
教師資料查詢 | 教師:許輝煌

# 學年期 類別 標題
571 94-1 參與學術服務 the International Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Elsevier Publishers Reviewer
572 94-1 參與學術服務 Journal of Mobile Multimedia, Rinton Press Reviewer
573 94-1 參與學術服務 Journal of Interconnection Networks, Special Issue on Information Networking and P2P Systems, World Reviewer
574 94-1 參與學術服務 Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, T Reviewer
575 94-1 參與學術服務 International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, Special Issue on Issues and Challenges in Wi Reviewer
576 93-1 參與學術服務 the International Journal of Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier Reviewer
577 93-1 參與學術服務 International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking, Inderscience Publishers Reviewer
578 93-1 參與學術服務 Computers and Electrical Engineering (an International Journal), Elsevier Reviewer
579 92-1 參與學術服務 International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, Inderscience Publishers Reviewer
580 92-1 參與學術服務 IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Reviewer
581 92-1 參與學術服務 Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering Reviewer
582 90-1 參與學術服務 International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, Idea Group Publishing, USA Reviewer
583 89-1 參與學術服務 IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks Reviewer
584 96-2 學術演講 Institute of Medical Informatics, National Cheng Kung University Protein Crystallization Prediction by SVM
585 96-2 學術演講 Overseas Chinese University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan Motion Analysis in Sports Video: A Case Study in Standing Long Jumps
586 95-2 學術演講 高雄大學資訊工程系 Web 2.0: An Introduction
587 95-1 學術演講 淡江大學資訊軟體系 Introduction to Bioinformatics and its Applications
588 94-2 學術演講 日本 會津大學 Behavior Analysis with Combined RFID and Video Information
589 94-2 學術演講 日本 早稻田大學 E-Learning for Physical Education: An Example on Standing Long Jumps
590 94-2 學術演講 日本 東京電機大學 Hyper-Interactive Video Authoring and Browsing
591 94-1 學術演講 真理大學 資訊科學系 Information Integration for Protein Identification
592 94-1 學術演講 嘉義大學 資訊工程系 Information Integration for Protein Identification
593 94-1 學術演講 雲林科技大學 電機系 Hyper-Interactive Video Authoring and Browsing
594 93-2 學術演講 日本 會津大學 Hyper-Interactive Video Authoring and Browsing
595 93-2 學術演講 台灣大學醫學院外科 Introduction to Data Mining
596 93-1 學術演講 清華大學資訊工程系 Data Mining and Its Applications to Bioinformatics
597 91-2 學術演講 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Towards Error-Free and Personalized Web-Based Courses
598 89-2 學術演講 Department of Computer Science, Chinese Culture University Web Recommendation Systems and Customized Advertising
599 88-2 學術演講 Department of Computer Science, Aletheia University, Taipei, Taiwan A Web-Ad Customization Model based on Fuzzy Databases
600 88-2 學術演講 Takming College, Taipei, Taiwan Web Advertisement in E-Commerce