
教師資料查詢 | 教師:許心萍

# 學年期 類別 標題
151 104-2 教學計畫表 統計進學班四:統計生活專題 TLSXE4M1190 2A
152 104-2 教學計畫表 運管三:工程經濟學 TLTXB3M0022 0P
153 104-2 教學計畫表 運管二:永續運輸 TLTXB2M1747 0P
154 104-2 教學計畫表 運管一:資訊概論 TLTXB1E1034 2P
155 103-2 教學計畫表 運管三:工程經濟學 TLTXB3M0022 0P
156 103-2 教學計畫表 運管一:資訊概論 TLTXB1E1034 2B
157 104-1 教學計畫表 統計進學班四:統計生活專題 TLSXE4M1190 1A
158 104-1 教學計畫表 運管二:都市與區域計劃 TLTXB2E0543 0A
159 103-2 教學計畫表 運管二:永續運輸 TLTXB2M1747 0P
160 104-1 教學計畫表 運管一:資訊概論 TLTXB1E1034 1P
161 103-2 教學計畫表 運管一:資訊概論 TLTXB1E1034 2A
162 101-1 獲獎榮譽 ACSP Book Fair Student Travel Scholarship
163 99-1 獲獎榮譽 UCTC Doctoral Dissertation Grant
164 96-1 獲獎榮譽 National Science Council Taiwan Merit (Study Abroad) Scholarship
165 96-1 獲獎榮譽 Taiwan's Ministry of Education Study Abroad Scholarship (declined)
166 103-2 教學研習 103學年度商管學院教學優良教師經驗分享座談會(2015-05-07 13:00:00 ~ 15:00:00)
167 103-2 教學研習 商管核心課程教學科技與資訊之運用- 場次3「LearnSmart Connect SmartBook」(限商管學院教師)(2015-06-12 13:30:00 ~ 15:00:00)
168 104-1 教學研習 英語授課教師經驗分享(二)(2015-10-29 12:00:00 ~ 13:00:00)
169 104-1 教學研習 104學年度新聘教師教學工作坊(2015-09-08 09:00:00 ~ 16:00:00)
170 96-1 學歷 加州大學爾灣分校規劃政策與設計博士
171 102-2 期刊學報編審 Reviewer for Journal of Regional Science
172 100-1 期刊學報編審 Reviewer for Transportation Research Record
173 99-2 專書單篇 How Does Fear of Sexual Harassment on Transit Affect Women's Use of Transit?
174 103-1 研究報告 Impacts of Employer-Based Trip Reduction Programs and Vanpools on Passenger Vehicle Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Policy Brief
175 103-1 研究報告 Impact of Jobs-Housing Balance on Passenger Vehicle Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Policy Brief
176 101-1 會議論文 Impacts of Parental Gender and Attitudes on Children's School Travel Mode and Parental Escort Behavior
177 101-1 會議論文 The Gender Gap in Non-Work Travel: Household Roles, Income Earning Potential, and Land Use
178 103-2 期刊論文 The gender gap in non-work travel: The relative roles of income earning potential and land use
179 102-2 期刊論文 Impacts of parental gender and attitudes on children's school travel mode and parental chauffeuring behavior: results for California based on the 2009 National Household Travel Survey