
學年 107
學期 1
發表日期 2018-08-20
作品名稱 The absorption rate improvement of carbon dioxide through a gas-liquid membrane contactor with spiral wire channel
著者 Chii-Dong Ho; Guan-Hong Lin; Yu-Han Chen
會議名稱 256th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition
會議地點 Boston, Massachusetts, USA
摘要 The improvement of carbon dioxide absorption in a gas-liquid membrane contactor by winding spiral wire into the annulus of the concentric circular tube was conducted theoretically and experimentally. The amine solution flowing through the spiral wire channel within the annulus of a concentric circular tube, which a tight fitting spiral wire in a small annular spacing is inserted as the eddy promoter, could effectively enhance the carbon dioxide absorption efficiency. The modeling equations for predicting the carbon dioxide absorption were developed theoretically among various operating and design conditions. The correlated expression of Sherwood number was formulated incorporating with experimental data, and thus, the prediction of the mass transfer coefficient for the carbon dioxide absorption in the spiral wire channel was obtained. The absorption rate, average Sherwood number and concentration distributions were represented graphically with the absorbent flow rate, gas feed flow rate and inlet CO2 concentration as parameters, and the theoretical predictions of the absorption rate enhancement was calculated and validated by experimental results within acceptable accuracy. The effectiveness of inserting the spiral wire channel was evaluated in terms of the ratio of relative increase of the absorption rate to the relative increase of power consumption
關鍵字 Spiral wire channel;Carbon dioxide absorption;Concentric circular Membrane contactor;Sherwood number
語言 en_US
會議性質 國際
研討會時間 20180820~20180821
國別 USA

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/116346 )