
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
092 / 1 資訊融入專題式學習之教學初探 2010-06-16
093 / 1 專題導向學習融入國中新詩教學之應用 2010-06-16
094 / 1 電子繪本融入英語教學之行動研究 2010-06-16
091 / 2 國語文網路教材設計與發展:以「文字樂園」為例 2010-06-16
095 / 1 An investigation of Taiwanese early adolescents' self-evaluations concerning the Big 6 information problem-solving approach 2010-06-16
094 / 1 以資訊大六之觀點來檢驗國小高年級學童資訊素養之研究--以臺北市天母國小為例 2010-06-16
095 / 1 臺北縣(市)國小教師資訊科技融入教學知能現況調查研究 2010-06-16
091 / 2 網路教材介面設計之原則與實例探討--以「土石e點流」教學網站為例 2010-06-16
093 / 2 大學網路課程線上助教工作職責之探討 2010-06-16
094 / 1 師資培育班級經營線上課程之情境模擬式設計與考量 2010-06-16
091 / 2 大學同步遠距課程互動問題之探討:以淡江大學為例 2010-06-16
091 / 2 兩性教育議題網路教材之設計與發展:以「兒童性侵害防治網」為例 2010-06-16
093 / 2 情境模擬策略融入師資培育線上課程之設計與發展:以「班級經營」為例 2010-06-16
091 / 1 問題導向學習模式在國小環境議題教學之應用 2010-06-16
096 / 1 Development and validation of the computer technology literacy self-assessment scale for Taiwanese elementary school students #優質教育 2017-06-07
093 / 2 「資訊大六」融入國小高年級自然生活領域之教學設計與實施-以「挖子尾紅樹林」主題為例 #優質教育 2017-06-15
099 / 2 Developing and validating a Media Literacy Self-evaluation Scale (MLSS) for Elementary School Students #優質教育 2017-06-14
099 / 1 Exploring the Media Literacy of Taiwanese Elementary School Students 2015-03-10
097 / 1 公部門數位學習成效評鑑指標之探析─以公務人力發展中心為例 2013-12-25
099 / 2 行動學習科技在環境議題探究活動之設計與應用 2013-12-25
099 / 2 A Framework of PBL Strategy Integrated in LMS and a Ubiquitous Learning Environment 2015-01-22
099 / 2 The effect of academic discipline and gender difference on Taiwanese college students’ learning styles and strategies in web-based learning environments #優質教育 2015-03-17
100 / 1 Usability Evaluation for e-Learning Material for New Employee Training: design based research 2024-04-08
100 / 1 Integration of Project-Based Learning Strategy with Mobile Learning: Case Study of Mangrove Wetland Ecology Exploration Project #優質教育 2017-01-13
099 / 2 「問題導向」策略融入數位訓練教材發展之研究-以便利商店新進員工訓練為例 #優質教育 2017-06-14
099 / 1 The Factors that Influence E-Instructors’ Performance in Taiwan: A Perspective of New Human Performance Model #優質教育 2015-06-15
092 / 2 「專題導向式」學習融入國中語文現代詩創作教學之行動研究 #優質教育 2017-06-14
096 / 1 國小教師資訊融入教學專業知能建構之研究 #優質教育 2015-06-15
099 / 1 Student satisfaction and self-efficacy in a cooperative robotics course #優質教育 2015-03-10
100 / 1 Gender Differences in College Students’ Behaviors in an Online Question-answer Discussion Activity #優質教育 2015-11-11
101 / 1 Effects of Internet Self-efficacy on Motivating Process and Online Learning Performance among College Students 2015-11-11
102 / 1 University faculty's perspectives on the roles of e-instructors and their online instruction practice #優質教育 2015-11-11
100 / 1 Usability testing for e-learning material for new employee training: A design-based research approach #優質教育 2015-03-17
101 / 2 Xbox360 Kinect運用於國中智能障礙學生休閒教育課程成效之探討 2014-05-20
101 / 1 探討心評人員執行學習障礙鑑定工作之現況與困境 #優質教育 2015-11-11
100 / 1 國中自閉症學生專注行為訓練方案成效之探討 2014-05-20
101 / 1 學習障礙鑑定工作的現況調查-以新北市為例 #優質教育 2015-11-11
101 / 2 Usability assessment of e-café digital simulation game 2014-05-20
101 / 2 Game based history ubiquitous learning environment through cognitive apprenticeship #優質教育 2015-11-11
100 / 2 The Design and Usability Assessment of a Metacognitive Scaffolding System for Online Inquiry Learning. 2014-05-20
105 / 2 Development and Evaluation of the Operational Management Simulation Game E-cafe #優質教育 2017-08-17
108 / 1 虛擬實境融入合作學習策略提升 國一學生生物科學習成效與學習滿意度之研究 #優質教育 2020-03-18
108 / 1 運用IPAD呈現圖片提示介入智能障礙學生技能學習之個案研究 #優質教育 2020-03-18
107 / 1 臺灣推動公務人員數位學習研究文獻綜整與回顧 #優質教育 2020-03-18
105 / 1 國小教師使用數學電子教科書滿意度之探討──以新北市為例 #優質教育 2020-03-06
108 / 2 Influence of problem-based learning games on effective computer programming learning in higher education #優質教育 2023-06-30
110 / 1 後設認知策略對學習障礙學生數學解題成效及歷程表現之初探 2023-03-07
111 / 1 Exploring College Students' Deeper Learning Perceptions in the Blended Learning Environment: Scale Development, Validation, and Experimental Comparison 2023-07-03
111 / 1 Implementation of the flipped classroom approach for promoting college students' deeper learning 2023-07-03
111 / 2 Games Applied to Vocabulary Learning: A Bibliometric Analysis on Two Decades of Research 2024-07-02