
教師資料查詢 | 教師:聶建中

# 學年期 類別 標題
271 102-1 論文指導 財金七博士班 姜義展
272 99-1 專書單篇 The Asymmetric Contagion from the U.S. Stock Market Around the Subprime Crisis
273 102-1 期刊論文 Nonlinear Investigation for the Impact of Oil Price Volatility on the Fundamental Analysis
274 101-1 期刊論文 The Role of New Taiwan Dollar In the Late Stage of Twenty Century: Cointegration Test for the International Finance
275 101-1 期刊論文 Threshold effects in the capital asset pricing model using panel smooth transition regression (PSTR) Evidence from net oil export and import groups
276 101-1 期刊論文 Worldview, Risk Perception and Underwriting Performance: An Empirical Study of Property/Liability Insurance Industry
277 101-1 期刊論文 Analysis for the Reality of the CPI when Ignoring Some Financial Assets - Evidence from Taiwan
278 101-2 期刊論文 Does the Phillips Curve Disappear after the Millennium
279 101-2 期刊論文 Cointegration and causal relationships among steel prices of Mainland China, Taiwan, and USA in the presence of multiple structural changes
280 100-1 期刊論文 Dynamics of underwriting profits: Evidence from the U.S. insurance market
281 101-1 期刊論文 Does the Phillips Curve Dominant the Fluctuations of Inflation
282 101-1 期刊論文 The price impact of foreign institutional herding on large-size stocks in the Taiwan stock market
283 100-1 期刊論文 Reexamination of capital asset pricing model (CAPM): An application of quantile regression
284 102-1 論文指導 歐研碩歐盟二 張詠婷
285 101-2 教學計畫表 財金一博士班:財務理論研討 TLBXD1B0713 0A
286 101-2 教學計畫表 財金四:財金專業證照研討 TLBXB4B0989 0P
287 101-2 教學計畫表 財金一碩士班:國際財務管理 TLBXM1B0206A0A
288 90-1 期刊論文 Dynamic relationship between stock prices and exchange rates for G-7 countries
289 102-1 教學計畫表 共同商管碩專:兩岸經貿投資 TGLXJ0B1484 0A
290 102-1 教學計畫表 財金三:國際金融市場 TLBXB3B0205 0P
291 102-1 教學計畫表 共同科商管:證券投資分析與實務 TGLXB0B1156 0A
292 90-1 期刊論文 歐元十一國利率互動關係探討--德國與美國支配臆說之比較
293 94-2 期刊論文 Are stock market returns related to the weather effects? Empirical evidence from Taiwan
294 100-1 期刊論文 Who has more influence on Asian stock markets around the subprime mortgage crisis – the US or China?
295 101-1 研究獎勵 Who has more influence on Asian Stock Markets around the Subprime Mortgage Crisis-the U.S. or China?
296 101-1 研究獎勵 Dynamics of Underwriting Profits: Evidence from the U.S. Insurance Market
297 92-2 會議論文 Bounds Testing Approach to the Exchange Rate Overshooting in Taiwan
298 92-2 會議論文 無形資產, 分析師預測準確度及其樂觀偏誤之關聯
299 89-1 期刊論文 匯率不確定性與臺灣出口導向企業盈餘之動態關係研究
300 96-2 期刊論文 Long Run Credit Risk Diversification: Empirical Decomposition of Corporate Bond Spreads