
教師資料查詢 | 單位:管科系

# 學年期 類別 教師 名稱
4343 90-1 期刊論文 李培齊 教授 The impact of conflicting information on decision makers
4342 89-2 期刊論文 李培齊 教授 The Impact of Personal Gains on Cognitive Dissonance for Business Ethics Judgments
4341 100-1 期刊論文 陳登源 副教授 The Impact of Regulatory Changes on Banks Risks and Returns in Taiwan
4340 94-2 期刊論文 廖述賢 教授 The reliability of general vague fault-tree analysis on weapon systems fault diagnosis
4339 99-2 期刊論文 廖述賢 教授 The Rough Set-Based Algorithm for Two Steps
4338 95-1 期刊論文 歐陽良裕 教授 The single-vendor single-buyer integrated inventory problem with quality improvement and lead time reduction — minimax distribution-free approach
4337 100-2 期刊論文 陳海鳴 教授 The Utility of O-T-P Model in Taiwan Coast Guard
4336 53-2 期刊論文 盛慶琜 教授 Threshold logic elements used as a probability transformer
4335 94-1 期刊論文 李旭華 副教授 Total quality management
4334 92-2 期刊論文 張紘炬 教授 Using Randomized Response to Estimate the Proportion and Truthful Reporting Probability in a Dichotomous Finite Population
4333 102-2 會議論文 廖述賢 教授 Exploring the Relationship among Proactive Personality, Competency-Based Pay, Creative Process and Employee Creativity
4332 101-1 會議論文 廖述賢 教授 A Clash of Personality? The Impact of Consumer Personality on Brand Personality and Word-of-Mouth: Generation as the Moderator
4331 101-1 會議論文 廖述賢 教授 A study of the relationships among paternalistic leadership psychological contract, and turnover intention on Indonesian workers in Taiwan
4330 88-1 期刊論文 歐陽良裕 教授 涵括數量折扣、額外積壓資金和隨機欠撥率的(Q,r,L)存貨模型
4329 99-2 期刊論文 牛涵錚 教授 What is professional? An experiential learning theory perspective of sales engineer competencies in the semiconductor industry
4328 94-1 期刊論文 廖述賢 教授 Will China become a military space superpower?
4327 92-1 期刊論文 廖述賢 教授 一新2-tuples模糊語言運算在資訊專業人員團隊績效評估之應用
4326 96-2 期刊論文 陳怡妃 教授 從關係行銷觀點研究影響關係品質與忠誠度意圖之關係-以西藥產業為例
4325 105-2 非教學研習 楊維楨 教授 2017提升競爭力與經營管理研討會(2017-05-01 09:00:00 ~ 17:00:00)
4324 105-2 研發處: 研究計畫 (非國科會) 陳怡妃 教授 全家企業大學之大數據合作計畫
4323 96-2 期刊論文 廖述賢 教授 國際觀光旅館主管與部屬關係、工作滿足與組織承諾關聯性之研究
4322 105-1 研究獎勵 曹銳勤 教授 Smartphone Market Analysis Using Dynamic Multi-Criteria Decision Methods
4321 105-1 研究獎勵 曹銳勤 教授 Fuzzy Portfolio Selection Using a Weighted Function of Possibilistic Mean and Variance in Business Cycles
4320 105-1 研究獎勵 曹銳勤 教授 Green Performance Assessment for Retail Industry in Taiwan
4319 105-1 研究獎勵 陳水蓮 教授 Incremental performance of an eChannel addition: Long-term and volatility consideration perspectives
4318 105-1 研究獎勵 時序時 約聘專案教授 A mixed-data evaluation in group TOPSIS with differentiated decision power
4317 105-1 研究獎勵 婁國仁 教授 Nash and integrated solutions in a just-in-time seller–buyer supply chain with buyer's ordering cost reductions
4316 105-1 研究獎勵 廖述賢 教授 Mining marketing knowledge to explore social network sites and online purchase behaviors
4315 105-1 研究獎勵 牛涵錚 教授 Is innovation behavior congenital? Enhancing job satisfaction as a moderator
4314 105-1 研究獎勵 廖述賢 教授 A rough set-based association rule approach implemented on exploring beverages product spectrum