
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
085 / 2 Simulation and operation of analog simulators to multipass zone-refining processes 2010-06-16
094 / 1 An analytical study in membrane extraction through a double-flow laminar concurrent parallel-plate module 2016-04-22
087 / 1 同心套管螺旋狀綑線之螺旋傾斜角和出料比率對分離度之影響 2016-04-18
093 / 2 The influence of the inclined angle on the heavy water enrichment in double-pass thermal-diffusion columns with external recycle 2016-04-22
090 / 1 迴流效應於融冰冷度釋放系統之冷空氣出口溫度的改善 2014-05-22
085 / 1 多行程帶域精煉程序中最佳帶域長度之模擬 2014-05-22
091 / 1 Simulation of the recycle effects on the performance for enrichment of heavy water in inclined thermal-diffusion columns 2016-04-22
087 / 1 類比模擬器於變異分佈係數的帶域精煉程序之應用 2014-05-22
086 / 1 多行程帶域精煉程序中試樣棒形狀對分離效率之影響 2010-06-16
086 / 1 熱對流邊界條件於融冰冷度釋放系統之研究 2010-06-16
087 / 1 二行程太陽能空氣加熱器之研究 2014-05-22
087 / 1 溫度分布於水層和冰層中冷度釋放系統之研究 2014-05-22
086 / 1 固定熱通量於融冰冷度釋放系統之研究 2016-04-18
085 / 1 類比模擬器於帶域精煉程序之設計與操作 2014-05-22
087 / 2 Modified upward-type multiple-effect solar distillers 2010-06-16
089 / 2 Design and operation of analog computers for normal-freezing processes 2016-07-27
094 / 1 An analytical study of the countercurrent parallel-plate dialysis membrane system coupled with ultrafiltration 2016-04-22
091 / 1 Modeling of the multi-pass counterflow laminar mass exchanger 2016-04-22
086 / 1 出料流率比於連續式熱擴散塔提煉重水之研究 2010-06-16
092 / 1 The theoretical study of parallel-plate cool-thermal discharge system with external reflux 2016-04-22
094 / 1 平板型逆流式薄膜氣體吸收系統之研究 2016-04-22
094 / 1 平板型順流式薄膜氣體吸收解析解之研究 2016-04-22
091 / 1 平行板式融冰釋冷系統之研究 2016-04-22
092 / 2 Modeling of heat transfer in multi-pass coolers or heaters 2016-04-22
093 / 2 Modeling and simulation of multi-pass counterflow laminar mass exchangers 2016-04-22
090 / 2 Chilled air produced with air flowing over melting ice in cool-thermal discharge systems 2016-04-22
090 / 1 Cool thermal discharge over melting ice with producing chilled air by complete removal of melt 2016-04-18
093 / 1 Modeling of multi-pass solar air heaters with external refluxes 2016-04-22
085 / 2 Simulation of optimal zone lengths for each pass in multipass zone-refining processes 2010-06-16
090 / 2 Effect of aspect ratio on collector efficiency of solar fluid heaters with collector area fixed 2010-06-16
087 / 1 Upward-type multiple-effect solar distillers 2010-06-16
088 / 1 無因次化於冷度釋放系統之研究 2014-05-22
090 / 1 多行程帶域煉法分離二甲苯異構物程序之模擬 2014-05-22
091 / 1 吸收板位置對二行程太陽能空氣加熱器之影響 2016-04-22
092 / 1 具迴流之多行程層狀逆流型熱交換器之研究 2016-04-22
091 / 1 串聯逆流式 Frazier 型熱擴散塔提煉重水效率之改善 2016-04-22
093 / 1 迴流型逆流式同心圓柱套管質量交換器於固定管壁質量通量之研究 2016-04-22
090 / 1 融化水移除於融冰冷度釋放系統之熱傳效率改善 2016-04-18
087 / 1 二行程絕熱隔板之熱質傳研究 2016-04-18
088 / 1 平板傾斜熱擴散塔之角度與進出料流率比對分離度之影響 2014-05-22
088 / 1 Modeling of cool thermal storage by normal freezing 2010-06-16
087 / 2 Modeling of heat and mass transfer between parallel-plate channels with recycle 2010-06-16
094 / 1 An analytical studies of the parallel-plate dialysis membrane systems coupled with ultrafiltration 2010-06-16
087 / 2 The improvement of performance in parallel-plate heat exchangers with insulation sheet inserted for double-pass operations 2010-06-16
090 / 1 迴流效應於二行程太陽能空氣加熱器之研究 2016-04-18
094 / 1 固定熱通量且未移除水層之融冰釋冷系統之研究 2016-04-22
091 / 1 迴流效應對二行程圓柱同心套管熱交換器效率之研究 2016-04-22
089 / 1 質傳效率於兩端迴流的平行管道中之解析解研究 2016-04-18
088 / 1 融冰冷度釋放系統於空調上之應用 2016-04-18
093 / 1 固定管壁熱通量於逆流型同心圓柱套管熱交換器之研究 2016-04-22
088 / 2 Modeling of double-pass solar air heaters with external refluxes 2011-02-18
094 / 1 具固定熱通量的平板式二行程熱交換器之研究 2016-04-22
094 / 1 具出料分率與傾斜角之改良型雙流式熱擴散塔提煉重水之解析解研究 2016-04-22
