
教師資料查詢 | 教師:彭維鋒

# 學年期 類別 標題
307 101-2 期刊論文 Band Gap Engineering of Chemical Vapor Deposited Graphene by in Situ BN Doping
308 98-1 期刊論文 High-Temperature Annealing Effects on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes: Electronic Structure, Field Emission and Magnetic Behaviors
309 103-2 教學計畫表 物理二碩士班:X光物理 TSPXM2S0728 0A
310 103-2 教學計畫表 物理系應物四:固態物理(二) TSPBB4S0127 0A
311 103-2 教學計畫表 化學系材化一:普通物理實驗 TSCDB1S0291 2A
312 98-1 期刊論文 Change of Structural Behaviors of Organo-Silane Exposed Graphene Nanoflakes
313 99-1 期刊論文 Nano-scale chemical imaging of a single sheet of reduced graphene oxide
314 96-1 期刊論文 A comparative study of the electronic structures of oxygen- and chlorine-treated nitrogenated carbon nanotubes by x-ray absorption and scanning photoelectron microscopy
315 89-2 期刊論文 X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies of Ba1-xCaxTiO3
316 89-2 期刊論文 X-ray absorption spectroscopic investigations on oxidized Ni/Au contacts to p-GaN
317 89-2 期刊論文 X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of Co structure in the epitaxial Co/Pt multilayers on Al2O3(11-20) substrates
318 89-2 期刊論文 X-ray absorption studies of carbon-related materials
319 87-2 期刊論文 Structural transition in epitaxial Co/Cr multilayers as studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy
320 87-2 期刊論文 Electronic structure of Ni3Al and Ni3Ga alloys
321 99-1 期刊論文 Electronic structure study of the bases in DNA duplexes by in situ photon-in/photon-out soft X-ray spectroscopy
322 98-2 期刊論文 Induction and regulation of differentiation in neural stem cells on ultra-nanocrystalline diamond films
323 92-2 期刊論文 Deposition and characterization of diamond-like carbon thin films by electro-deposition technique using organic liquid
324 97-2 期刊論文 On the mechanism of enhancement on electron field emission properties for ultrananocrystalline diamond films due to ion implantation
325 103-1 研發處: 研究計畫 (國科會) 博士後研究-馬尼許
326 94-1 期刊論文 Polymerization of a confined π-system : Chemical synthesis of tetrahedral amorphous carbon nanoballs from graphitic carbon nanocapsules
327 96-2 期刊論文 Structural modification and enhanced field emission on ultrananocrystalline diamond films by nitrogen ion implantation
328 79-1 期刊論文 X-ray absorption fine structure studies of Hg1-xCdxTe and Hg1-xMnxTe bond lengths : Bond relaxation and structural stability of ternary alloys
329 87-1 期刊論文 Electronic and atomic structures of the Si-C-N thin film by x-ray-absorption spectroscopy and theoretical calculations
330 86-2 期刊論文 Electronic structure of Ni-Cu alloys : the d-electron charge distribution
301 103-1 研究獎勵 Effect of Geometry on the Magnetic Properties of CoFe2O4-PbTiO3 Multiferroic Composites
302 103-1 研究獎勵 Observation of the Origin of d0 Magnetism in ZnO Nanostructures Using X-ray-based Microscopic and Spectroscopic Techniques
303 103-1 研究獎勵 Band Gap Engineering of Chemical Vapor Deposited Graphene by in Situ BN Doping
304 103-1 研究獎勵 Hydrogenation Induced Reversible Modulation of Perpendicular Magnetic Coercivity in Pd/Co/Pd films
305 103-1 研究獎勵 The electronic and magnetic properties of La0.85Zr0.15MnO3 deposited on SrTiO3 and MgO substrates
306 101-2 期刊論文 Hydrogenation Induced Reversible Modulation of Perpendicular Magnetic Coercivity in Pd/Co/Pd films