
教師資料查詢 | 類別:研究獎勵

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
4621 101-1 歷史系 林呈蓉 教授 水野遵:一個臺灣未來的擘畫者
4622 101-1 統計系 鄧文舜 教授 Estimation of 2D Jump Location Curve and 3D Jump Location Surface in Nonparametric Regression
4623 101-1 化材系 鄭東文 教授 Characteristics and trends of research articles authored by researchers affiliated with institute of chemical engineering in Taiwan
4624 101-1 管科系 廖述賢 教授 Investment project valuation based on a fuzzy binomial approach
4625 101-1 財金系 李沃牆 教授 Threshold effects in the relationships between USD and gold futures by panel smooth transition approach
4626 101-1 建築系 姚忠達 教授 A fast and accurate step-by-step solution procedure for direct integration
4627 101-1 資工系 張志勇 教授 BUFE-MAC: A Protocol with Bandwidth Utilization and Fairness Enhancements for Mesh-Backbone Based VANETs
4628 101-1 電機系 李維聰 教授 Improving Handoff Efficiency by IS-FMIPv6 Based on IEEE 802.21
4629 101-1 資工系 張志勇 教授 Tone-Based Localization for Distinguishing Relative Locations in Wireless Sensor Networks
4630 101-1 英文系 包德樂 副教授 Japanese Imperialism and Poetic Matrices: Conventional Projections of Nature and Labor in Early Colonial Taiwan
4631 101-1 企管系 張玉坤 教授 Persistent Cognitive Decline in Older Hospitalised Patients in Taiwan
4632 101-1 資管系 侯永昌 教授 Progressive Visual Cryptography with Unexpanded Shares
4633 101-1 化材系 陳幹男 教授 A New Tri-functional Azetidine Compound for Self-Curing Aqueous PU System
4634 101-1 運管系 温裕弘 副教授 Shipment forecasting for supply chain collaborative transportation management using grey models with grey numbers
4635 101-1 資管系 解燕豪 副教授 A dynamic model of service recovery
4636 101-1 化材系 林正嵐 教授 A complementary electrochromic system based on a Prussian blue thin film and a heptyl viologen solution
4637 101-1 電機系 楊維斌 教授 A 0.5V 320MHz 8 bit x 8 bit pipelined multiplier in 130nm CMOS process
4638 101-1 中文系 高婉瑜 副教授 論《阿彌陀經》漢文異譯本的詞彙與篇章風格
4639 101-1 資工系 蔣璿東 教授 Evaluating Churn Model in CRM: A Case Study in Telecom
4640 101-1 化學系 陳曜鴻 教授 Molecular structure and developmental expression of zebrafish atp2a genes
4641 101-1 物理系 何俊麟 教授 Similarty solution of a class of perturbative Fokker-Planck equation
4642 101-1 AI系 張麗秋 教授 Multi-tier interactive genetic algorithms for the optimization of long-term reservoir operation
4643 101-1 電機系 陳巽璋 教授 Novel Video Transmission Network with Low Cost H.264/AVC Based Distributed Video Coding
4644 101-1 企管系 張玉坤 教授 Evaluation of the feasibility of a school-based asthma management programme in Taiwan
4645 101-1 應用科學博士班 杜昭宏 教授 Polarization-dependent electrolyte electroreflectance study of Cu2ZnSiS4 and Cu2ZnSiSe4 single crystals
4646 101-1 機械系 楊龍杰 教授 Wing stiffness on light flapping micro aerial vehicles
4647 101-1 資工系 許輝煌 教授 Smart Object Reminders with RFID and Mobile Technologies
4648 101-1 資工系 陳建彰 教授 Pyramid Difference Reversible Image Watermarking Scheme
4649 101-1 化材系 許世杰 教授 Fabrication of vertical thin-GaN light-emitting diode by low-temperature Cu/Sn/Ag wafer bonding
4650 101-1 管科系 歐陽良裕 教授 A search space reduced algorithm for mining frequent patterns