日治時期台灣建築教育發展之研究 | |
學年 | 93 |
學期 | 2 |
出版(發表)日期 | 2005-07-01 |
作品名稱 | 日治時期台灣建築教育發展之研究 |
作品名稱(其他語言) | Study on Architectural Education Development in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period |
著者 | 袁明道 |
單位 | |
出版者 | |
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 | |
摘要 | 建築教育是當前建築學習主流方式,但是早在日治時期台灣便已開始這樣的教育傳承。但是在今日建築界熱烈追尋日治時期各種空間軌跡的同時,建築教育在建築學界似乎被冷落許多。戰後的台灣由於承繼了歐美學院派建築教育風格,在早期學校政策隨政令風向搖擺的年代,戰前由日本人所建立的建築教育更是難以延續,加上國府來台後各項教育改革,使得日式建築教育僅存在於各校歷史,甚至不見公眾討論。 本文透過現有史料的蒐集、整合,加上廣泛地對於當年曾經有過建築教育經驗者的訪談過程,瞭解當時建築教育的內容及規模。完全迥異於現在台灣高等建築教育以設計為主的實行目的,日治時期台灣地區建築教育以符合島內產業需求為出發點設置,經過長達三十餘年的發展才略見設計教育的雛形,直到台南高等工業學校設置建築學科前,嚴格說來台灣的建築教育仍以實業教育目的為依歸。 本文藉由簡略地對戰前日本內地對於建築教育發展的規模引題,透過島內各校建築科發展的歷史,不同學制的建築教育架構全文。另外對於教育內容及相關書籍、設備的探討,試圖還原當時建築教育的實貌。對於現在幾乎完全消失在時間洪流中的這段歷史,本文也試圖透過師生的組成及活動將其原貌完整呈現,同時也將時代潮流下建築教育所被賦予的使命一一解析,對於戰前所實行建築教育在當時甚至於戰後台灣所產生的影響一併討論。 Architectural education is the mainly style in the architectural learning currently, however, Taiwan had begun to use this way to convey education during Japanese Colonial Period. Although the architecture today find the various space tract of Japanese Colonial Period crazily, at the same time, the architectural education is not emphasized a lot by the architecture. Because Taiwan succeeded the architectural education styles of European colleges after World WarⅡ, and the early school policies was not steadily; moreover, the government of the Republic of the China came to Taiwan and practiced various kinds of education revolutions, the architectural education established by Japanese was hard to continue; the Japanese architectural styles only existed in every school history, or was also to hear about the public discussion. This content is through the existent historical collection and integration, adding the process during my interview with an expert who had has the architectural education qualification greatly, therefore I can understand the content and pattern of architectural education at those times. Now the architectural education is completely different from the main purpose, which is for designing the current Taiwanese high-advanced architectural education; the architectural education in Taiwan during Japanese Colonial Period was established for fitting for industrial demands, and it has been lasted for over 30 years to develop for the miniature form of design and education. It is strictly to say that the purpose of the Taiwanese architectural education is based on industrial education before setting up the department of architecture of the high-advanced industrial school of Tainan. I utilize this article to be a topic, which is about the patterns of architectural education development in Taiwan during Japanese Period before the war, and I also construct the whole content by searching the histories of architectural development of every school in Taiwan and different school institutions within the architectural education. Besides I attempt to trace back to the original form of the architectural education according to the educational content, the exploration of relative books and equipment. Based on the history almost disappeared during the past times, I also try to show out the original form by the groups and activities between the teachers and students in this study; at the same time, I interpret the architectural education of in this current trend in detail and discuss the practice of the architectural education and effects not only before the war but also after in Taiwan. |
關鍵字 | 建築教育;講習所;工業學校;專門工業;高等工業;實業;專修學校;建築科;architecture;architectural education;professional industry;high-advanced industry;industrial schools;professional school;industry |
語言 | zh_TW |
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相關連結 |
機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/110405 ) |