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# 學年期 類別 標題
121 102-1 教學計畫表 化材三:化學工程實驗(一) TEDXB3E2551 0B
122 102-1 研發處: 研究計畫 (國科會) 應用集光型太陽熱電驅動史特靈引擎之薄膜蒸餾海水淡化技術研發-旋風電容脫離子儲能系統之研發(III)
123 102-1 教學計畫表 化材三:輸送現象與單元操作(二) TEDXB3E1100 0A
124 102-1 教學計畫表 化材二:質能均衡 TEDXB2E0803 0C
125 102-1 教學計畫表 化材二:質能均衡 TEDXB2E0803 0B
126 102-1 教學計畫表 化材二:質能均衡 TEDXB2E0803 0A
127 101-1 研究獎勵 Electrophoresis of an arbitrarily oriented toroid in an unbounded electrolyte solution
128 101-1 研究獎勵 Importance of the porous structure of a soft particle on its electrophoretic behavior
129 94-1 會議論文 3D Simulations of Hydrodynamic Drag Forces on Two Porous Spheres Moving along Their Centerline
130 94-1 會議論文 懸浮型高速膠凝澄清池流態之模擬
131 93-1 會議論文 自來水淨水場高速膠凝澄清池之模擬
132 92-2 會議論文 Treating High-Turbidity Water Using Full-Scale Floc Blanket Clarifiers
133 91-1 會議論文 Dynamics of Upflow Blanket Reactor
134 89-1 會議論文 Observation of Sludge Blanket Stability in Full Scale Plant
135 89-1 會議論文 Estimation of Floc Interior Permeability
136 89-1 會議論文 Effects of Organics on Stability of Sludge Blanket Clarifier
137 89-2 會議論文 Advection Flow through Sludge Flocs
138 89-1 會議論文 Multi-level Structure of Sludge Flocs and Implications to Sludge Dewaterability
139 88-1 會議論文 Hydrodynamic Drag on Non-Spherical Floc and Free-Settling Test
140 88-1 會議論文 Network Strength and Dewaterability of Flocculated Activated Sludge
141 88-1 會議論文 Discrepancy in Cake Characteristics Measurement: Compression-Permeability Cell
142 88-1 會議論文 Rheology of Flocculated Activated Sludge
143 88-1 會議論文 Estimate of Sludge Floc Permeability
144 88-1 會議論文 Compression-Permeability Cell Test of Highly Compactible Filter Cake: Effects of Cationic Polyeletrolyte Flocculation
145 87-1 會議論文 Estimate of floc permeability
146 88-1 會議論文 Hydrodynamic response of highly Porous Sphere
147 87-1 會議論文 eparating Oil from Dissolved-Air-Flotation (DAF)Oily Sludge by Freezing and Thawing
148 87-1 會議論文 Levels of Floc Structure
149 85-1 會議論文 An Estimate of Waste Activated Sludge Floc Permeability
150 85-2 會議論文 Saturated Methanol Boiling on a Pin Fin