
教師資料查詢 | 類別:獲獎榮譽

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
1291 99-1 電機系 李慶烈 教授 帶領學生參賽獲獎 參與參加2010年電磁應用國際會議和學生創新大賽獎(AEM2C
1292 105-1 董事會 張家宜 董事長 榮獲夏威夷大學未來學研究中心(HRCFS) 推廣未來學傑出成就獎
1293 105-1 電機系 周建興 教授 指導學生朱永龍、許家源、林政陞、王建智參與「2016年智慧終端與人機互動軟體創作專題競賽」,獲得第一名與最受注目獎
1294 105-2 教設系 黃儒傑 教授 104年度教學優良教師
1295 104-2 學動組 趙曉雯 副教授 中華民國大專校院105年度教職員工羽球錦標賽女生團體組第二名
1296 84-1 英文系 羅艾琳 教授 Undergraduate ASW Scholarship. San Francisco State University
1297 85-1 英文系 羅艾琳 教授 Outstanding Achievement Award, San Francisco State University
1298 86-1 英文系 羅艾琳 教授 Research Assistant Grant, San Francisco State University
1299 90-1 英文系 羅艾琳 教授 Professional Development Award, UT-Austin Graduate Studies
1300 92-1 英文系 羅艾琳 教授 Professional Development Award, UT-Austin Graduate Studies
1301 93-1 英文系 羅艾琳 教授 Professional Development Award, UT-Austin Graduate Studies
1302 97-1 英文系 羅艾琳 教授 Australian local government grant awarded for a classroom research project. Title of project: Can You Hear Us? Funding bodies and location: Moreland Adult Education; Australian Flexible Learning Framework; Preston and Reservoir Adult Community and Further Education (PRACE), Melbourne, Australia
1303 98-2 英文系 羅艾琳 教授 TKU travel award for attending a conference and presenting a paper at the conference. Conference: 2010 International Conference on Environmental Literature and Advanced Materials, 14 June 2010. Nagasaki University, Japan.
1304 99-1 英文系 羅艾琳 教授 TKU travel award for attending a conference and presenting a paper at the conference. Conference: The 2nd ASLE-Korea and ASLE-Japan Joint Symposium on Literature and Environment: “Ecology, Consumption, and Otherness,” 30 Oct.-1 Nov. 2010. Sungkyunkwan University, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea.
1305 100-1 英文系 羅艾琳 教授 TKU publication award for a publication in a THCI-rated journal. Publication: “Stephen Crane and the Green Place of Paint,” Concentric (National Taiwan Normal University)
1306 101-1 英文系 羅艾琳 教授 TKU travel award for attending a conference and presenting a paper at the conference for a conference paper. Conference: 4th ASLEC-ANZ Biennial Conference in Association with RMIT and Monash Universities, 31 Aug.-2 Sept. 2012, Melbourne, Victoria
1307 102-1 英文系 羅艾琳 教授 TKU publication award for a publication in a Taiwan Humanities Citation Index (THCI)-rated journal. Publication: “Paterson, Pan, Satyrs, and Deep Ecology,” NTU [National Taiwan University] Studies in Language and Literature.
1308 102-1 英文系 羅艾琳 教授 TKU team research project award for participation in a research project. Research project: Translation of the Canon of American and English Literature. Duration: Sept. 2013-Aug. 2014.
1309 102-2 英文系 羅艾琳 教授 TKU publication award for a publication in a Taiwan Humanities Citation Index (THCI)-rated journal. Publication: Book review of Ecocriticism and Shakespeare: Reading Ecophobia by Simon C. Estok (New York: Palgrave 2011). Tamkang Review. 44.2 (June 2014): 191-199.
1310 103-1 英文系 羅艾琳 教授 KU publication award for a publication in an Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)-rated journal. Publication: “The Systemic Approach, Biosemiotic Theory, and Ecocide in Australia,” CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 16.4
1311 104-1 英文系 羅艾琳 教授 Tamkang University (TKU) travel award for attending a conference and presenting a paper at the conference. Conference: Environmental Humanities on The Ground: Materiality, Sustainability, and Applicability, 6-8 Nov. 2015, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China
1312 104-2 英文系 羅艾琳 教授 Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) grant for book project. Duration of project. 1 Aug. 2016-31 July 2018.
1313 105-2 學動組 陳建樺 副教授 2016 DLIVE 社會籃球聯賽 冠軍
1314 105-1 統計系 張雅梅 副教授 104學年度教學特優教師
1315 101-1 運管系 許心萍 助理教授 UC Irvine School of Social Ecology Dean's Doctoral Dissertation Writing Fellowship
1316 101-2 運管系 許心萍 助理教授 UC Irvine School of Social Ecology Graduate Student Mentoring Award
1317 104-1 電機系 丘建青 教授 2015年亞洲無線電力轉換國際研討會榮獲最佳學生論文獎
1318 105-1 電機系 丘建青 教授 2016年第五屆國際創新通訊及工程最佳論文獎
1319 99-1 電機系 丘建青 教授 99學年度專任教師教學優良教材
1320 97-1 電機系 丘建青 教授 97學年度教學優良教師