
教師資料查詢 | 類別:會議論文

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
21601 96-1 會計系 洪雪卿 約聘專案副教授 The feasibility of Developing Biomass Energy in Taiwan: From Economic and Environmental Perspectives
21602 88-1 會計系 趙揚清 副教授 The fair trade commission's aspiration for 2000
21603 97-1 會計系 黃振豊 教授 The Effect of Personal Characteristics on Budgeting Request Tactics
21604 95-1 會計系 張雅淇 副教授 The Effect of Participative Budgeting Congruence on Individual Performance and Corporate Performance
21605 98-1 會計系 張雅淇 副教授 The Effect of Participation Congruence on the Performance Measurement Systems—Using Questionnaire and Archival Data to Reduce Common Method Variance
21606 97-1 會計系 張雅淇 副教授 The Effect of Interorganizational Cost Management on the Market Orientation and Organizational Performance
21607 97-1 會計系 莊智薰 副教授 The development of social capital: Influence of human resource practices and industrial factors.
21608 91-2 會計系 張寶光 教授 The determinants of performance in Taiwan CPA firm: a case of medium and large size
21609 90-1 會計系 周濟群 助理教授 The continuous auditing methodology for web-release – An ECAM prototype using object-oriented technology
21610 96-1 會計系 張雅淇 副教授 The Characteristics of Innovation Teams and Diversity of Performance Measurement
21611 93-2 會計系 張寶光 教授 The Association between Professional Training Subject, Locus and Financial Performance
21612 88-2 會計系 黃志仁 副教授 Subsidiary's trading of parent stocks : Announcement effects and their determinants
21613 89-1 會計系 黃志仁 副教授 Subsidiary trading in parent stocks and signaling hypothesis
21614 98-2 會計系 孔繁華 教授 Study on the Difference of Service Perception between Service Providers and Takers – The Overoptimistic Perspective
21615 94-1 會計系 洪雪卿 約聘專案副教授 Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Loyalty of Professional Business Services: Toward An Integrated Conceptual Model
21616 96-1 會計系 洪雪卿 約聘專案副教授 SARS疫情對台灣股市之衝擊-運用介入模型
21617 98-2 會計系 林芳綺 助理教授 Reputation Concerns or Economic Dependence? Evidence from Threshold Regression Model
21618 99-2 會計系 林芳綺 助理教授 Reputation Concerns or Economic Dependence? Evidence from Threshold Regression Model
21619 93-2 會計系 洪雪卿 約聘專案副教授 Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF-5) as a Secondary Energy in Taiwan Using the Space Allocation Model
21620 96-1 會計系 陳薇如 副教授 Partial Privatization and SIP Stock Price Performance: Evidence from China
21621 95-2 會計系 陳薇如 副教授 Partial Privatization and SIP Stock Price Performance: Evidence from China
21622 98-1 會計系 黃振豊 教授 Ownership Concentration, Foreign Institutional Investors and Default, Operating and Market Risk of the Firms
21623 88-2 會計系 趙揚清 副教授 Opening remarks
21624 100-1 會計系 張寶光 教授 Neuro-fuzzy modeling in quality cost control-an application to the printing industrial
21625 98-1 會計系 單珮玲 助理教授 Measurement of Energy Efficiency in Taiwan and Its Relevance to CO2 Decoupling
21626 97-2 會計系 單珮玲 助理教授 Measurement of Energy Efficiency in Taiwan and Its Relevance to CO2 Decoupling
21627 96-2 會計系 孔繁華 教授 Is Accounting Conservatism More Pronounced for Chinese Companies Cross-listed on an Overseas Exchange?
21628 97-2 會計系 林谷峻 教授 Investing in Core Human Capital and Its Effect on Operating Performance
21629 92-2 會計系 孔繁華 教授 International Accounting Standards and Institutional Environment
21630 93-2 會計系 張寶光 教授 Innovation Spillover Effects of the Electronic Firms in Taiwan: An Analysis at the Sub-Industry Level