088 / 1 迴流對二行程平板熱質傳交換器效率之研究 2016-04-18
093 / 1 平板型薄膜萃取器的萃取效率解析解與實驗之研究 2016-04-22
094 / 1 迴流效應於加翅型管板式太陽能集熱器之集熱效率改善研究 2016-04-22
094 / 1 太陽能蒸發設備於海水淡化之應用 2016-04-22
093 / 1 迴流效應於管板式太陽能集熱器效率改善 2016-04-22
089 / 1 變進料流率比值對多根Frazier型熱擴散塔中最佳管長差之影響 2016-04-18
094 / 1 迴流型多行程平板式反應器之研究 2016-04-22
089 / 1 Double-pass laminar countercurrent mass exchangers with external refluxes 2016-04-18
092 / 1 質傳效率於迴流型二行程同心套管質量交換器之研究 2016-04-22
092 / 1 二行程同心套管質量交換器效率改善之研究 2016-04-22
094 / 1 熱擴散塔提煉重氫之研究 2016-04-22
090 / 1 迴流效應對多行程平板型質量交換系統之質傳效率研究 2016-04-18
094 / 1 迴流效應於多行程平板式層狀逆流型質量交換器之研究 2016-04-22
094 / 1 平板型薄膜透析系統併合超過濾效應之解析解與實驗之研究 2016-04-22
087 / 1 Cool thermal discharge from ice melting with complete removal of melt by specified heat fluxes on the boundary 2014-07-17
087 / 1 Double-Flow Type Solar Air Heaters 2014-08-19
087 / 1 Modified Multiple-Effect Solar Distillers 2012-02-23
084 / 1 Numerical Analysis of The Best Performance in Zone Refining Processes 2011-05-20
094 / 2 Modeling and Simulation of Double-Pass Sheet-and-Tube Solar Water Heaters 2016-04-22
094 / 2 Modeling of the heavy water enrichment in double-flow thermal-diffusion columns 2016-04-22
094 / 2 Modeling of Mass Transfer in Multi-pass Mass Exchangers with External Recycle 2016-04-22
096 / 1 Double-Pass Flat-Plate Solar Air Heaters with External Recycle 2016-04-22
096 / 1 管壁正弦質量通量於迴流型圓形套管質量交換器之效率研究 2014-05-22
096 / 1 連續式熱擴散塔提煉氫同位素之研究 2016-04-22
096 / 1 Theoretical study on membrane extraction of Cu2+ with D2EHPA in Laminar Flow Circular Tube Modules 2016-04-22
095 / 1 平板型熱擴散塔提煉重水之解析解研 2016-04-22
095 / 1 超過濾效應於平板型薄膜透析系統影響之研究 2016-04-22
095 / 1 迴流效應於管壁正弦熱通量之逆流型套管熱交換器的研究 2016-04-22
095 / 1 The Performance Improvement of Sheet-and-Tube Solar Collectors with Internal Fins Attached and External Recycle 2016-04-22
094 / 1 The influences of arrayed density of tubes on collector efficiency of sheet-and-tube solar water heater with recyclic operation 2016-04-22
094 / 1 管板式太陽能熱水器與平板型太陽能空氣加熱器之效率改善研究 2016-04-22
086 / 2 Modeling of Cool Thermal Discharges with Time-velocity Variation of Air Flowing Over Melted Ice 2011-05-20
096 / 2 Modeling of the Mass Transfer in a Hollow Fiber Dialyzer Coupled with Ultrafiltration Operations 2016-04-22
096 / 2 Modeling of Membrane Separation Processes 2016-04-22
096 / 2 The study on the dimensionless analysis of membrane distillation in desalination of saline water 2016-04-22
096 / 2 Recycle effect on Mass-Transfer Efficiency Improvement in Multi-Pass Mass Exchangers 2016-04-22
097 / 1 多通道平板型太陽能熱電複合系統之熱傳改善研究 2016-04-22
097 / 1 非對稱管壁質量通量之迴流型二行程平板式質量交換器之質傳研究 2016-04-22
097 / 1 Modeling of NMP/Water mixture separation using direct contact membrane distillation 2016-04-22
097 / 2 Mass Transfer Improvement of Membrane Extraction with Recyclic Operation 2016-04-22
097 / 2 Direct contact membrane distillation equipped with a solar absorber in saline water desalination 2016-04-22
097 / 2 Modelling of Membrane Extraction with Recyclic Operation 2016-04-22
098 / 1 Theoretical and Experimental Analyses of Flat-Plat Solar Air Gap Membrane Distillation 2016-04-22
098 / 1 Recycle Effect on Double-Pass Concentric Circular Mass Exchanger with an Idealized Membrane Inserted 2016-04-22
098 / 1 太陽能平板型氣隔式薄膜蒸發器理論與實驗分析之研究 2016-04-22
098 / 1 進口空氣流率與溫度對通風盆式太陽能蒸發器產率之研究 2016-04-22
098 / 1 超薄通道式平板型太陽能集熱器之集熱器效率的研究 2016-04-22
098 / 1 太陽能驅動式海水淡化系統之設計研發與經濟評估-高效率太陽能集熱設備輔助式薄膜蒸餾程序(I) 2016-04-22
098 / 2 Simulation and experimental studies of double-effect membrane distillation on saline water desalination 2016-04-22
