
教師資料查詢 | 教師:王三郎

# 學年期 類別 標題
249 108-1 會議論文 A thermostable chitosanase from shrimp heads conversion by Paenibacillus mucilaginosus TKU032 and its application in the preparation of bioactive chitosan oligosaccharides.
250 107-2 會議論文 Antidiabetic materials produced by Paenibacillus fermentation
251 108-1 會議論文 Utilization of Squid Pens for Cost-Effective Production of anti-Nematodes Agents via Microbial Fermentation
252 108-1 會議論文 Preparation of the Micronutrient Nanofertilizers Based on Chitosan Starch Nanocomposite, and Their Efficacy on Photosynthesis, Growth and Productivity of Robusta Coffee in the Field
253 108-1 會議論文 Conversion of shrimp head powder to proteases and congo red biosorbent via Paenibacillus mucilaginosus
254 108-1 會議論文 Pectinase producing and purification from microbes isolated from soil
255 108-1 會議論文 Conversion of shrimp heads waste for production of a thermotolerant, detergent-stable, alkaline protease by Paenibacillus sp.
256 108-1 會議論文 Conversion of wheat Bran to xylanases via Streptomyces. thermocarboxydus.
257 107-1 期刊論文 Antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of lichens collected from Bidoup Nui Ba National Park, Vietnam
268 108-1 教學計畫表 化學一碩士班:生物技術 TSCXM1S0072 0A
269 108-1 教學計畫表 化學系生化三:微生物學 TSCCB3S0805 0A
270 108-1 教學計畫表 化學系生化三:儀器分析實驗 TSCCB3S0416 1A
258 106-2 期刊論文 In vitro α-glucosidase and α-amylase inhibition, and in vivo anti-hyperglycemic effects of Psidium littorale Raddi leaf extract
259 103-2 期刊論文 Recent Advances in Exopolysaccharides from Paenibacillus spp.: Production, Isolation, Structure, and Bioactivities
260 107-2 期刊論文 Anti-α-glucosidase activity by a protease from Bacillus licheniformis
261 107-1 期刊論文 Bioactivity-guided purification of novel herbal antioxidant and anti-NO compounds from Euonymus laxiflorus Champ
262 107-1 期刊論文 Production of potent antidiabetic compounds from shrimp head powder via Paenibacillus conversion
263 107-1 期刊論文 Antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of lichens collected from Bidoup Nui Ba National Park, Vietnam
264 107-1 期刊論文 Novel Potent Hypoglycemic Compounds from Euonymus laxiflorus Champ. and Their Effect on Reducing Plasma Glucose in an ICR Mouse Model
265 107-1 期刊論文 Reclamation of shrimp heads for the production of α-glucosidase inhibitors by Staphylococcus sp. TKU043
266 106-2 期刊論文 Isolation and identification of novel α-amylase inhibitors from Euonymus laxiflorus Champ
267 108-1 教學計畫表 化材一博士班:書報討論(一) TEDXD1T0095 0A
241 107-1 參與學術服務 Guest Editor, Research on Chemical Intermediates (Springers)
242 104-1 參與學術服務 Editorial Board, Research on Chemical Intermediates (Springers)
243 108-1 參與學術服務 Guest Editor, Polymers (MDPI)
244 108-1 參與學術服務 Editorial Board, Polymers (MDPI)
245 108-1 赴校外學術交流 Opening Speech. The 7th HCMUT-TKU-OPU-KMITL-DLU-TNU Joint Symposium on Chemistry, Environment, Natural Sciences and Technologies
246 108-1 赴校外學術交流 Organizing Committee. The 7th HCMUT-TKU-OPU-KMITL-DLU-TNU Joint Symposium on Chemistry, Environment, Natural Sciences and Technologies
247 108-1 赴校外學術交流 Keynote Lecture. The 7th HCMUT-TKU-OPU-KMITL-DLU-TNU Joint Symposium on Chemistry, Environment, Natural Sciences and Technologies
248 108-1 期刊論文 Preface