
教師資料查詢 | 類別:研究獎勵

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
841 111-1 政經系 林偉修 副教授 中國崛起與美中互動關係解析(1990-2016):權力轉移理論與貿易和平理論的應用
842 111-1 物理系 董崇禮 教授 A review of energy materials studied by in situ/operando synchrotron x-ray spectro-microscopy
843 111-1 化材系 許世杰 教授 Laser scribing of Ag-decorated graphene for high-performance and flexible heaters
844 111-1 化材系 何啟東 教授 Enhancing the permeate flux of direct contact membrane distillation modules with inserting 3D printing turbulence promoters
845 111-1 物理系 董崇禮 教授 A`-B intersite cooperation-enhanced water splitting in quadruple perovskite oxide CaCu3Ir4O12
846 111-1 統計系 蔡宗儒 教授 A new multivariate control chart for monitoring the quality of a process with the aid of auxiliary information
847 111-1 教科系 王怡萱 教授 Exploring the effects of using various designs of game-based materials on music learning
848 111-1 資工系 張志勇 教授 CORL2: Exploring Cooperative Opportunities, Reducing Latency and Prolonging Network Lifetime for Data Collection Using Mobile Sinks in Wireless Sensor Networks
849 111-1 公行系 張一彬 副教授 Personality Traits and the Propensity to Protest: A Cross-National Analysis
850 111-1 機械系 李宜勳 教授 Design, Manufacturing, and Control of a Pneumatic-Driven Passive Robotic Gait Training System for Muscle-Weakness in a Lower Limb
851 111-1 資工系 林慧珍 教授 Empirical Spatial Density based Emergency Medical Service Demand Forecast for Ambulance Allocation
852 111-1 管科系 時序時 約聘專案教授 Threshold-Enhanced PROMETHEE Group Decision Support under Uncertainties
853 111-1 物理系 陳樫旭 副教授 Diving below the Spin-down Limit: Constraints on Gravitational Waves from the Energetic Young Pulsar PSR J0537-6910
854 111-1 國企系 孫嘉祈 教授 An Intuitionistic Linguistic DEMATEL-Based Network Model for Effective National Defense and Force Innovative Project Planning
855 111-1 電機系 許駿飛 教授 Design of a facial landmark detection system using a dynamic optical flow approach
856 111-1 資傳系 李思壯 助理教授 Examining Compliance with Personal Data Protection Regulations in Interorganizational Data Analysis
857 111-1 物理系 劉國欽 教授 Observation of gravitational waves from two neutron star-black hole coalescences
858 110-1 西語系 張芸綺 副教授 Estudio basado en corpus sobre el estilo de los traductores españoles de Dao de jing (基於語料庫之譯者風格研究: 以西譯本道德經為例)
859 111-1 英文系 曾郁景 副教授 Markedness relation, identity avoidance, and clausal recursion in Mandarin Chinese
860 111-1 物理系 董崇禮 教授 Enhanced anticorrosion properties of nitrogen ions modified polyvinyl alcohol/Mg-Ag ions co-incorporated calcium phosphate coatings
861 110-1 通核中心 戴佳茹 副教授 至高之處:義大利教堂藝術的千年光輝
862 111-1 國企系 孫嘉祈 教授 An Examination of the Catalyst for Tapping into Mobile Financial Services in the Post-COVID-19 World
863 111-1 化材系 余宣賦 教授 Enhancing photocatalytic ability of TiO2 films using gel-derived P/Si-TiO2powder
864 111-1 企管系 張玉坤 教授 Breastmilk as a Multisensory Intervention for Relieving Pain During Newborn Screening Procedures: A Randomized Control Trial
865 111-1 土木系 李家瑋 副教授 On the linkage between influence matrices in the BIEM and BEM to explain the mechanism of degenerate scale for a circular domain
866 111-1 會計系 方郁惠 教授 Toward better purchase decision-performance: Linking person-environment fit to explorative and exploitative use of branded applications
867 111-1 機械系 楊龍杰 教授 Soap film visualization of a 10 cm-span flapping wing
868 111-1 歷史系 林嘉琪 教授 全球思路:臺灣資訊科技人才延攬政策發展史(1955-2014)
869 111-1 國企系 林志鴻 教授 Insurer acquisition in a narrow-synergy structure and policyholder protection under capital regulation
870 111-1 統計系 吳淑妃 教授 Bayesian testing procedure on the lifetime performance index of products following Chen lifetime distribution based on the progressive type-II censored sample