
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
075 / 2 Classifying problem types by congnitive attributes 2015-11-26
085 / 2 台灣地區房屋仲介業對仲介人員人才培訓之研究 2014-05-21
093 / 2 A conceptual framework of determining training resources allocation-From the view point of competitive advantage 2015-11-26
079 / 2 一個討論"問題"的概念性架構-從問題解決的觀點 2015-11-12
084 / 2 服務業福利制度的問題與對策 2015-11-12
086 / 1 人力資源認知與離職傾向之研究 2015-11-12
076 / 1 問題解決程序的討論 2015-11-12
084 / 2 只有不爭氣, 沒有不景氣--信義房屋, 扭轉乾坤 2015-11-12
093 / 2 競爭優勢基礎下激勵性酬制度之應用---權變理論觀點 2015-11-26
091 / 2 以系統觀建立企業的知識管理 2015-11-26
090 / 2 高科技產業研發人員之生涯管理知覺對其自我效能的影響 2015-11-26
084 / 1 信義房屋公司 2015-11-26
086 / 2 傳統中國與現代企業的人員甄選方式之比較 2015-11-23
089 / 1 從人力競爭優勢考量設計之薪酬制度 2015-11-23
082 / 1 薪資公開或保密與勞資關係和諧之研究 2015-11-23
085 / 2 古今圖書集成中的用人原則與選人方法 2015-11-23
083 / 1 人力資源規劃與組織績效相關性之研究-以1992年台灣地區股票上巿之電子公司為例 2015-11-23
098 / 2 Systematic Linking of Organizational Strategy, HR Strategy and Training Strategy Across OLC 2011-10-04
098 / 1 建立高科技產業應用知識管理赴大陸投資之循環架構 2011-10-04
097 / 2 Construc a Model for Scheduling Problem of Make-to-Order Production 2011-10-04
097 / 2 Production Scheduling of Supply Chain System 2011-10-04
097 / 2 初探海外派遣人員外派適應之跨文化訓練策略 2011-10-04
097 / 1 What Is Competence?--A Viewpoint of An Organization’s Sustained Competitive Advantage 2011-10-05
096 / 2 組織文化、知識取得、組織學習與組織創新之關聯性研究 2014-05-21
096 / 2 Contemporary Research in Management And HRM of Taiwan And Hong Kong 2011-10-05
096 / 1 淡江大學師資聘任與學程規劃 2011-10-05
095 / 2 考量認知公平之績效評估策略架構 2011-10-05
094 / 2 績效評估策略與薪酬設計策略配適之權變架構研究 2011-10-05
094 / 2 The Fitness of Performance Appraisal Strategy And Compensation Strategy 2014-05-21
086 / 2 從心理契約探討人力資源實務認知與離職傾向之關係 2015-11-05
085 / 2 從職業球員簽約金與訓練成本看人力資源資本化問題 2015-11-23
087 / 2 The importance of presenting human capital in the financial statements of high technology companies 2010-06-16
085 / 2 在台國際合資企業人力資源管理問題之探討 2015-11-12
092 / 2 Human capital expenditure classification and its effect on financial statement analysis ratios 2015-11-26
100 / 1 The “Fuzzy Concept” of Core Competence-Comparing the Strategic Management and Human Resource Development Perspective 2012-03-06
100 / 2 Exploring the Relationship between Personal Brand and Elections 2012-05-18
101 / 1 從權變觀點探討外派人員訓練策略 2014-05-15
101 / 1 A Framework of Competence for Secondary School Teachers in Taiwan 2014-05-15
090 / 2 人力資本揭露方式的探討 2014-05-21
092 / 1 新竹科學園區知識移轉程度及其績效之研究 2014-05-21
092 / 2 競爭優勢基礎下績效評估之權變架構 2014-07-31
088 / 2 經濟價值附加(EVA)對會計價值處理的影響--以高科技公司人才資本中訓練費用投入為例 2014-07-31
088 / 2 不同產業環境下,台商高階管理者教育訓練成果之研究--以赴大陸投資之高科技產業為例 2014-07-31
096 / 2 考量不同職能基礎之薪酬給付策略 2014-09-26
089 / 2 非營利組織中員工組織承諾之研究 2014-01-21
089 / 2 The Essence of Human Capital:From the Aspect of Accounting Theory 2014-07-31
083 / 1 人力資源規劃與組織績效相關性之研究:以 1992年台灣地區股票上巿之電子公司為例 2014-02-12
102 / 1 Evaluating the Effect of Physician Personal Brand on Medical Resource Allocation in Taiwan 2014-04-15
102 / 1 Re-recognizing Competency, Competence, and Core Competence from Multilevel Perspective 2014-04-15
102 / 2 How Should a Manager Choose: A Case Study 2014-04-15
102 / 2 The effects of Second Generation National Health Insurance Supplementary Premium on Stock Prices Situations: A Contingent Perspective 2014-05-19
102 / 2 A Framework for Human Resource Strategies Applicable in Different International Situations: A Contingent Perspective 2014-05-19
102 / 2 Explore the Measure Scale of Business CEO Personal Brand 2014-05-19
103 / 2 How to create service innovation in customer-oriented organizations? 2016-09-21
104 / 2 The impact of university reputation, organization socialization and P-O Fit on student learning? 2016-09-21