
教師資料查詢 | 教師:鄒孟文

# 學年期 類別 標題
5 94-2 論文指導 國貿二碩專班 董瑞人
6 91-2 論文指導 國貿三碩專班 許淑絹
7 95-1 論文指導 國貿四碩專班 陳亭竹
8 96-1 論文指導 國貿四碩專班 王汝民
9 92-1 期刊論文 健康知識、教育程度與肥胖之關係
10 90-2 期刊論文 Worker turnover and job reallocation in Taiwanese manufacturing
11 90-1 期刊論文 Worker flows and job flows in Taiwan
12 94-1 期刊論文 Wage dispersion and employment turnover in Taiwan
13 87-1 會議論文 The impact of advanced technology adoption on wage structure : The evidence of Taiwan manufacturing industries
14 90-1 期刊論文 The Impact of Advanced Technology Adoption on Wage Structures: Evidence from Taiwan Manufacturing Firms
15 94-2 期刊論文 Obesity, Schooling and Health Knowledge: An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Women
16 94-1 期刊論文 Obesity, schooling and health knowledge : An empirical study of Taiwanese women
17 90-1 期刊論文 Happiness and Domain Satisfaction in Taiwan
18 95-1 期刊論文 Export Activity, Firm Size and Wage Structure: Evidence from Taiwanese Manufacturing Firms
19 88-1 期刊論文 Export activity and productivity: Evidence from the Taiwan electronics industry
20 88-1 期刊論文 Do small plants grow faster? Evidence from the Taiwan electronics industry
21 96-2 期刊論文 Differential cash constraints, financial leverage and the demand for money: Evidence from a complete panel of Taiwanese firms
22 92-1 期刊論文 Computer use and wages: evidence from Taiwan
23 96-2 期刊論文 Age-specific job flows and worker flows using a national dataset
24 95-1 研究報告 產業內貿易和勞動市場調整---台灣廠商和員工合併資料之研究
29 79-1 期刊論文 誰是彩券發行的贏家?--從美國各州彩券發行談起
25 93-1 期刊論文 Valuation of the risk of SARS in Taiwan
26 91-1 期刊論文 Wage Differentials in Taiwanese Manufacturing, 1982–1997
27 95-1 專書 Health information and subjective survival probability:evidence from Taiwan
28 95-2 期刊論文 Health Information and Subjective Survival Probability: Evidence from Taiwan
30 80-1 期刊論文 中、日、韓中小企業「信用保證制度」之比較
1 96-2 期刊論文 Exporting And Productivity Growth: Evidence From The Taiwan Electronics Plants
2 96-2 期刊論文 Academic Achievement of Twins and Singletons in Early Adulthood: Evidence from the Analysis of a 1980s Taiwanese Cohort
3 96-2 期刊論文 Academic achievement of twins and singletons in early adulthood: Taiwanese cohort study
4 92-2 論文指導 國貿三碩專班 鄒麗珍