
教師資料查詢 | 類別:研究獎勵

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
931 110-1 應用科學博士班 杜昭宏 教授 Anomalous boron isotope effects on electronic structure and lattice dynamics of CuB2O4
932 110-1 統計系 吳淑妃 教授 One stage multiple comparisons with the control for exponential median lifetimes under heteroscedasticity
933 110-1 觀光系 艾之涵 副教授 How does knowledge flow in industrial clusters? The comparison between both naturally and intentionally formed industrial clusters in China
934 110-1 資工系 張志勇 教授 BIA: Behavior Identification Algorithm Using Unsupervised Learning Based on Sensor Data for Home Elderly
935 110-1 經濟系 林彥伶 教授 Stagnation Generation: Evaluating the Impact of Higher Education Expansion on Social Mobility from the Perspective of Taiwan
936 110-1 產經系 劉家樺 副教授 高等教育的非金錢回報:論高等教育與非金錢收入工作特性、健康與福祉及成癮行為之關聯性
937 110-1 管科系 倪衍森 教授 Tourists perceived crowding and destination attractiveness: the moderating effects of perceived risk and experience quality
938 110-1 資圖系 林雯瑤 教授 Self-plagiarism in academic journal articles: from the perspectives of international editors-in-chief in editorial and COPE case
939 110-1 日文系 曾秋桂 教授 AIのテキストマイニング技術によるエコフェミニズム文学研究への支援―多和田葉子『地球にちりばめられて』を例にして
940 110-1 財金系 鄭婉秀 副教授 Revisiting the roles of gold: Does gold ETF matter?
941 110-1 經濟系 陳智華 教授 消費外部性與經濟成長:兩部門模型的意涵
942 110-1 電機系 董崇禮 教授 Operando Spectral and Electrochemical Investigation into the Heterophase Stimulated Active Species Transformation in Transition-Metal Sulfides for Efficient Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution
943 110-1 教設系 陳麗華 教授 國中社會領域教科書「跨科活動」之分析 ―素養導向設計的觀點
944 110-1 化材系 許世杰 教授 Novel Patterned Sapphire Substrates for Enhancing the Efficiency of GaN-based Light-emitting Diodes
945 110-1 尖端材料科學學程 葉炳宏 教授 Enhancement in the Detection Ability of Metal Oxide Sensors Using Defect‐Rich Polycrystalline Nanofiber Devices
946 110-1 電機系 衛信文 副教授 B*-Sort: Enabling Write-Once Sorting for Nonvolatile Memory
947 110-1 教設系 潘慧玲 教授 How principal leadership facilitates teacher learning through teacher leadership: Determining the critical path
948 110-1 會計系 方郁惠 教授 Building Brand Loyalty and Endorsement with Brand Pages: Integration of the Lens of Affordance and Customer-dominant Logic
949 110-1 物理系 李明憲 教授 Infrared Nonlinear Optical Polymorphs α- and β-SrCu2SnS4 Exhibiting Large Second Harmonic Generation Responses with Requisite Phase-Matching Behavior
950 110-1 物理系 彭維鋒 教授 Structural, electronic, and electrical behaviour of MWCNTs: TiO2 (: SiO2) nanocomposites
951 110-1 水環系 王聖瑋 助理教授 Brackish water desalination using reverse osmosis and capacitive deionization at the water-energy nexus
952 110-1 管科系 倪衍森 教授 Dividend payouts and family-controlled firms – The effect of culture on business
953 110-1 財金系 林建志 教授 偏態係數與樂透效應對臺指期流動性之影響
954 110-1 電機系 董崇禮 教授 Regulating crystal structure and atomic arrangement in single-component metal oxides through electrochemical conversion for efficient overall water splitting
955 110-1 企管系 張玉坤 教授 Effects of a smartphone-based videoconferencing program for older nursing home residents on depression, loneliness, and quality of life: a quasi-experimental study
956 110-1 化學系 鄧金培 副教授 Enhancing Water-Splitting Efficiency Using a Zn/Sn-Doped PN Photoelectrode of Pseudocubic α–Fe2O3 Nanoparticles
957 110-1 企管系 吳坤山 教授 Mental health impact of COVID-19 on quarantine hotel employees in China
958 110-1 土木系 張德文 教授 FD Analysis on Piled Raft Foundation Settlements under Vertical Loads
959 110-1 機械系 林清彬 教授 Optimal photonic nanojet beam shaping by mesoscale dielectric dome lens
960 110-1 企管系 張玉坤 教授 Knowledge and Attitudes of Pediatric Clinicians Regarding Pediatric Pain Management