
教師資料查詢 | 教師:王三郎

# 學年期 類別 標題
1081 92-1 會議論文 幾丁聚醣奈米顆粒製造及特性研究
1082 92-1 會議論文 台灣紅麴相關產業之發展
1083 92-2 會議論文 安息香酸分解菌所生產鄰苯二酚雙加氧酵素之研究
1084 92-2 會議論文 Aspergillus fumigatus 所生產蛋白酵素及幾丁質酵素之純化與應用
1085 92-2 會議論文 細菌Bacillus amyloliquefaciens V656 所生產蛋白酵素之純化及定性
1086 92-2 會議論文 細菌Bacillus subtilis W-118 所生產蛋白酵素之研究
1087 93-1 會議論文 Preparation of chitooligosaccharides from chitin hydrolyzates
1088 93-1 會議論文 An antifungal chitinases from Bacillus subtilis
1089 93-1 會議論文 A protease from Monascus purpureus
1090 93-1 會議論文 Bioconversion of shellfish chitin wastes for antifungal materials production
1091 94-2 會議論文 Purification and characterization of chitinases and proteases from papain
1092 94-2 會議論文 Enzymatic production of chitooligosaccharides by reversible immobilization of chitinase to reversibly soluble polymer
1093 94-2 會議論文 Purification and characterization of chitinases and proteases from bromelain
1094 94-2 會議論文 Purification and characterization of chitinases and proteases from a bacterium strain TKU008 with shrimp and crab shell as a carbon source
1095 92-1 會議論文 Microbial reclamation of tea lees and chitinous materials for the preparation of ethylene removing agents
1096 92-1 會議論文 海洋深層水的開發及應用
1105 96-2 會議論文 Microbial reclamation of squid pen for the production of proteases and biofertilizer
1097 97-1 會議論文 Microbial reclamation of chitin-containing materials for the production of enzymes and bioactive materials
1098 97-1 會議論文
1099 98-1 會議論文 Microbial reclamation of chitin-containing materials for the production of enzymes and bioactive materials
1100 97-2 會議論文 Bioconversion of chitinous materials for the production of enzymes and bioactive materials
1106 98-1 會議論文 Exploitation of microbial resources and their applications in the field of bioindustry
1101 96-2 會議論文 Microbial reclamation of chitinous materials for the production of enzymes and their application on the development of health foods
1102 94-2 會議論文 An antifungal protease produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa M-1001 with shrimp and crab shell powder as a carbon source
1103 94-2 會議論文 A solvent stable metalloprotease produced by Bacillus sp. TKU004 and its application in the deproteinization of squid pen for β–chitin preparation
1104 94-2 會議論文 Production of a surfactant- and solvent-stable alkaliphilic protease by bioconversion of shrimp shell wastes fermented by Bacillus subtilis TKU007
1107 93-1 會議論文 Production of proteases from shellfish chitin wastes by Bacillus cereus
1108 92-1 會議論文 Microbial reclamation of tea lees and chitinous materials for the preparation of ethylene removing agents
1109 92-1 會議論文 細菌LCF007生產蛋白酉每之發酵條件探討
1110 92-1 會議論文 Aspergillus fumigatus生產幾丁聚醣酉每之發酵條件探討