099 / 1 Improvement of Device Performance on Membrane Dialysis with Ultrafiltration Operation 2016-04-22
099 / 1 Performance Improvement on Double-Pass Parallel-Plate Mass Exchangers under Asymmetric Uniform Wall Concentrations 2016-04-22
099 / 1 A Direct Solar Thermal Membrane Distillation Unit for Desalination 2016-04-22
099 / 2 Modeling of double-pass parallel-plate heat exchangers under asymmetric wall temperatures 2016-04-22
099 / 2 Theoretical and numerical calculations of membrane coefficient in a rotary direct contact membrane distillation 2016-04-22
100 / 1 Improvement of Device Performance on Parallel-Plate Mass Exchangers with Recycling Operation 2016-04-22
100 / 1 Performance Improvement of a Double-Pass Solar Air Heater with Fins and Baffles under Recycling Operation 2016-04-22
100 / 1 An Analytical Study of the Heat-Transfer Efficiency for Power-Law Fluids in Concentric Circular Heat Exchanger 2016-04-22
100 / 1 Optimal Design and Control of Solar Driven Direct Contact Membrane Distillation Desalination Systems 2016-04-22
100 / 1 An analytical study of seawater desalination systems of hollow-fiber module in direct contact membrane distillation 2016-04-22
098 / 2 Model calculations on a hybrid direct contact membrane distillation with a solar distiller 2016-04-22
098 / 2 Experimental and simulation study of an air gap membrane distillation module with solar absorption function for desalination 2014-07-17
093 / 1 薄膜氣體吸收系統去除氮氧化物之研究 2016-04-22
097 / 1 光電產業中溶劑回收與純化技術應用之研究 2016-04-22
100 / 1 Performance Study of Air Gap Membrane Distillation Modules for Solar Powered Desalination Application. 2012-03-13
100 / 2 Performance Improvement of Countercurrent-Flow Direct Contact Membrane Distillation in Seawater Desalination Systems 2016-04-22
101 / 1 Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Double-Effect Direct Contact Membrane Distillation on Seawater Desalination 2016-04-22
100 / 1 Double-Pass Flow Heat Transfer in a Parallel-Plate Channel for Improved Device Performance under Uniform Heat Fluxes 2014-08-25
101 / 1 Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Mass Flux Enhancement in Direct Contact Membrane Distillation 2016-04-22
101 / 1 An Analytical Study of Seawater Desalination Systems with Multi-Effect Modules in Direct Contact Membrane Distillation 2016-04-22
101 / 1 Heat Transfer Enhancement of Power-Law Fluids in Recyclic Double-Pass Heat Exchangers for Improved Device Performance under Uniform Heat Fluxes 2016-04-22
101 / 1 太陽能驅動Alpha型史特靈引擎之二階模式建立與分析 2013-05-20
101 / 1 真空式薄膜蒸餾之模擬與實驗研究 2016-04-22
102 / 1 Simulation and experimental studies of Multi-effect membrane distillation on saline water desalination 2016-04-22
102 / 1 Simulation and experimental studies of multi-effect air gap membrane distillation on saline water desalination 2016-04-22
087 / 1 同心套管螺旋狀綑線之螺旋角和出料比對分離度之影響 2014-06-05
096 / 1 直接接觸式薄膜蒸餾應用於海水淡化之理論與實驗之研究 2016-04-22
087 / 1 融化水未移除於融冰冷度釋放系統之研究 2016-04-18
095 / 1 套管型薄膜萃取器之解析解研究 2016-04-22
095 / 1 薄膜蒸餾併合加翅型太陽能集熱器於海水淡化程序之研究 2016-04-22
095 / 1 迴流型多行程平板式質量交換器質傳效率改善之研究 2016-04-22
090 / 1 迴流效應對行程平板型質量交換系統之質傳效率研究 2014-06-05
090 / 1 Frazier型熱擴散塔於固定面積下之長寬比值對提煉重水效率之改善 2016-04-18
096 / 1 具迴流固定空氣體積流率且水層未移除的融冰釋冷系統之研究 2016-04-22
096 / 1 迴流型矩形通道平板式太陽能集熱器之研究 2016-04-22
102 / 1 Design and operability comparison between solar driven direct contact and vacuum membrane distillation desalination systems 2016-07-27
102 / 1 Heat Transfer Enhancement of Power-Law Fluids in a Parallel-Plate Channel for Improved Device Performance under Asymmetric Wall Temperatures 2014-07-14
