
教師資料查詢 | 類別:研究獎勵

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
4021 103-1 建築系 姚忠達 教授 Vibration Suppression of Train-induced Multiple Resonant Responses of Two-span Continuous Bridges Using VE Dampers
4022 103-1 電機系 丘建青 教授 Optimisation of channel capacity for multiple-input multiple-output smart antenna using a particle swarm optimiser
4023 103-1 數學系 楊定揮 教授 On the Dynamics of Two-consumers-one-resource Competing Systems with Beddington-DeAngelis Functional Response
4024 103-1 機械系 楊龍杰 教授 Steel-based bionic actuators for flapping microair-vehicles
4025 103-1 運管系 鍾智林 副教授 Potential applications of speed dispersion in defining freeway level of service and air emissions evaluation
4026 103-1 企管系 楊立人 教授 Requirements Definition and Management Practice to Improve Project Outcomes
4027 103-1 資管系 侯永昌 教授 具有優先權概念之通用型視覺機密分享
4028 103-1 化材系 鄭廖平 教授 Effect of structure of PVDF membranes on the performance of membrane distillation
4029 103-1 會計系 韓幸紋 教授 以家戶總所得為健保費基方案相關爭議之反思
4030 103-1 管科系 李旭華 副教授 The Service Marketing Analysis by Using Six Sigma Management Approach
4031 103-1 管科系 歐陽良裕 教授 Impacts of collaborative investment and inspection policies on the integrated inventory model with defective items
4032 103-1 資工系 林其誼 教授 Realization of Communications-as-a-Service: IPTV Distribution Platform and a Network-based IPTV Audience Measurement Scheme
4033 103-1 化學系 王三郎 教授 Enhanced production of insecticidal prodigiosin from Serratia marcescens TKU011 in media containing squid pen
4034 103-1 資工系 武士戎 教授 Apply HIP to Handover Procedures in Hybrid Access Mode LTE Femtocells
4035 103-1 資工系 蔣璿東 教授 Ultrasound-Guided Aspiration and Ethanol Sclerotherapy (EST) for Treatment of Cyst Recurrence in Patients after Previous Endometriosis Surgery: Analysis of Influencing Factors Using a Decision Tree
4036 103-1 資工系 陳伯榮 副教授 OOPProPHET: A New Routing Method to Integrate the Delivery Predictability of ProPHET-Routing with OOP-Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks.
4037 103-1 管科系 歐陽良裕 教授 Using a QCAC-Entropy-TOPSIS approach to measure quality characteristics and rank improvement priorities for all substandard quality characteristics
4038 103-1 物理系 李明憲 教授 First-principles materials applications and design of nonlinear optical crystals
4039 103-1 資管系 蕭瑞祥 教授 摩斯漢堡:QR Code─創新服務的祕密武器
4040 103-1 英文系 林銘輝 副教授 Blog-Assisted Learning in the ESL Writing Classroom: A Phenomenological Analysis
4041 103-1 管科系 倪衍森 教授 Are investors' portfolios enhanced by incorporating CTA index funds?
4042 103-1 資工系 惠 霖 副教授 Modeling the Convoy Game for Evaluation of Tactical Alternative
4043 103-1 公行系 李仲彬 副教授 The Interplay between Digital and Political Divides: The Case of e-Petitioning in Taiwan
4044 103-1 資管系 吳雅鈴 副教授 Integrating Impression Management into an Expectation-Confirmation Model for Sustaining Weblogs
4045 103-1 教科系 顧大維 教授 Design and development of mobile English learning supporting system by integrating RFID technology for 4th grade students
4046 103-1 統計系 温博仕 副教授 Objective estimates of the probability of death in acute burn injury: A Proposed Taiwan Burn Score
4047 103-1 電機系 丘建青 教授 Computational Approach Based on a Differential Evolution with Self-Adaptive Concept for Microwave Imaging of Two-Dimensional Inverse Scattering Problem
4048 103-1 化材系 黃國楨 教授 Filtration Flux–Shear Stress–Cake Mass Relationships in Microalgae Rotating-Disk Dynamic Microfiltration
4049 103-1 物理系 張經霖 教授 Towards understanding the electronic structure of Fe-doped CeO2 nanoparticles with X-ray spectroscopy
4050 103-1 中文系 高婉瑜 副教授 《景德傳燈錄》語言探索