
教師資料查詢 | 類別:研究獎勵

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
5491 100-1 企管系 張玉坤 教授 The Risk of Eating Disorders Among Female Undergraduates in Taiwan
5492 100-1 數學系 温啟仲 教授 Profiling time course expression of virus genes-an illustration of Bayesian inference under shape restrictions
5493 100-1 統計系 吳淑妃 教授 One stage multiple comparisons with the control for exponential location prarmeters under heteroscedasticity
5494 100-1 機械系 洪祖昌 教授 Design Concept of an Experimental Microsatellite TUUSAT-1B
5495 100-1 中文系 高柏園 教授 理一分殊與自我坎陷—儒學對生命倫理學基礎的反思—
5496 100-1 經濟系 林淑琴 教授 Are Financial Development and Trade Openness Complements or Substitutes?
5497 100-1 水環系 戴璽恆 副教授 Co-evolving delta faces under the condition of a moving sediment source
5498 100-1 財金系 鄭婉秀 副教授 Skewness and Leptokurtosis in GARCH-typed VaR Estimation of Petroleum and Metal Asset Returns
5499 100-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 A real-time mobile vehicle license plate detection and recognition
5500 100-1 資工系 黃心嘉 副教授 A Strong Designated-Verifier Ring Signature Scheme Providing One-Out-of-All Signer Anonymity
5501 100-1 企管系 楊立人 教授 The Association among Project Manager’s Leadership Style, Teamwork and Project Success
5502 100-1 物理系 林諭男 教授 Self-Assembled Growth, Microstructure, and Field-Emission High-Performance of Ultrathin Diamond Nanorods
5503 100-1 數學系 陳順益 教授 Confidence intervals for the mean of a population containing many zero values under unequal- probability sampling
5504 100-1 化學系 王伯昌 教授 Effect of passivants in energy gap of Si47X24Y36 nano-clusters: A theoretical investigation
5505 100-1 資工系 洪文斌 教授 Security Analysis and Improvement of the Remote User Authentication Scheme without Using Smart Cards
5506 100-1 土木系 吳重成 教授 Optimal Designs for Non-Uniform Tuned Liquid Column Dampers in Horizontal Motion
5507 100-1 資管系 周清江 副教授 The Decision Model of Task Allocation for Constrained Stochastic Distributed Systems
5508 100-1 經濟系 林彥伶 教授 The Effects of Employment Protection on Labor Turnover: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan
5509 100-1 會計系 顏信輝 教授 法律環境和市場特性對於不對稱認列應計項目行為的影響:以中國市場為例
5510 100-1 英文系 涂銘宏 副教授 “Stranger on a Train”: Denshaotoko, Serialization, and Otaku Cosmopolitanism
5511 100-1 物理系 彭維鋒 教授 Change of structural behaviors of Organo-Silane exposed Graphene nanoflakes
5512 100-1 水環系 李奇旺 教授 Integration of ceramic membrane and compressed air-assisted solvent extraction (CASX) for metal recovery
5513 100-1 統計系 李秀美 副教授 Implementing lifetime performance index of products with two-parameter exponential distribution
5514 100-1 化材系 黃國楨 教授 Cross-Flow Microfiltration of Dilute Macromolecular Suspension
5515 100-1 化學系 徐秀福 教授 Mesomorphism and Luminescence Properties of Platinum(II) Complexes with Tris(alkoxy)phenyl-Functionalized Pyridyl Pyrazolate Chelates
5516 100-1 水環系 戴璽恆 副教授 Note on the generalized thermal theory for gravity currents in the deceleration phase
5517 100-1 物理系 曹慶堂 教授 Scalar field fluctuations in Schwarzschild–de Sitter spacetime
5518 100-1 資工系 陳伯榮 副教授 Privacy-Preserving Classification of Data Streams
5519 100-1 航太系 陳步偉 教授 Crashworthiness simulation analysis of light sport aircraft fuselage structure
5520 100-1 外交系 戴萬欽 教授 U.S-Japan Security Alliance Treaty at Its 50th Anniversary: Hatoyama’s Challenges to the Obama Administration