102 / 1 Mass Flux Enhancement of Countercurrent- Flow Direct Contact Membrane Distillation in Seawater Desalination Systems 2016-04-22
102 / 1 Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Immediate Assisted Solar Air Gap Membrane Distillation 2016-04-22
102 / 1 太陽能驅動薄膜蒸餾海水淡化系統之最適化設計與能源效率評估 2016-04-22
102 / 1 太陽能驅動薄膜海水淡化系統之可操作度與控制架構分析 2016-04-22
102 / 2 Dynamic Optimization for Solar Desalination Systems Using Membrane Distillation 2016-04-22
102 / 2 Performance Improvement of Direct Membrane Distillation Systems with Aspect Ratio Variations 2016-04-22
103 / 1 Performance Improvement of Countercurrent-Flow Membrane Gas Absorption in a Hollow Fiber Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactor 2016-04-22
103 / 1 Modeling of Double-Pass Concentric-Tube Mass Exchangers under Sinusoidal Wall Fluxes with External Recycle 2016-04-22
101 / 1 Design and Operability Comparison between Solar Driven Direct Contact and Vacuum Membrane Distillation Desalination Systems 2016-07-27
103 / 1 應用集光型太陽熱電驅動史特靈引擎之薄膜蒸餾海水淡化技術研發 2016-04-22
103 / 1 Applications of Membrane Separation Techniques to Chemical Engineering Processes 2016-04-22
103 / 1 Conjugated Heat Transfer of Power-Law Fluids in a Counterflow Concentric-Tube Heat Exchangers with Sinusoidal Wall Fluxes 2016-04-22
103 / 1 Effects of the carbon-fiber spacer-filled channels on the device performance of the direct contact membrane distillation 2016-04-22
103 / 1 Performance improvement of the concentric circular direct contact membrane distillation module with spiral wire channel 2016-04-22
103 / 1 Theoretical and experimental studies of concentric-tube air gap membrane distillation with helical wire on saline water desalination 2016-04-25
103 / 2 Performance improvement of countercurrent-flow seawater desalination systems in hollow-fiber direct contact membrane distillation modules 2016-04-25
103 / 2 CFD study of heat transfer enhanced membrane distillation using spacer-filled channels 2015-05-06
103 / 2 Analytical and experimental studies of wire mesh packed double-pass solar air heaters under recycling operation 2016-04-28
085 / 2 具回流效應之熱質傳解析研究 2016-04-18
086 / 2 溫度分佈於水層和冰層中冷度釋放系統之研究 2016-04-18
089 / 2 多行程帶域精煉法分離二甲苯異構物程序之模擬 2016-04-22
091 / 2 進料位置具側流之熱擴散塔於提煉重水的分離效率改善之研究 2016-04-22
095 / 1 太陽熱能驅動式薄膜蒸餾之研究 2016-04-22
095 / 2 套管型順流式薄膜氣體吸收系統解析解之研究 2016-04-22
096 / 1 管壁正弦質量通量於迴流型圓形套管質量交換器之效率研究 2016-04-22
103 / 2 CFD study of heat transfer enhanced membrane distillation using rough surface channels 2016-04-29
103 / 2 Performance improvement of a double-pass V-corrugated solar air heater under recycling operation 2016-04-29
103 / 2 Device performance improvements of the air gap membrane distillation with inserting carbon-fiber open slot separators 2016-04-29
104 / 1 Distillate flux enhancement in direct contact membrane distillation modules with inserting carbon-fiber spacers under countercurrent-flow operations 2016-04-29
103 / 2 The Influence of Recycle Effect on the Heat Transfer for the Power-Law Fluid in Counterflow Concentric-Tube Heat Exchangers with Sinusoidal Wall Fluxes 2016-04-29
103 / 2 太陽能驅動薄膜蒸餾海水淡化系統操作區域之經濟評估 2016-04-29
104 / 1 Conjugated Mass Transfer in Membrane Gas Absorption through a Concentric Circular Gas-Liquid Contactor 2016-04-29
104 / 1 Theoretical and experimental studies of membrane absorption of CO2 with Amine through rectangular conduits 2016-04-29
104 / 1 Distillate flux enhancement in direct contact membrane distillation modules with inserting carbon-fiber spacers in flow conduits 2016-04-29
104 / 1 Investigation of thermal performance of double-pass V-corrugated solar air heater with external recycles 2016-04-29
