
教師資料查詢 | 教師:林嘉琪

# 學年期 類別 標題
451 103-1 赴校外學術交流 中央研究院歷史人口系列演講-黃淑莉博士(美國密西根大學人類學博士)
452 103-1 出席學術性會議 2014淡水學暨區域社會史國際學術研討會
453 103-2 教學計畫表 歷史一:世界通史 TAHXB1A1212 2B
454 103-1 教學計畫表 歷史一碩士班:歐洲社會文化史研究 TAHXM1A2836 0A
455 103-1 教學計畫表 歷史三:西洋近代史 TAHXB3A0325 1A
456 103-1 教學計畫表 歷史文化商管:西洋歷史與人物 TNLPB1A2505 0A
457 96-1 會議論文 Household registration system and application in historical demography: the Netherlands and Taiwan during the pre-industrial period
458 103-1 教學計畫表 歷史一:世界通史 TAHXB1A1212 1B
459 102-2 會議論文 Challenge and prospect of creating Taiwanese historical information of social stratification and occupation database (THISCO)
460 102-2 會議論文 Social Mobility in Colonial Taiwan, 1906 -1945
461 102-2 出席學術性會議 International workshop of population reconstruction
462 102-2 出席學術性會議 第七屆台灣前鋒科學論壇
463 102-2 教學計畫表 國企系一:西洋歷史與人物 TLFXB1A2505B0A
464 102-2 教學計畫表 歷史三:西洋近古史 TAHXB3A0326 2A
465 102-2 教學計畫表 歷史一:世界通史 TAHXB1A1212 2B
466 95-1 期刊論文 Household Register Data in Colonial Taiwan: Introduction and Application
467 100-1 專書 Female Heads of Households in Eurasian Societies- Taipei and Rotterdam in times of industrialization 歐亞社會中的女人當家:(前)工業化時期的臺北與鹿特丹
468 95-2 會議論文 Family composition and infant mortality in Taipei 1906-1944
469 101-2 會議論文 Family influence on marriage strategy and occupational attainment ‐ I Don't: The Effects of Parents' Death on Celibacy and Marriage Timing in the Netherlands (1860‐1922)
470 97-2 會議論文 Dutch female-headed household formation system: a case study of Rotterdam, 1860-1900
471 98-1 會議論文 The life course of Dutch female head of household: a case study of Rotterdam, 1850-1922
472 98-2 會議論文 The life course of female-headed household in Taiwan: a case study of Taipei, 1906-1944
473 98-2 會議論文 Culture influence on seasonal patterns on demographic behavior in the Netherlands and Taiwan
474 99-1 會議論文 I Don’t: The Effects of Parents’ Death on Celibacy and Marriage Timing in 19th-century Sart
475 99-1 會議論文 The Life Course of Female-headed Households in Eurasian Society
476 99-2 會議論文 Migration and female headship: a historical demographic evidence of female-headed household formation system in Taiwan, 1906-1944
477 100-2 會議論文 Another Marriage Choice: A Study of Uxorilocal Marriage in Taiwan, Comparative Research of Taiwanese (Min Nan) and Hakka Communities, 1906-1944
478 101-1 會議論文 Uxorilocal marriage in Taiwan,1906-1945
479 97-1 學術演講 The discussion of formation system of Taiwanese female-headed household”, Workshop of historical demography, at National ChiNan University, organized by Program for Historical Demography
480 101-2 學術演講 歐亞社會中的女人當家:以臺北與鹿特丹為例