
教師資料查詢 | 教師:柯宗漢

# 學年期 類別 標題
1 113-1 教學計畫表 會計三:組織行為 TLAXB3B0260 0P
2 111-1 教學評量 會計三:組織行為 TLAXB3B0260 0A
3 112-1 教學評量 會計三:組織行為 TLAXB3B0260 0P
4 112-1 會議論文 Analyzing the Link Between Patent Innovation and Market Valuation in High-Tech Sectors: An Applied Econometric Study
5 112-1 會議論文 Exploring the Structure of Innovation Ecosystem: The Application of Semiconductor Industry Granted Patents
6 112-1 會議論文 How Predictable of Technology Trajectory: The Application of Semiconductor Industry Granted Patents
7 108-1 會議論文 Market Maturity of Cryptocurrency Platform
8 107-1 會議論文 Exploring Asia-Pacific Technology Diffusion and Technological Change
9 105-2 會議論文 The typology of technological transactions: An analysis of patent transaction market in TFT-LCD industry
10 105-2 會議論文 The time trend of the impact of foreign direct investment on labor market: the intermediate effect of production technology
11 107-2 會議論文 The market typologies of patent transactions: An analysis of the LCD industry
12 108-1 會議論文 Order or Chaos: The Case of Cryptocurrency Platform
13 112-1 會議論文 Exploratory data analysis of Innovation Momentum: The Application of Semiconductor Industry Granted Patents
14 111-2 專書 台電新進僱用人員企業管理概論:試試通歷屆試題分類解析
15 101-2 期刊論文 Forecasting Volatility with Many Predictors
16 101-1 期刊論文 Elucidating How Environment Affects Patterns of Network Change: A Case Study of the Evolution of an Industrial Network in the Flat Panel Display Sector.
17 105-2 期刊論文 Structure of a patent transaction network
18 110-2 期刊論文 Strategic Intentions of Patent Transactions: A Network Analysis of the TFT-LCD industry
19 112-1 教學計畫表 會計三:組織行為 TLAXB3B0260 0P
20 111-1 教學計畫表 會計三:組織行為 TLAXB3B0260 0A