
教師資料查詢 | 教師:鄭美娟

# 學年期 類別 標題
1 106-2 非教學研習 線上學習 - 一般安全衛生教育訓練(2018-02-01 08:00:00 ~ 2020-07-31 17:00:00)
2 108-2 教學研習 iClass學習平台及Moodle遠距教學平台研習工作坊-「停課不停學」安心就學措施(2020-03-25 15:10:00 ~ 2020-03-31 20:00:00)
3 108-2 教學研習 面對COVID-19之即時線上教學方案說明會暨工作坊(第1場)-全發院、通識中心、體育處、軍訓室(2020-02-20 13:30:00 ~ 15:00:00)
4 108-2 教學計畫表 管科企經碩一:多變量分析 TLGAM1M0115 0A
5 108-1 教學計畫表 經濟四:決策模型之應用 TLYXB4B0936 0P
6 107-2 教學計畫表 管科系三:多變量分析 TLGXB3M0115 0A
7 107-1 教學計畫表 經濟四:決策模型之應用 TLYXB4B0936 0P
8 105-2 期刊論文 The influences of defective items and trade credits on replenishment decision
9 106-2 教學計畫表 管科系三:多變量分析 TLGXB3M0115 0A
10 106-1 教學計畫表 經濟四:決策模型之應用 TLYXB4B0936 0P
11 105-2 教學計畫表 管科系三:多變量分析 TLGXB3M0115 0A
12 104-2 會議論文 Inventory policies for fresh products when the demand depends on freshness, stock level and expiration date
13 104-2 會議論文 Retailer's optimal ordering policy for non-deteriorating products with product returns and advance sales under trade credit
14 99-1 期刊論文 Optimal ordering policies for deteriorating items using a discounted cash flow analysis when a trade credit is linked to order quantity
15 104-2 期刊論文 Inventorymanagement for fresh produce when the time-varying demand depends on product freshness, stock level and expiration date
16 105-1 教學計畫表 經濟四:決策模型之應用 TLYXB4B0936 0P
17 103-2 會議論文 An inventory model for deteriorating items with appreciation period and price-dependent demand under two-phrase advance sales.
18 103-2 期刊論文 Impacts of inspection errors and trade credits on the economic order quantity model for items with imperfect quality
19 104-2 教學計畫表 管科系三:多變量分析 TLGXB3M0115 0A
20 104-1 教學計畫表 經濟四:決策模型之應用 TLYXB4B0936 0P
21 103-1 期刊論文 Optimal pricing and ordering policies for non-instantaneously deteriorating items under order-size-dependent delay in payments
22 103-2 教學計畫表 管科系三:多變量分析 TLGXB3M0115 0A
23 102-2 會議論文 Advance sales system with price-dependent demand and an appreciation period under trade credit.
24 103-1 期刊論文 Advance sales system with price-dependent demand and an appreciation period under trade credit
25 97-1 期刊論文 Optimal Ordering Policy for a Retailer When Delay in Payments is Permissible
26 102-2 教學計畫表 管科一碩士班:作業管理 TLGXM1B0065 0A
27 103-1 教學計畫表 經濟四:決策模型之應用 TLYXB4B0936 0P
28 98-2 會議論文 Seller’s optimal credit period and replenishment time in a supply chain with up-stream and down-stream trade credits
29 100-2 會議論文 Optimal ordering policy with advance sales and trade credit
30 101-2 會議論文 A study of inventory problem with appreciation period and trade credit under advance sales