
教師資料查詢 | 教師:陳樫旭

# 學年期 類別 標題
10 111-2 期刊論文 Input optics systems of the KAGRA detector during O3GK
11 111-2 期刊論文 Noise subtraction from KAGRA O3GK data using Independent Component Analysis
12 111-2 期刊論文 Search for subsolar-mass black hole binaries in the second part of Advanced LIGO’s and Advanced Virgo’s third observing run
13 112-1 期刊論文 Overview of KAGRA : Data transfer and management
14 113-1 教學計畫表 自然科學學門:科學之旅 TNUUB0T2166 0B
15 109-1 期刊論文 Prospects for observing and localizing gravitational-wave transients with Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA
16 109-2 期刊論文 Search for anisotropic gravitational-wave backgrounds using data from Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo’s first three observing runs (由LIGO和Virog前三次運行期間之數據來搜尋宇宙不均勻的重力波背景)
17 109-2 期刊論文 Diving below the Spin-down Limit: Constraints on Gravitational Waves from the Energetic Young Pulsar PSR J0537-6910 (下潛至自旋向下的極限:利用重力波來限制年輕脈衝星J0537-6910)
18 109-2 期刊論文 Constraints on Cosmic Strings Using Data from the Third Advanced LIGO–Virgo Observing Run (第三次觀測期間LIGO-Virgo數據給予宇宙弦的限制)
19 109-2 期刊論文 Upper limits on the isotropic gravitational-wave background from Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo’s third observing run (由LIGO與Virog第三次階段量測數據來給予宇宙均勻重力波背景輻射的上限)
20 109-1 期刊論文 Prospects for observing and localizing gravitational-wave transients with Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA
21 109-1 期刊論文 Overview of KAGRA: KAGRA science (KAGRA概述:KAGRA科學)
22 109-2 期刊論文 Overview of KAGRA: Calibration, detector characterization, physical environmental monitors, and the geophysics interferometer (KAGRA概述:校準、探測器特性、物理環境監控及地球物理學干涉儀)
23 112-2 非教學研習 113學年度大一導師輔導知能及大學學習課程研習(2024-06-24 13:00:00 ~ 15:30:00)
24 110-1 期刊論文 All-sky search for long-duration gravitational-wave bursts in the third Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo run
25 112-2 教學研習 【Tamkang Clement and Carrie Chair】Materials for sustainable energy generation and use from first principles.(2024-06-12 14:00:00 ~ 16:00:00)
26 110-1 期刊論文 Constraints from LIGO O3 Data on Gravitational-wave Emission Due to R-modes in the Glitching Pulsar PSR J0537-6910 (利用LIGO O3重力波數據及比較脈衝星J0537-6910的R模訊號來限制其重力波輻射)
27 112-1 非教學研習 112學年度第1學期教職員工體適能促進班(週一班)(2023-09-18 08:00:00 ~ 2023-12-18 17:00:00)
28 112-2 教學計畫表 物理系應物四:粒子物理與宇宙學導論 TSPBB4S1045 0A
29 112-2 教學計畫表 物理系光電三:量子物理 TSPCB3S0312 2A
30 112-2 教學計畫表 物理系應物一:普通物理 TSPBB1S0290 2A
1 113-1 教學研習 先進量子計算中心主題演講系列Ⅱ–超導量子電腦的設計與建構(113學年度淡江大學教師專業成長社群)(2024-12-26 12:00:00 ~ 14:00:00)
2 113-2 教學計畫表 物理系四:粒子物理與宇宙學導論 TSPXB4S1045A0A
3 113-2 教學計畫表 物理系三:量子物理 TSPXB3S0312B2A
4 113-2 教學計畫表 物理系一:普通物理 TSPXB1S0290 2A
5 113-1 教學研習 理學院物理學系大師演講「Exploring novel materials for next generation energy storage and conversion.」(2024-12-24 14:00:00 ~ 16:00:00)
6 113-1 教學計畫表 物理系四:近代物理實驗 TSPXB4S0164A1B
7 113-1 教學計畫表 物理系三:量子物理 TSPXB3S0312B1A
8 113-1 教學計畫表 物理系一:普通物理 TSPXB1S0290 1A
9 112-1 期刊論文 Dark stars and gravitational waves: Topical review