
教師資料查詢 | 類別:期刊論文

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
1351 103-2 化材系 何啟東 教授 Optimization of three small-scale solar membrane distillation desalination systems
1352 93-2 資工系 惠 霖 副教授 Design a PC-CAVE Environment Using the Parallel Rendering Approach
1353 104-1 化材系 張 煖 教授 Optimization of three small-scale solar membrane distillation desalination systems
1354 93-2 機械系 劉昭華 教授 A three-component strain gage dynamometer for grinding and polishing force measurement
1355 93-2 機械系 劉昭華 教授 A Three-Component Strain Gage Dynamometer for Grinding and Polishing Force Measurement
1356 93-1 數學系 楊柏因 副教授 On Asymptotic Security Estimates in XL and Grobner Bases-Related Algebraic Cryptanalysis
1357 104-1 風保系 陳映而 助理教授 Policy Design of Multi-Year Crop Insurance Contracts with Partial Payments
1358 104-2 化學系 李世元 教授 Enhanced Signal and Quantitative Detection of nti-Interferon-Gamma Antibody by Using a Nanometer Biolinker
1359 93-1 數學系 楊柏因 副教授 On asymptotic security estimates in XL and groebner bases related algebraic cryptanalysis
1360 106-2 企管系 張玉坤 教授 Effectiveness of Story-Centred Care Intervention Program in older persons living in long-term care facilities: A randomized, longitudinal study
1361 87-1 統計系 吳忠武 教授 On characterizations of generalized mixtures of geometric and exponential distributions by conditional expectation of record values
1362 106-1 資工系 洪復一 助理教授 Modelling medical resource allocation with multimedia data on hyper aged district in Taiwan.
1363 106-1 資工系 惠 霖 副教授 Modelling medical resource allocation with multimedia data on hyper aged district in Taiwan
1364 102-2 管科系 廖述賢 教授 Multi-objective Dual-Sale Channel Supply Chain Network Design Based on NSGA-II
1365 103-1 電機系 莊博任 教授 BHAR: A Bidirectional Hierarchy-based Anycast Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
1366 111-1 會計系 方郁惠 教授 Knowledge Hiding and sharing with mobile social networking applications: an integrated model of antecedents and outcomes
1367 107-1 資工系 惠 霖 副教授 Simulation analysis of the search effectiveness on information-based firefighting
1368 102-1 管科系 廖述賢 教授 What can influence the consumers' online word-of-mouth? An online gaming perspective
1369 105-1 資工系 陳以錚 助理教授 A cloud-based type-2 diabetes mellitus lifestyle self-management system
1370 105-1 資工系 張世豪 副教授 A cloud-based type-2 diabetes mellitus lifestyle self-management system
1371 105-1 資工系 張世豪 副教授 A cloud-based type-2 diabetes mellitus lifestyle self-management system
1372 105-1 資工系 張世豪 副教授 A cloud-based system for dynamically capturing appliance usage relations
1373 105-1 資工系 陳以錚 助理教授 A cloud-based system for dynamically capturing appliance usage relations
1374 105-2 會計系 謝宜樺 副教授 The difference in strategic fit between Western and Asian countries - evidence from audit firms of Taiwan
1375 105-2 會計系 林凱薰 助理教授 The difference in strategic fit between Western and Asian countries - evidence from audit firms of Taiwan
1376 103-1 經濟系 陳智華 教授 Environmental Policy and Economic Growth: The Macroeconomic Implications of the Health Effect.
1377 102-2 經濟系 林亦珍 教授 Inequality-Growth Nexus along the Development Process
1378 102-2 財金系 黃河泉 教授 Inequality-Growth Nexus along the Development Process
1379 95-1 經濟系 廖惠珠 教授 Dating Breaks for Global Crude Oil Price and Their Volatility: A Possible Price Band for Crude Oil
1380 104-1 企管系 楊立人 教授 Testing a framework for evaluating critical success factors of projects