
教師資料查詢 | 類別:會議論文

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
5971 104-2 航太系 汪愷悌 助理教授 Generation of anisotropic electron distributions in the Earth's magnetosphere
5972 104-2 航太系 汪愷悌 助理教授 Electric Fields Observed at Dipolarization Sites in Earth's Magnetotail
5973 104-2 航太系 汪愷悌 助理教授 Pitch-Angle Distribution for Electrons at Dipolarization Sites: Radial Dependence
5974 105-1 資工系 黃煌文 副教授 Investigation of Saline Injection Impact on Thermal Lesion for Radiofrequency Ablation Medical Therapy: Visual Computer Simulation
5975 105-1 電機系 許駿飛 教授 Chaos synchronization using brain-emotional-learning-based fuzzy control
5976 104-2 電機系 許駿飛 教授 Fuzzy rule-based line following control for wheeled inverted pendulum robots
5977 104-2 資工系 洪文斌 教授 The Research and Development of Virtual Reality Based Multi-Users Fire Evacuation Simulation System
5978 105-1 資圖系 林雯瑤 教授 Citizen participation, controversial social issues, and the information services of public libraries: the perspective of librarians in Taiwan
5979 104-2 教設系 陳麗華 教授 Educating Caring and Active Citizens for Democratic Taiwan: The Future-oriented Perspectives and Practices of Taiwan’s New Curriculum Guidelines for the Twelve-year National Basic Education
5980 104-2 財金系 顧廣平 教授 月營收投資策略
5981 104-2 師培中心 張雅芳 教授 Exploring a senior teacher’s change in a learning community for improving pre-service teachers’ quality
5982 104-2 師培中心 張雅芳 教授 Examining the Use of Learning Communities to Improve Pre-service Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
5983 104-2 師培中心 張雅芳 教授 數據會說話:國中國語文低成就學生之特性分析
5984 96-1 中文系 楊宗翰 副教授 評論轉型視野下的當代女性詩學
5985 94-1 中文系 楊宗翰 副教授 冒現期台灣新詩史
5986 105-1 教設系 張鈿富 教授 Detecting the Influencing of Learning Community on Students’ Self-directed Learning by Experimental Model
5987 105-1 教設系 張鈿富 教授 Detecting Heterogeneity in Graduate Institutes Impacts on Effect of Institute-Industry Collaboration
5988 105-1 教設系 張鈿富 教授 Meta-analysis Approach to Detect the Effect of Student Engagement on Academic Achievement
5989 104-2 管科系 陳海鳴 教授 The impact of university reputation, organization socialization and P-O Fit on student learning?
5990 103-2 管科系 陳海鳴 教授 How to create service innovation in customer-oriented organizations?
5991 105-1 教設系 楊 瑩 教授 Recent reform on Higher Education Quality Assurance System in Taiwan
5992 104-2 英文系 林銘輝 副教授 Written errors in Contemporary Taiwanese high school students’ compositions: A case study
5993 104-2 英文系 林銘輝 副教授 Corpus-aided language teaching: Transforming EFL grammar teachers in Taiwan: A case study
5994 104-2 資傳系 陳意文 副教授 Determinants of Users’ Co-creation Intention: An extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior
5995 104-2 資傳系 陳意文 副教授 Utilize Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to Explore the Determinants of Users’ Co-creation Intention
5996 105-1 國企系 黃哲盛 助理教授 Why Even the Brand Lover Might Switch to Other Brand: A Switch Path Analysis
5997 104-2 國企系 黃哲盛 助理教授 When and Why the Brand Lover Won’t Love the Brand
5998 105-1 日文系 中村香苗 副教授 高評価を得た話し合いにおけるL1話者のふるまいの特徴ー日本語L1-L2学生間のフィッシュボウル式議論訓練からー
5999 104-2 運管系 許超澤 教授 Using a hybrid model to explore the key factors for a successful aerotropolis
6000 104-2 公行系 韓 釗 副教授 The Fear Management Model: Building an Integrative Fear Appeal Theory through System Dynamics