
教師資料查詢 | 類別:會議論文

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
12481 101-2 產經系 林俊宏 教授 An Investigation of Regional Beveridge Curve in China: A Spatial Econometric Approach
12482 98-1 資工系 翁孟廷 助理教授 A Novel Multimedia Assessment System Architecture With Duration Evaluate
12483 98-1 英文系 王藹玲 副教授 Online Workshop for Learning Strategies to Improve College Freshmen Learning
12484 98-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 A Real-time Mobile Vehicle License Plate Detection and Recognition for vehicle monitoring and management
12485 98-1 資工系 施國琛 教授 Using RFID to realize Human Computer Interaction
12486 98-1 資工系 施國琛 教授 A Novel Multimedia Assessment System Architecture With Duration Evaluate
12487 98-1 資工系 趙榮耀 教授 A Novel Multimedia Assessment System Architecture With Duration Evaluate
12488 98-1 資工系 劉毅人 講師 Information Seeking Support System for E-Learning
12489 98-1 資工系 黃俊宏 講師 An Implementation of Positioning System in Indoor Environment based on Active RFID
12490 98-1 資工系 黃文發 講師 Relations of Network Characteristics and Protection Strategies against Attacks
12491 98-1 資工系 黃文發 講師 Extreme Clustering Coefficients in High Edge Density Networks
12492 98-1 資工系 姚成翰 講師 Extreme Clustering Coefficients in High Edge Density Networks
12493 98-1 資工系 姚成翰 講師 Relations of Network Characteristics and Protection Strategies against Attacks
12494 98-1 教科系 鄭宜佳 副教授 Usability Evaluation in an Exploratory Design-Based Research Approach of Convenience Store New Employee Training e-Learning Material
12495 98-1 教科系 黃雅萍 副教授 Usability Evaluation in an Exploratory Design-Based Research Approach of Convenience Store New Employee Training e-Learning Material
12496 98-1 教科系 顧大維 教授 Online Workshop for Learning Strategies to Improve College Freshmen Learning
12497 98-1 教科系 張瓊穗 教授 Usability Evaluation in an Exploratory Design-Based Research Approach of Convenience Store New Employee Training e-Learning Material
12498 98-1 通核中心 徐加玲 副教授 Online Workshop for Learning Strategies to Improve College Freshmen Learning
12499 98-1 註冊組 劉欣怡 組員 Online Workshop for Learning Strategies to Improve College Freshmen Learning
12500 102-1 英文系 張雅慧 副教授 Why peer response is not incorporated in revisions
12501 102-1 英文系 張雅慧 副教授 Review “Peer Review” in the past two decades
12502 99-2 政經系 馬為騰 副教授 Asymmetric Currency Exposure and Time-Varying Exchange Rate Volatility: Evidence from Taiwan Stock Market
12503 99-2 管科系 李旭華 副教授 The Development of CostlBenefit Model for Brand Marketing and Quality Management
12504 97-2 會計系 陳慶隆 副教授 非審計性服務對財務報表價值攸關性之影響─獨立性假說vs.產業知識外溢假說之檢測
12505 97-2 管科系 倪衍森 教授 台灣金融產業財報訊息對風險指標影響之研究
12506 99-1 財金系 江莉莉 教授 Compensation system and earnings inequality
12507 99-1 經濟系 林金源 約聘專案副教授 Does Higher Education Expansion Reduce Credentialism and Gender Discrimination in Education?
12508 99-1 經濟系 萬哲鈺 教授 台灣利率市場價格發現之研究
12509 99-1 產經系 蔡明芳 教授 Quota and Potential Entrant
12510 99-1 產經系 林俊宏 教授 Does Higher Education Expansion Reduce Credentialism and Gender Discrimination in Education?