104 / 1 Applications of Membrane Contactors to Chemical Engineering Separation Techniques 2016-04-29
104 / 1 改良型太陽能薄膜蒸餾系統之純水產量提升與成本最適化研究 #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2019-05-10
104 / 1 薄膜分離技術的應用 2017-03-13
104 / 2 Membrane Separation Technology in Chemical Engineering Processes 2016-12-12
104 / 2 Performance of Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (AnMBR) With Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC) in Biogas Production and Flux Enhancement 2016-12-12
104 / 2 Distillate Flux Enhancement in the Countercurrent-Flow Air Gap Membrane Distillation with Inserting Carbon-Fiber Separators 2016-12-12
104 / 2 Theoretical and Experimental Studies of CO2 Absorption by the Amine Solvent System in Countercurrent-Flow Membrane Contactors #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2018-04-16
104 / 2 Modeling of Countercurrent-Flow Direct Contact Membrane Distillation Modules with Inserting Carbon-Fiber Spacers 2016-12-12
105 / 1 Investigation of device performance for recycling double-pass V-corrugated solar air collectors 2016-12-12
105 / 1 CFD study of hybrid membrane contactors for absorption and stripping of carbon dioxide 2017-05-26
105 / 1 Performance Improvement of a Recycling Double-Pass Cross-corrugated Solar Air Heater #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2018-04-16
105 / 1 Optimal design and control of solar driven air gap membrane distillation desalination systems 2017-03-08
105 / 1 Modeling of Air Gap Membrane Distillation Modules with Inserting Carbon-Fiber Spacers #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2018-04-16
105 / 1 The Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Carbon Dioxide Absorption through a Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactor #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2018-04-16
105 / 1 Solar-Driven Membrane Distillation for Seawater Desalination 2017-03-06
105 / 1 改良型太陽能薄膜蒸餾系統之純水產量提升與成本最適化研究 #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2018-04-16
105 / 1 Solar Thermal Membrane Distillation for Seawater Desalination #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2018-04-16
106 / 1 The Device Performance Improvement of Recycling W-Ribs Double-Pass Solar Air Collectors #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2018-04-16
106 / 1 Modeling of Carbon Dioxide Absorption through a Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactor under Countercurrent-Flow Operations #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2018-04-16
106 / 1 The optimal design of the turbulence promoter in the desalination pretreatment system by using cross-flow microfiltration #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2018-04-16
106 / 1 Theoretical and Experimental Studies of a Compact Double-Unit Air Gap Membrane Distillation Module #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2018-04-16
106 / 1 改良型太陽能薄膜蒸餾系統之純水產量提升與成本最適化研究 2018-04-16
107 / 1 The absorption rate improvement of carbon dioxide through a gas-liquid membrane contactor with spiral wire channel #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2019-04-24
107 / 1 Carbon Dioxide Absorption in a Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactor with Spiral Wire Channel under Countercurrent-Flow Operations #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2019-04-24
107 / 1 The Studies of Air Gap Membrane Distillation Module with Various Carbon-Fiber Open-Slot Widths #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2019-04-24
