
教師資料查詢 | 類別:研究獎勵

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
1081 110-1 教設系 張鈿富 教授 Exploring policy intervention for demand-driven teacher preparation: a case study in changing elementary education
1082 110-1 電機系 丘建青 教授 Evolution Algorithms Applied for 3D Beamforming UWB Channels
1083 110-1 航太系 牛仰堯 教授 Numerical study of double-diffusive sedimentation in thermally stratified fluid
1084 110-1 數學系 謝忠村 教授 Partial inverse nodal problems for differential pencils on a star‐shaped graph
1085 110-1 管科系 倪衍森 教授 Does the Role of Relatives on Ownership Structure Affect Firm Value?
1086 110-1 統計系 蔡宗儒 教授 Implementation of statistical process control framework with machine learning on waveform profiles with no gold standard reference
1087 110-1 會計系 韓幸紋 教授 台灣財富分配2004–2014: 以個人財產登錄資料推估
1088 110-1 電機系 董崇禮 教授 Preparation of nickel-iron hydroxides by microorganism corrosion for efficient oxygen evolution
1089 110-1 土木系 范素玲 教授 Comparative study for BIM-based contract administration between the cases in Taiwan and China
1090 110-1 電機系 董崇禮 教授 Critical Factors Controlling Superoxide Reactions in Lithium-Oxygen Batteries
1091 110-1 化學系 謝仁傑 教授 Transition-Metal-Free Tandem Cyclization/N-Arylation Reaction: A Method to Access Biaryl Sultam Derivatives via a Diradical Pathway
1092 110-1 航太系 王怡仁 教授 Internal resonance analysis of a fluid-conveying tube resting on a nonlinear elastic foundation
1093 110-1 建築系 姚忠達 教授 Dynamic Stability and Response of Inclined Beams Under Moving Mass and Follower Force
1094 110-1 電機系 紀俞任 副教授 Electrically Switchable Semiloop Antenna with Polarization and Pattern Diversity
1095 110-1 尖端材料科學學程 葉炳宏 教授 Near-Infrared Laser-Annealed IZO Flexible Device as a Sensitive H2S Sensor at Room Temperature
1096 110-1 英文系 張慈珊 副教授 Multicompetent EFL Writers’ Use of Language Repertoire during the Composing Process across Languages: A Case Study
1097 110-1 電機系 董崇禮 教授 A [001]-oriented Hittorf`s phosphorus nanorods/polymeric carbon nitride heterostucture for boosting wide-spectrum-responsive photocatalytic hydrogen evolution from pure water
1098 110-1 化材系 賴偉淇 教授 Novel green and sustainable shape-stabilized phase change materials for thermal energy storage
1099 110-1 會計系 張瑀珊 教授 忙碌會計師與盈餘管理之關聯性
1100 110-1 化學系 徐秀福 教授 Highly Efficient Near-Infrared Electroluminescence up to 800 nm Using Platinum(II) Phosphors
1101 110-1 教設系 張鈿富 教授 Exploring College Student’s Perspectives on Global Mobility during the COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery
1102 110-1 應用科學博士班 施增廉 教授 Synthesis of selenium‐containing biindolyls and their Diels–Alder reaction toward the synthesis of heteroannulated [a]‐ and [c]‐carbazoles
1103 110-1 日文系 曾秋桂 教授 グローバル時代のエコフェミニズムの視点から読む多和田葉子『地球にちりばめられて』―国境無き新しい夢を育むことへの示唆―
1104 110-1 物理系 彭維鋒 教授 Polyacrylate grafted graphene oxide nanocomposites for biomedical applications
1105 110-1 數學系 林千代 教授 Planning Step-Stress Test Plans under Type-I Hybrid Censoring for the Log-Location-Scale Distribution
1107 110-1 資工系 惠 霖 副教授 A collaborative filtering recommendation system with dynamic time decay
1108 110-1 水環系 洪貞伶 約聘專任助理教授 Impacts of urban drainage systems on stormwater hydrology: Rocky Branch Watershed, Columbia, South Carolina
1109 110-1 管科系 倪衍森 教授 The Impact of Institutional Shareholdings on Price Limits
1110 110-1 統計系 蔡宗儒 教授 Model selection methods for reliability assessment based on interval-censored field failure samples