
教師資料查詢 | 類別:期刊論文

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
1741 110-2 土木系 張德文 教授 Settlements and Subgrade Reactions of Surface Raft Foundations Subjected to Vertically Uniform Load
1742 106-1 歷史系 吳彥儒 助理教授 老驥伏櫪—院藏嘉義匪拒圖與張丙事件中的王得祿
1743 110-2 學動組 楊總成 教授 The Research of Key Indicators of Performance to Predict to Advance the Knock Out Stage in the International Football Tournament
1744 110-2 資圖系 林雯瑤 教授 醫學圖書館員參與系統性文獻回顧之全球引文分析
1745 110-2 財金系 李沃牆 教授 新冠肺炎疫情對國內銀行業經營績效及風險影響
1746 110-2 電機系 翁慶昌 教授 Design and Implementation of an Autonomous Service Robot based on Cyber Physical Modeling Systems
1747 110-2 電機系 翁慶昌 教授 Moving Object Prediction and Grasping System of Robot Manipulator
1748 110-2 電機系 翁慶昌 教授 Omnidirectional Ultrasonic Localization for Mobile Robots
1749 110-1 電機系 翁慶昌 教授 Kicking Motion Planning of Humanoid Robot Based on B-Spline Curves
1750 110-2 日文系 王嘉臨 副教授 村上春樹文学における女性像-「緑色の獣」を中心に-
1751 110-1 教設系 潘慧玲 教授 The influence of paternalistic leadership on the development of oriental critical thinking
1752 110-2 教設系 潘慧玲 教授 共治共學觀關乎課程變革?教師對十二年國教課綱變革意向的影響因素
1753 110-2 教設系 潘慧玲 教授 校長在學習領導踐行中的資本運用與建構:以推動學習共同體為例
1754 110-2 化學系 王三郎 教授 Utilization of fishery-processing by-product squid pens for scale-up production of phenazines via microbial conversion and its novel potential antinematode effect
1755 110-2 機械系 林清彬 教授 Interface analysis and properties of Al–Fe alloy aluminising coating on S50C steel
1756 110-2 國企系 姜 杰 助理教授 Three-Stage Pooled Plasma Hepatitis C Virus RNA Testing for the Identification of Acute HCV Infections in At-Risk Populations
1757 98-2 國企系 姜 杰 助理教授 Quality of life of patients with ovarian cancer in Taiwan: validation and application of the Taiwan Chinese version of the EORTC QLQ‐OV28
1758 98-2 國企系 姜 杰 助理教授 Quality of life of patients with oesophageal cancer in Taiwan: validation and application of the Taiwan Chinese (Mandarin) version of the EORTC QLQ-OES18: a brief communication
1759 99-2 國企系 姜 杰 助理教授 An inferential procedure for the probability of passing the USP dissolution test
1760 100-1 國企系 姜 杰 助理教授 International cross-cultural field validation of an European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer questionnaire module for patients with primary liver cancer, the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer quality-of-life questionnaire HCC18
1761 101-1 國企系 姜 杰 助理教授 Statistical Methods for Bridging Studies
1762 102-2 國企系 姜 杰 助理教授 Sample size determination for within‐device precision
1763 103-1 國企系 姜 杰 助理教授 Sample size determination for individual bioequivalence inference
1764 103-2 國企系 姜 杰 助理教授 Quality of life changes in patients undergoing treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma
1765 105-2 國企系 姜 杰 助理教授 An approach for sample size determination of average bioequivalence based on interval estimation
1766 104-2 國企系 姜 杰 助理教授 Differences in health‐related quality of life between European and Asian patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
1767 106-1 國企系 姜 杰 助理教授 Prediction of plasma efavirenz concentrations among HIV-positive patients taking efavirenz-containing combination antiretroviral therapy
1768 106-1 國企系 姜 杰 助理教授 Use of interval estimations in design and evaluation of multiregional clinical trials with continuous outcomes
1769 109-1 國企系 姜 杰 助理教授 Use of a two‐sided tolerance interval in the design and evaluation of biosimilarity in clinical studies
1770 108-2 國企系 姜 杰 助理教授 Use of a tolerance interval approach as a statistical quality control tool for traditional Chinese medicine