Advance sales system with price-dependent demand and an appreciation period under trade credit
學年 103
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2014-09-01
作品名稱 Advance sales system with price-dependent demand and an appreciation period under trade credit
作品名稱(其他語言) 信用交下需求和價格有關且提供貨品鑑賞期之預購系統
著者 鄭美娟 Liang-Yuh Ouyang
單位 管理科學學系暨研究所
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, special issue, pp.251-262
摘要 With globalization, companies are facing fierce competition. Offering an appreciation period has become a commonly adopted method by retailers to sustain competitive advantage. During the appreciation period, customers can request to return products for any reason. In addition, retailers provide advance sales to attract additional customers. The supplier usually provides the retailer with a trade credit, which they can use as a type of price reduction to attract additional customers. Price is viewed as an important vehicle to sell products and enhance revenues. Therefore, in this article, we establish an inventory model with price-dependent demand for a retailer who simultaneously receives trade credit from its supplier, and offers advance sales and an appreciation period to its customers. We first establish a proper model and then provide an easy-to-use method to obtain an ordering policy for the retailer to achieve its maximum total profit. Finally, numerical examples are given to illustrate the solution procedure. 隨著全球化的市場趨勢,企業面臨激烈的競爭,為了保持競爭優勢及獲取最大利潤,零售商提供更好的服務留住顧客或吸引更多的顧客以提高其競爭力及市場佔有率。現今常見零售商提供七天鑑賞期給顧客,於此期間內,若顧客不滿意皆可無條件退貨。預售是零售業中常見的銷售方式,以預售的方式銷售貨品使零售商多了一段預售期間,將使得整個銷售週期延長,預售期間不需要馬上交貨且由預購訂單所產生的訂金收入將產生利息收入,提高零售商的利潤。另一方面,供應商經常提供零售商一段延遲付款期間以吸引更多將延遲付款視為一種價格折扣的顧客。本計畫考慮供應商提供零售商延遲付款的優惠且零售商提供預售給其顧客並允許顧客對產品不滿意時,在鑑賞期內可提供無條件退貨的服務,且市場需求和貨品售價有關。首先,建立零售商適當的存貨模型並發展出一個簡單且易於使用的方法協助零售商在利潤極大化的情況下決定其最適的單位貨品銷售價格及最適的銷售期間長度。接著,將以數值範例說明整個求解過程
關鍵字 存貨;延遲付款;預售;退貨;財務;Inventory;trade credit;advance sales;return products;finance
語言 en_US
ISSN 1017-1819
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 Mei-Chuan Cheng
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( )
