galaxies?
54 112-2 物理系 潘璽安 助理教授 The PHANGS-AstroSat Atlas of Nearby Star-forming Galaxies
55 112-2 物理系 潘璽安 助理教授 The properties and kinematics of HCN emission across the closest starburst galaxy NGC 253 observed with ALMA
56 112-2 物理系 潘璽安 助理教授 Do spiral arms enhance star formation efficiency?
57 113-1 電機系 周永山 教授 Implementation of a Small-Sized Mobile Robot with Road Detection, Sign Recognition, and Obstacle Avoidance
58 113-1 資工系 張志勇 教授 Dynamic Probabilistic Sensing for Enhanced Target Coverage in WRSNs
59 112-2 資工系 張志勇 教授 MC^3: A Muli-Charger Cooperative Charging Mechanism for Maximizing Surveillance Quality in RWSNs
60 112-2 資工系 張志勇 教授 Design and implementation of a real?time face recognition system based on artificial intelligence techniques