
教師資料查詢 | 類別:研究獎勵

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
2551 106-1 物理系 彭維鋒 教授 Correlations and dynamics of spins in an XY-like spin-glass (N i0.4 Mn0.6)Ti O3 single-crystal system
2552 106-1 電機系 李揚漢 教授 To use or not to use? Compulsive behavior and its role in smartphone addiction
2553 106-1 數學系 曾琇瑱 教授 Salinity Gradient Power: Optimization of Nanopore Size
2554 106-1 國企系 曾忠蕙 副教授 The effect of price discounts on green consumerism behavioral intentions
2555 106-1 統計系 蔡宗儒 教授 MEWMA control chart and process capability indices for simple linear profiles with within-profile autocorrelation
2556 106-1 資管系 徐煥智 教授 A multiple criteria decision making method based on relative value distances
2557 106-1 物理系 何俊麟 教授 Modified Kortweg-de Vries equation approach to zero-energy states of graphene
2558 106-1 數學系 温啟仲 教授 A functional inference for multivariate current status data with mismeasured covariate
2559 106-1 未來學所 宋玫玫 副教授 Heart of the dragon: Metaphor use in futures thinking in Taiwan
2560 106-1 資管系 鄭啟斌 教授 Discovering time-interval sequential patterns by a pattern growth approach with confidence constraints
2561 106-1 運管系 陶治中 教授 三元決策理論應用於社群媒體挖掘之情感分析-以UBER 在臺營運話題為例
2562 106-1 教設系 張鈿富 教授 The Relationship between Heterogeneity of Graduate Institutes and Institute-Industry Collaboration Explained by Blau's Index
2563 106-1 電機系 江正雄 教授 A new method of moving object detection using adaptive filter
2564 106-1 水環系 李奇旺 教授 Iodide recovery from thin film transistor liquid crystal display plants by using potassium hydroxide - driven forward osmosis
2565 106-1 尖端材料科學學程 葉炳宏 教授 One-minute fish freshness evaluation by testing the volatile amine gas with an ultrasensitive porous-electrode-capped organic gas sensor system
2566 106-1 產經系 蔡明芳 教授 技術授權與最適貿易政策
2567 106-1 尖端材料科學學程 葉炳宏 教授 A solid-state cation exchange reaction to form multiple metal oxide heterostructure nanowires
2568 106-1 管科系 廖述賢 教授 Data Mining for the Global Natural Resources Funds Development
2569 106-1 會計系 張寶光 教授 An Evaluation of Technical Efficiencies for the Top 100 Public Accounting Firms in China
2570 106-1 統計系 吳淑妃 教授 The optimal allocation combination for the one-sided sequential screening procedure based on the individual misclassification error
2571 106-1 資工系 張世豪 副教授 A Novel Software-Defined Wireless Network Architecture to Improve Ship Area Network Performance.
2572 106-1 資工系 陳俊豪 教授 GIAMS: A generic approach for mining indirect association rules in data streams
2573 106-1 企管系 張玉坤 教授 Exposure to fine particulate matter causes oxidative and methylated DNA damage in young adults: A longitudinal study
2574 106-1 教設系 張鈿富 教授 Meta-analysis Approach to Detect the Effect of Student Engagement on Academic Achievement
2575 106-1 化學系 王三郎 教授 Biosynthesis of α-Glucosidase Inhibitors by a Newly Isolated Bacterium, Paenibacillus sp. TKU042 and Its Effect on Reducing Plasma Glucose in a Mouse Model
2576 106-1 化材系 鄭廖平 教授 Effect of solvent on the dipole rotation of poly (vinylidene fluoride) during porous membrane formation by precipitation in alcohol baths
2577 106-1 應用科學博士班 施增廉 教授 Synthesis of novel C4-benzazole naphthalimide derivatives with potent anti-tumor properties against murine melanoma
2578 106-1 外交系 林若雩 教授 東協共同體的建構與成立:「4C安全文化」之理論與實踐
2579 106-1 電機系 丘建青 教授 Comparison of Particle Swarm Optimization and Self-Adaptive Dynamic Differential Evolution for the Imaging of a Periodic Conductor
2580 106-1 產經系 池秉聰 教授 創意之開發與評鑑:以台灣一家人壽保險公司之創意市場為例