
教師資料查詢 | 教師:吳碩傑

# 學年期 類別 標題
151 101-1 期刊論文 Estimating the parameters of a bathtub-shaped distribution under progressive type-II censoring
152 101-1 會議論文 Reliability sampling plans under progressively first-failure censored in presence of cost constraint
153 100-2 會議論文 Optimal warranty policy for a Pareto distributed products based on progressive censored sample
154 98-2 期刊論文 Optimal progressive group-censoring plans for exponential distribution in presence of cost constraint
155 96-1 期刊論文 Alternative estimation procedure in SPC when the process data are correlated
156 100-2 會議論文 Optimal progressive group censoring scheme under cost considerations for Pareto distribution
157 101-1 期刊論文 Bayesian Estimation and Prediction for Weibull Model with Progressive Censoring
158 99-2 會議論文 Optimal Progressive Group-Censoring Plans for Logistic Distribution Under Cost Constraint
159 97-2 會議論文 逐步型一區間設限在成本限制下的可靠度抽樣計畫
160 96-1 會議論文 成本限制下之最適逐步型一分群加速壽命試驗
161 94-2 會議論文 Optimal progressive group-censoring plan
162 98-1 會議論文 Estimation and prediction for Weibull model based on progressively type II censored data
163 97-1 會議論文 Inference for the parameters of the lognormal distribution based on progressive censored sample
164 96-2 會議論文 Statistical Inference based on progressive first failure-censored samples from Gompertz distribution
165 94-1 會議論文 逐步型一設限分群資料之最適逐步應力加速試驗
166 93-1 會議論文 Improved square root transformation attribute control charts
167 93-2 會議論文 Dealing with correlated data in SQC
168 94-1 會議論文 An application of truncated life tests on reliability data
169 93-1 會議論文 An alternative procedure in SPC for dealing with correlated data
170 93-2 會議論文 A new heuristic R chart for skewed distributions
171 92-2 會議論文 A new estimation procedure in SPC when the process data is correlated
172 89-2 會議論文 A more accurate ridge estimation procedure on linear regression model
173 103-1 研發處: 研究計畫 (國科會) 博士後研究-黃炫融
174 103-1 研發處: 研究計畫 (國科會) 具有競爭風險之逐步設限加速壽命試驗之研究(2/2)
175 103-1 教學計畫表 統計一碩士班:統計理論 TLSXM1M0303 1A
176 103-1 教學計畫表 統計二:機率論 TLSXB2S0450 1C
177 103-1 教學計畫表 統計三:數理統計 TLSXB3S0582 1A
178 100-2 期刊論文 Planning life tests for Burr XII distributed products under progressive group-censoring with cost considerations
179 100-2 期刊論文 Progressively first-failure censored reliability sampling plans with cost constraint
180 102-2 教學計畫表 統計一碩士班:書報討論 TLSXM1T0102 2A