
教師資料查詢 | 類別:研究獎勵

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
3811 103-1 化學系 謝忠宏 助理教授 A new member of tetranuclear dinitrosyl iron complexes (DNICs) with 2-mercaptothiazoline ligand: synthesis, structure and properties
3812 103-1 化學系 徐秀福 教授 Dynamic Structural Transformation of Resveratrol-Modified Stearate Liposomes Led to a Spontaneous Drug Release System
3813 103-1 航太系 蕭照焜 約聘專案教授 Unscented Kalman Filtering for Attitude Determination Using MEMS Sensors
3814 103-1 國企系 孫嘉祈 教授 A conceptual framework for R&D strategic alliance assessment for Taiwan’s biotechnology industry
3815 103-1 物理系 薛宏中 教授 First-Principles Method of Propagation of Tightly Bound Excitons: Verifying the Exciton Band Structure of LiF with Inelastic x-Ray Scattering
3816 103-1 化學系 陳曜鴻 教授 Blood Vessel Epicardial Substance (Bves) Regulates Epidermal Tight Junction Integrity through Atypical Protein Kinase C
3817 103-1 物理系 彭維鋒 教授 Observation of the Origin of d0 Magnetism in ZnO Nanostructures Using X-ray-based Microscopic and Spectroscopic Techniques
3818 103-1 資傳系 陳意文 副教授 複雜理論觀點下之創新產業政策:以韓國推動智慧 家庭產業為例
3819 103-1 化材系 葉和明 教授 Modified correction-factor analysis on membrane extraction in multipass countercurrent-flow external-recycle rectangular modules
3820 103-1 資工系 許輝煌 教授 The Evolutionary Random Interval Fingerprint for a More Secure Wireless Communication
3821 103-1 管科系 曹銳勤 教授 Tourism demand forecasting using a novel high-precision fuzzy time series model
3822 103-1 物理系 莊程豪 教授 Electrochemical Reactivity with Lithium of Spinel-type ZnFe2–yCryO4 (0 ≤ y ≤ 2)
3823 103-1 統計系 張雅梅 副教授 Nonparametric estimation of the dependence of a spatial point process on spatial covariates
3824 103-1 電機系 翁慶昌 教授 An Approach for Fuzzy Modeling based on Self-Organizing Feature Maps Neural Network
3825 103-1 機械系 康尚文 教授 Visualization and thermal resistance of a sintered wicks structure evaporator in a two phase loop thermosyphon
3826 103-1 資管系 徐煥智 教授 A data mining approach to discovering reliable sequential patterns
3827 103-1 教設系 張鈿富 教授 Fuzzy Relationship between Facebook Using and Security Awareness
3828 103-1 國企系 孫嘉祈 教授 Combining grey relation analysis and entropy model for evaluating the operational performance: an empirical study
3829 103-1 資工系 黃仁俊 教授 An Anonymous Distributed Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
3830 103-1 物理系 何俊麟 教授 Degrees of entanglement for multipartite systems
3831 103-1 化材系 何啟東 教授 Theoretical and Experimental Studies of the Ultra-Thin-Channel Solar Water Collector
3832 103-1 經濟系 林淑琴 教授 Dynamic Effects of Financial Openness on Economic Growth and Macroeconomic Uncertainty
3833 103-1 土木系 洪勇善 教授 The performance of a sand column internally reinforced with horizontal reinforcement layers
3834 103-1 會計系 謝宜樺 副教授 Are Underwriters and Investors Concerned Regarding Intellectual Capital? Evidence from IPOs in Taiwan
3835 103-1 化材系 何啟東 教授 Performance Analysis for An Inclined Thermal Diffusion Column with Side-stream Operation for Heavy Water Enrichment
3836 103-1 財金系 林建志 教授 How do Heterogeneous Beliefs Influence Asset Volatility?
3837 103-1 企管系 張敬珣 副教授 Enhance environmental commitments and green intangible assets toward green competitive advantages: an analysis of structural equation modeling (SEM)
3838 103-1 資圖系 王美玉 教授 Public Library Blogs and Elders' Self-Learning: A Content Analysis
3839 103-1 數學系 郭忠勝 教授 Dynamics for a complex-valued heat equation with an inverse nonlinearity
3840 103-1 教設系 陳麗華 教授 師培地球村-以國際教育志工服務方案培養教師的國際化意識