
教師資料查詢 | 教師:李家瑋

# 學年期 類別 標題
1 113-1 期刊論文 Analytical study for numerical instability of steady-state heat conduction problems in exchanger tubes using degenerate kernels in the null-field boundary integral equation method
2 113-1 期刊論文 Meshless boundary integral quadrature method for calculating the conduction shape factor of exchanger tubes containing slits
3 112-2 帶領學生參賽獲獎 指導研究生謝侑昇參加第十二屆台灣工業與應用數學會年會-碩士生組海報論文競賽-獲得佳作
4 112-2 教學研習 土木系112學年度第2學期第2次教師專業成長社群會議(2024-05-14 12:00:00 ~ 13:00:00)
5 112-2 教學研習 土木系112學年度第1學期第2次教師專業成長社群會議(2024-03-12 12:00:00 ~ 13:00:00)
6 112-2 教學計畫表 土木一碩士班:有限元素法 TECXM1E0156 0A
7 112-2 教學計畫表 土木二:工程數學(二) TECXB2E0036 0P
8 112-2 教學計畫表 土木二:結構學 TECXB2E0617 0A
9 112-1 會議論文 A self-regularized approach for thermal stress analysis of free-free trusses under nonuniform temperature change
10 112-1 會議論文 Application of meshfree boundary integral equation method to torsion problems of cylindrical bar with edge cracks
11 112-1 會議論文 Meshfree boundary integral equation method for the steady state heat conduction in exchanger tubes: degenerate scale and treatments
12 112-1 會議論文 山峰地形受水平剪力波作用下的聚焦現象其數值探討
13 111-2 會議論文 無網格邊界積分方程法於含裂縫扭轉桿的扭轉剛度分析
14 111-2 會議論文 Analysis of seepage problems with sheet plies by using the meshfree boundary integral equation method
15 111-2 會議論文 Conduction shape factor in exchanger tubes with a slit by using the meshfree boundary integral equation method
16 111-1 會議論文 Application of meshfree boundary integral equation method to SH-wave scattering problems containing a cylindrical canyon of arbitrary shape
17 111-1 會議論文 Support motion of a finite bar with a viscously damped boundary
18 111-1 會議論文 無網格邊界積分方程法求解彈性桿的扭轉問題
19 111-1 會議論文 無網格邊界積分方程法分析熱交換管中的穩態熱傳問題與其退化尺度的探討
20 110-2 會議論文 Revisit of annular Green's function by using the meshfree boundary integral equation method
21 110-2 會議論文 Two dimensional steady state heat conduction in exchanger tubes by using the meshfree boundary integral equation method
22 111-1 會議論文 Support motion of a finite bar with an external viscous damper
23 110-2 會議論文 Support motion of a finite bar with an external spring and a damper
24 110-1 會議論文 Study on the interaction between a screw dislocation and circular rigid inclusions by using the angular basis function in conjunction with bipolar coordinates
25 110-1 會議論文 Vibration analysis of a finite bar with an external spring on one side and the support motion on the other side
26 112-1 研究獎勵 Analytical solution for potential flow across two circular cylinders using the BIE in conjunction with degenerate kernels of bipolar coordinates
27 112-1 研究獎勵 Interaction between a screw dislocation and an elastic elliptical inhomogeneity by using the angular basis function
28 112-1 研究獎勵 Support motion of a finite bar with a viscously damped boundary
29 112-1 研究獎勵 Support motion of a finite bar with an external spring
30 112-1 研究獎勵 Interaction between a screw dislocation and an elliptical hole or rigid inclusion by using the angular-basis function