
教師資料查詢 | 教師:鄭東文

# 學年期 類別 標題
399 90-1 會議論文 Filtration characteristics of the rejected-solute layer in dead-end ultrafiltration
400 87-2 會議論文 Modeling on the self-regulated releasing system in a hollow-fiber membrane module
401 94-1 會議論文 Separation of Amino Acid from a Mixture Solution by using Dead-End Stirred Nanofiltration
402 91-1 會議論文 Mass transfer coefficient of gas-liquid two-phase flow in small diameter tube
403 87-1 會議論文 Double-flow type multiple-effect solar distillers
404 89-1 會議論文 Flux behavior of ultrafiltration in an inclined tubular membrane module
405 88-2 會議論文 Flux enhancement in membrane ultrafiltration by Tilting Module
406 89-2 會議論文 Effectiveness of membrane mass exchanger for various flow arrangements
407 89-2 會議論文 Effect of flow arrangements on the performance of membrane mass-exchanger device
408 92-2 會議論文 Investigation on the optimal inclination angle in gas-sparging ultrafiltration
409 88-1 會議論文 Modeling on flux behavior of membrane ultrafiltration
410 89-2 會議論文 Recovery of sizing agent by gas sparging ultrafiltration
411 92-1 會議論文 A study on the critical flux of submerged filtration system
412 92-1 會議論文 A study on the critical flux of gas-liquid two-phase flow membrane ultrafiltration system
413 91-1 會議論文 Investigation on the flow pattern and permeate flux of gas-liquid two-phase ultrafiltration in tubular tembrane
414 92-1 會議論文 Estimation on the pore size of nanofiltration membrane
415 87-1 會議論文 Upward-type multiple-effect solar distillers
416 86-2 會議論文 Modelling on the mass transfer rate in parallel-flow membrane module with effects of dialysis and ultrafiltration
417 89-1 會議論文 恆壓超過濾濃度極化阻力之研究
418 89-1 會議論文 不同串聯型式中空纖維薄膜反應器之研究
419 93-1 會議論文 電解質溶液對奈米薄膜電荷密度之影響
420 93-1 會議論文 陶瓷薄膜兩相流動超過濾系統中蛋白質溶液濃縮與濾速之探討
391 99-1 教學計畫表 化材四:程序控制 TEDXB4E0597 0A
392 99-1 教學計畫表 化材四:專題研究 TEDXB4T0136 1B
393 99-1 論文指導 化材一碩士班 廖子霈
394 99-1 論文指導 化材一碩士班 葉國麟
395 94-1 會議論文 Separation of Amino Acid from Macromolecule by Cross-Flow Membrane Filtration
396 90-2 會議論文 Effects of membrane orientation on the cross-flow ultrafiltration
397 91-1 會議論文 A study on cross-flow ultrafiltration with various membrane orientations
398 91-1 會議論文 A study on gas-liquid two-phase ultrafiltration in inclined flat-plate membrane modules