107 / 1 改良型太陽能薄膜蒸餾系統之純水產量提升與成本最適化研究 #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2019-04-24
107 / 1 二氧化碳薄膜吸收模組設計之數學理論與實驗分析 #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2019-04-24
107 / 2 Device Performance Improvement of Double-unit Air Gap Membrane Distillation Module for Seawater Desalination #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2019-10-21
108 / 1 Control of solvent-based post-combustion carbon capture process with optimal operation conditions #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2019-11-25
108 / 1 Recycle effect on device efficiency of recycling w-ribs double-pass solar air collectors #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2019-11-25
108 / 1 Investigation on the Performance of Carbon Dioxide Absorption in Hollow-Fiber Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactor #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2019-11-25
108 / 1 Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Direct Contact Membrane Distillation Modules with Inserting the 3D Printed Turbulent Promoters #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2019-11-25
109 / 1 Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactors with Inserting the 3D Printed Turbulent Promoters #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2020-11-03
109 / 1 二氧化碳吸收於螺旋式套管型及中空纖維型薄膜接觸器之模組效率提升(2/2) #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2022-09-21
108 / 1 二氧化碳吸收於螺旋式套管型及中空纖維型薄膜接觸器之模組效率提升(1/2) #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2020-12-10
110 / 1 嵌入三維列印紊流促進器於平板型及套管型薄膜模組之二氧化碳吸收系統的效率提升 #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2022-03-07
110 / 1 The Absorption Flux Enhancement of CO2 in Double-Unit Flat-Plate Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactors #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2022-03-07
110 / 1 The Optimal Design of the 3D Printed Turbulence Promoter in the Direct Contact Membrane Distillation Modules #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2022-03-07
110 / 1 二氧化碳吸收於螺旋式套管型及中空纖維型薄膜接觸器之模組效率提升 #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2022-09-27
110 / 2 Theoretical Modelling of Carbon Dioxide Absorption in Hollow-Fiber Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactors #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2022-09-27
111 / 1 雙件式薄膜接觸器模組於醇胺溶液之二氧化碳吸收效率提升 #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2023-03-27
111 / 1 水隔式薄膜蒸餾海水淡化系統隔層填充設計通量強化研究 #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2023-03-27
111 / 2 Effect of aspect ratio on device performance of recycling multi-pass flat-plate baffled solar air collectors #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2023-09-13
112 / 1 Device Performance Improvement of Gas/Liquid Membrane Contactors with Inserting 3D Printing Mini-channel Turbulence Promoters for CO2 Absorption by Amine Solution #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2024-03-12
112 / 1 雙件式薄膜接觸器模組於醇胺溶液之二氧化碳吸收效率提升 #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2024-03-12
112 / 1 Effects of Spiral-ring Distance Variations on CO2 Absorption by Amine Solution in Concentric Circular Membrane Contactors #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2024-03-12
113 / 1 Theoretical and Experimental Studies of DCMD Modules with Inserting the Descending or Ascending 3D-Printed Turbulence Promoters #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2025-02-25
113 / 1 不同紊流促進器於板式和管式薄膜接觸器模組中之二氧化碳吸收率分析 #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 2025-02-25