
教師資料查詢 | 教師:陳麗菁

# 學年期 類別 標題
181 101-2 會議論文 The Score-Type Goodness-of-Fit Test for Logistic Regression Models under Stratified Choice Based Sampling.
182 101-2 學術演講 東吳大學_台灣燒燙傷病患死亡率預測
183 101-2 學術演講 逢甲大學Testing the fit of the logistic model for matched case-control studies
184 101-2 論文指導 統計一碩士班 許育愷
185 101-2 論文指導 統計一碩士班 江欣芳
186 101-2 論文指導 統計一碩士班 蔡靜雯
187 101-1 期刊學報編審 Journal of Applied Statistics
188 101-1 期刊學報編審 International Journal of Intelligent Technologies and Applied Statistics
189 101-1 學術演講 廈門大學Testing the fit of the logistic model for matched case-control studies
190 101-1 赴校外學術交流 廈門大學
191 101-1 教學計畫表 統計三:數理統計 TLSXB3S0582 1C
192 100-2 教學計畫表 統計二:機率論 TMSXB2S0450 2C
193 100-2 教學計畫表 統計進學班二:機率論 TMSXE2S0450 2A
194 100-2 教學計畫表 統計進學班三:生物統計 TMSXE3S0075 0A
195 101-1 教學計畫表 統計進學班三:數理統計 TLSXE3S0582 1A
196 101-1 教學計畫表 統計四:生物統計 TLSXB4S0075 0P
197 101-1 論文指導 統計二碩士班 周德昌
198 100-1 研究獎勵 A New Method for Measuring Similarity between Two GMMs.
199 101-1 會議論文 Assessing the Lifetime Performance of Rayleigh Products under Progressively Type II Right Censored Samples
200 100-2 會議論文 A goodness-of-fit test for matched case-control study with multiple cases in each matched set
201 100-2 會議論文 預期報酬率估計模型在台灣證券市場上之實證分析
202 100-2 會議論文 Statistical inferences for the lifetime performance index of the products with the Gompertz distribution under censored samples
203 100-2 會議論文 A goodness-of-fit test for matched case-control study with multiple cases in each matched set
204 101-1 期刊論文 Testing the fit of the logistic model for matched case-control studies
205 101-1 期刊論文 Robust methods for detecting familial aggregation of a quantitative trait in matched case-control family studies
206 98-1 期刊論文 Optimal payment time with deteriorating items under inflation and permissible delay in payments
207 99-2 會議論文 a:b 配對病例對照研究
208 100-2 期刊論文 Efficient Prediction Interval in Log-Normal Linear Model
209 99-2 期刊論文 A New Method for Measuring Similarity Between Two GMMs
210 93-1 期刊論文 Testing goodness-of-fit of a logistic regression model with case–control data