
教師資料查詢 | 教師:戴敏育

# 學年期 類別 標題
4 108-2 期刊論文 Do sharp movements in oil prices matter for stock markets?
5 107-2 期刊論文 Does Data Frequency Matter for Trading Signals Emitted by Various Technical Trading Rules?
6 108-2 期刊論文 Investing Strategies as Stochastic Oscillator Indicators Staying in Overreaction Zones for Consecutive Days with Big Data Concerns
14 108-2 輔導社團 ios Club 資訊顧問社 社團指導教師
15 109-1 教學計畫表 資管一碩士班:人工智慧文本分析 TLMXM1M2455 0A
7 109-1 期刊論文 The profitability of Bollinger Bands: Evidence from the constituent stocks of Taiwan 50
8 107-2 期刊論文 Trading as sharp movements in oil prices and technical trading signals emitted with big data concerns
9 109-2 論文指導 財金五博士班 周克行
10 109-2 遠距課程紀錄 資管四:雲端服務架構實務 TLMXB4M2436 2P
11 109-2 教學計畫表 資管四:雲端服務架構實務 TLMXB4M2436 2P
12 109-1 遠距課程紀錄 資管四:雲端服務架構實務 TLMXB4M2436 1P
13 109-1 遠距課程紀錄 資管一碩士班:人工智慧文本分析 TLMXM1M2455 0A
16 109-1 教學計畫表 資管四:雲端服務架構實務 TLMXB4M2436 1P
17 108-2 非教學研習 「2020人工智慧之未來應用研習會」(一)(二)(2020-06-04 10:00:00 ~ 12:00:00)
18 108-2 教學研習 國際事務學院大師演講~大數據的發展介紹、趨勢及如何運用(2020-05-25 10:00:00 ~ 12:00:00)
19 108-1 參與國際學術活動 Publications Co-Chairs, The 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2020), The Hague, Netherlands, August 3-6, 2020.
20 108-1 參與國際學術活動 Program Co-Chair, The 11th International Workshop on Mining and Analyzing Social Networks for Decision Support (MSNDS 2020), The Hague, Netherlands, August 3-6, 2020.
21 108-1 參與國際學術活動 Publication Chair, The 21th IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science (IEEE IRI 2020), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, August 11-13, 2020.
22 108-1 參與國際學術活動 Program Co-Chair, The 9th IEEE International Workshop on Empirical Methods for Recognizing Inference in TExt (IEEE EM-RITE 2020), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, August 11-13, 2020.
23 108-1 參與學術服務 經濟部工業局 109年度「智慧城鄉生活應用補助計畫」審查委員 [Committee Member, Smart City Program, Industrial Development Bureau (IDB), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), 2020]
24 108-1 參與學術服務 經濟部工業局 109年度「產業升級創新平台輔導計畫」審查委員 [Committee Member , Taiwan Industrial Innovation Platform Program (TIIP), Industrial Development Bureau (IDB), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), 2020]
25 108-1 學術演講 Min-Yuh Day (2019), "AI Dialogue System for Conversational Commerce in FinTech" , Invited Talk at Yuan Ze University (YZU), Chungli, Taiwan, December 4, 2019
26 108-1 學術演講 Min-Yuh Day (2019), "AI Robo-Advisor and Chatbot for Conversational Commerce in FinTech" , Invited Talk at National Taipei University (NTPU), Taipei, Taiwan, November 20, 2019.
27 108-1 學術演講 Min-Yuh Day (2019), "AI Conversational Robo-Advisor with Finance Big Data Analytics" , Invited Talk at Taipei Medical University (TMU), Taipei, Taiwan, October 30, 2019.
28 108-2 學術演講 Min-Yuh Day (2020), "AWS Cloud Foundation" , Invited Talk at Tamkang University (TKU), Taipei, Taiwan, March 19, 2020.
29 108-2 學術演講 Min-Yuh Day (2020), "AWS Solutions Architect Overview" , Invited Talk at Tamkang University (TKU), Taipei, Taiwan, April 9, 2020.
30 108-2 學術演講 Min-Yuh Day (2020), "AWS Core Services and Use Cases" , Invited Talk at Tamkang University (TKU), Taipei, Taiwan, March 26, 2020.
1 106-2 會議論文 Artificial Intelligence for Automatic Text Summarization
2 106-2 會議論文 Detecting Spamming Reviews Using Long Short-term Memory Recurrent Neural Network Framework
3 106-2 期刊論文 Do Intraday Large Price Changes Matter for Trading Index Futures? Evidence from China Futures Markets