
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
108 / 1 Prediction of Chronic Kidney Disease Stages by Renal Ultrasound Imaging 2020-03-09
108 / 1 Patient Oriented Readability Assessment for Heart Disease Healthcare Documents 2020-03-10
096 / 2 A Strategic Decomposition for Adaptive Image Transmission 2013-09-27
091 / 1 An Agent-Based Multi-Issue Negotiation System in E-Commerce 2010-06-16
090 / 2 A Distributed Mobile Agent Framework for Maintaining Persistent Distance Education 2014-06-26
090 / 1 An integrated framework for recommendation systems in e-commerce 2010-06-16
099 / 2 KNN-DTW Based Missing Value Imputation for Microarray Time Series Data 2017-06-14
099 / 1 Feature Selection via Correlation Coefficient Clustering 2015-01-08
099 / 2 Hybrid Feature Selection by Combining Filters and Wrappers 2013-10-07
099 / 1 RFID-Based Human Behavior Modeling and Anomaly Detection for Elderly Care 2015-06-15
096 / 1 A Collaborative Virtual World Application to the Hyper-Interaction Platform 2016-11-14
093 / 1 Enhancing SCORM metadata for assessment authoring in e-Learning 2017-01-10
098 / 2 Feature Selection for Identifying Protein Disordered Regions 2015-03-03
097 / 2 Gender Recognition from Human Faces by Using a Shared-Integral-Image Approach 2013-11-18
098 / 2 Mining Test Results to Personalise and Refine Web-Based Courses 2013-10-08
098 / 2 Motion Extrapolation via Human Motion Analysis 2013-11-18
096 / 1 Networked Information Integration for Protein Identification 2017-03-02
098 / 1 Trend of E-Learning: The Service Meshup 2015-03-03
096 / 1 Integrating SPC Table Formative Assessment with SCORM 2017-01-13
093 / 1 Merging Web Brower and Interactive Video – A HyperVideo System for e-Learning and e-Entertainment 2017-02-22
098 / 2 Service-Oriented Authoring System to Achieve Interoperability among E-Learning Environment 2015-05-12
097 / 1 An Intelligent Travel Book Management System 2013-11-18
098 / 1 Distance learning standards: technologies and challenges 2013-10-08
099 / 1 Smart Object Reminders with RFID and Mobile Technologies 2015-04-13
099 / 2 A mobile RFID-based tour system with instant microblogging 2014-12-04
099 / 1 Quality of Service Provisioning Scheme for Data Dissemination with Time Constraints in Ubiquitous Environments 2017-03-21
102 / 1 Prediction of Regulatory Gene Pairs Using Dynamic Time Warping and Gene Ontology 2014-01-14
101 / 2 Personal Health Management on a Smartphone Platform 2015-11-27
101 / 2 Protein-ligand binding region prediction (PLB-SAVE) based on geometric features and CUDA acceleration 2015-04-08
093 / 1 A Smart Courseware System for Distance Education 2014-03-21
090 / 1 A Cost-Effective Method for Early Fraud Detection in Online Auctions 2014-06-05
102 / 2 Identification of Simple Sequence Repeat Biomarkers through Cross-Species Comparison in a Tag Cloud Representation 2015-01-28
103 / 1 Output Effect Evaluation Based on Input Features in Neural Incremental Attribute Learning for Better Classification Performance 2015-11-27
084 / 2 Incremental backpropagation learning networks 2015-06-11
102 / 2 Detection of Misconceptions and Misleading Questions by Using Quantitative Diagnostic Assessment 2015-11-27
104 / 2 An IMS-QTI Compliant Online Multimedia Assessment Management System with SPC table to Analyze Learning Activities 2018-03-16
104 / 1 A Seamless Repository for Pervasive Teamwork 2017-09-19
105 / 2 Real-Time 3D Human Objects Rendering Based on Multiple Camera Details 2017-09-19
105 / 1 Indoor Localization and Navigation Using Smartphone Sensory Data 2024-04-10
105 / 1 Ellipsis and Coreference Resolution in a Computerized Virtual Patient Dialogue System 2024-04-11
101 / 1 Emotion Attention to Friends on Social Networking Services 2018-03-14
105 / 1 Ellipsis and Coreference Resolution in a Computerized Virtual Patient Dialogue System 2024-04-11
105 / 1 Indoor Localization and Navigation Using Smartphone Sensory Data 2024-04-10
107 / 2 Discovering Negative Comments by Sentiment Analysis on Web Forum 2020-03-09