
教師資料查詢 | 教師:張志勇

# 學年期 類別 標題
1201 95-1 參與學術服務 NETWORKING 2007 Program Committee Member
1202 95-1 參與學術服務 International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications (ICSNC 2006) Program Committee Member
1203 95-1 參與學術服務 The 3rd International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC-06) Program Committee Member
1204 95-1 參與學術服務 The 2nd Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN'06) Program Committee Member
1205 95-1 參與學術服務 The 2nd International Workshop on RFID and Ubiquitous Sensor Networks Program Committee Member
1206 95-1 參與學術服務 The 2nd IFIP International Symposium on Network Centric Ubiquitous Systems (NCUS 2006) Program Committee Member
1207 94-2 參與學術服務 The IEEE 8th International Workshop on Multimedia Network Systems and Applications (MNSA-2006) Program Committee Member
1208 94-2 參與學術服務 The IEEE International Workshop on Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (AHUC2006) Program Committee Member
1209 94-2 參與學術服務 第二屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 Program Committee Member
1210 94-2 參與學術服務 行動與無所不在數位學習研討會(UniLearn2006) Program co-chair
1211 94-2 參與學術服務 行動與無所不在數位學習研討會(UniLearn2006) Panel Discussion
1212 94-2 參與學術服務 The 13th Mobile Computing Workshop Program Committee Member
1213 94-2 參與學術服務 The 12th Mobile Computing Workshop, 2006, Feng Chia University, Taiwan Program Committee Member and Session Chair
1214 94-2 參與學術服務 Mobile Computing 2006 Session Chair
1215 94-2 參與學術服務 遊戲式數位學習研討會,March 2006 Program Committee Member
1216 94-2 參與學術服務 The 2006 International Conference on SCORM(SCORM'2006) Publication Chair
1217 94-2 參與學術服務 The 12th workshop on Compiler Techniques for High-Performance Computing Program Committee Member
1218 94-1 參與學術服務 IEEE Workshop on Pervasive Computing and Ad Hoc Communications (PCAC 2006) Program Committee Member
1219 94-1 參與學術服務 第一屆通訊與多媒體應用研討會, Aletheia University Session chair
1220 94-1 參與學術服務 International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN),Wuhan,China Program Committee Member
1221 94-1 參與學術服務 The First IEEE International Workshop on Security and Pervasive Multimedia Environments. (MultiSec 2 Program Committee Member
1222 94-1 參與學術服務 The Second International Symposium on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Smart World(UISW2005) Program Committee Member
1223 94-1 參與學術服務 The 2005 IFIP International Conference on Embedded And Ubiquitous Computing(EUC'2005), Japan Vice Chair
1224 94-1 參與學術服務 The 1st International Workshop on RFID and Ubiquitous Sensor Networks (USN 2005), Japan. Program Committee Member
1225 94-1 參與學術服務 IFIP International Symposium on Network-Cetric Ubiquitous Systems (NCUS 2005), Japan. Program Committee Member
1226 94-1 參與學術服務 IEEE Mobility Conference 2005 Program Committee Member
1227 94-1 參與學術服務 Journal of Internet Technology Associated Guest Editor
1228 94-1 參與學術服務 The First International Workshop on Information Networking and Applications 2005 Workshop Co-Chair
1229 93-2 參與學術服務 Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks, Taiwan Program Committee Member
1230 93-2 參與學術服務 Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN 2005) Session Chair