
教師資料查詢 | 類別:會議論文

# 學年期 單位 教師 名稱
27631 86-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 Generalized fuzzy kohonen clustering networks
27632 82-2 電機系 謝景棠 教授 Speech segmentation and clustering problem based on fuzzy rules and transition states
27633 86-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 Applications of neural-fuzzy networks in automatic license-plate recognition
27634 94-2 電機系 謝景棠 教授 The Multi-purpose Watermarking for Color Halftone Image Based on Wavelet and Zernike Transform
27635 95-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 The Highly Lose Image Inpainting Method Based on Human Vision
27636 82-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 Use of neural networks as Chinese four tone recognition expert systems
27637 84-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 A segmetation method for contunuous speech utilizing neural network
27638 83-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 A neuro-fuzzy approach to extractiing rules for syllabic labelling of continuous speech
27639 88-2 電機系 謝景棠 教授 A fast and effective method for optical recognition of vehicle license plates
27640 84-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 Spectrum estimation by utilizing the threshold and saturation effects of the neural network
27641 89-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 Fuzzy kohonen clustering networks using the concept of symmetry
27642 91-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 People tracking based on wavelet transform and kalman filter
27643 83-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 A mandarin digits recognition system based on a novel class of hyperrectangular composite neural networks
27644 88-2 電機系 謝景棠 教授 Improved fuzzy C : Means algorithm
27645 89-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 A study of enhancing the robustness of watermark
27646 88-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 Digital image multiresolution watermark based on human visual system
27647 89-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 Wavelet transform bassed extraction for handwritten numerals recognition
27648 89-2 電機系 謝景棠 教授 People tracking algorithm using position correlation in discrete wavelet transform
27649 89-2 電機系 謝景棠 教授 Wavelet based moment invariants feature extraction for handwritten numerals recognition
27650 90-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 Wavelet features for speech recognition utilizing a hyper-rectangular fuzzy system
27651 91-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 Speech dection based on wavelet transform
27652 90-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 Application of hyper-rectangular fuzzy system for speech classification
27653 89-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 Embedded image compression using the important-oriented tree
27654 88-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 Speech recognition based on a hyper : Rectanguar fuzzy system
27655 91-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 Image Multi-Frequency watermarking based on human visual system
27656 80-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 An improved language model for Chinese phonetic signs transformation system
27657 83-1 電機系 謝景棠 教授 一個有效率的大型電力型電力網路演算法-網路視窗法
27658 88-1 電機系 張文清 副教授 Sampling guidelines of a novel prediction system for the indoor wireless LAN
27659 92-2 電機系 張文清 副教授 A cognition assessment authoring system for e-learning
27660 92-2 電機系 張文清 副教授 A cognition assessment authoring system for e-learning