
學年 93
學期 1
發表日期 2004-08-29
作品名稱 Modeling of multi-pass solar air heaters with external refluxes
著者 Ho, Chii-dong; Yeh, Chih-wei; Tu, Jr-wei
作品所屬單位 淡江大學化學工程與材料工程學系
會議名稱 World Renewable Energy Congress VIII
會議地點 Denver, Colorado, USA
摘要 The solar air heaters, in which energy transfer is from a distant source of radiant energy to air, may be used for space heating, drying and paint spraying operations. Without optical concentration, the flux of incident radiation is approximately up to 1100 W/m2 , and flat-plate solar collectors are designed for applications requiring energy delivery at moderate temperature. The solar air heater occupies an important place among solar heating systems because of minimal use of materials, and the direct use of air as the working substance reduces the number of required system components. The influence on the collector efficiency in multi-pass solar air heaters with external refluxes has been investigated theoretically under countercurrent-flow operations. The absorbing plate and insulation sheet are inserted horizontally and vertically, respectively, to divide a flat-plate channel into four subchannels for conducting a multi-pass operation. The theoretical predictions show that the recycle effect can enhance the collector performance compared with that of the single-pass device without recycle under the same airflow rate and working dimension. It is our purpose in the present studies to investigate theoretically, the effect of the design and operating parameters on collector efficiency for such solar air heaters. The effects of subchannel thickness ratio on both the heat-transfer efficiency improvement and hydraulic dissipated power increment have been also discussed.
關鍵字 Solar air heaters;Flat-plate type;Multi-pass operations;External refluxes;Collector efficiency
語言 en
會議性質 國際
研討會時間 20040829~20040903
國別 JPN
出處 World Renewable Energy Congress VIII, pp.521

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/37044 )
